5th decl. - feminine - res, rei, thing.
- res....res
- rei.....rerum
- rei.....rebus
- rem...res
- re....rebus
5th decl masc. dies, diei
- dies...dies
- diei,,,,dierum
- diei,,,,diebus
- dien...dies
- die ....diebus
iron, sword
ferrum, ferri, n
faith, trust, trustworthiness
fides, fidei, f.
measure, bound, limit, maner, method, mode, way
modus, modi, m
matter, property, business
res, rei, f
level, even, calm (orig relating to sea); equal, just, favorable
aequus, aequa, aequum
fortunate, lucky, happy
felix, felix, felix 3rd decl in 1
uncertain, unsure, doubtful
incertus, incerta, incertum
Latinus, Latina, Latinum
middle, middle of (when used partitively)
medius,media, medium
formerly, once
quondam, adv
on the other side of, beyond
ultra, plus accusative
immediately, adv.
protinus, adv
to distinguish, discern, perceive
cerno, cernere, crevi, cretum (3)
to snatch away, take away, rescue
eripio, eripere, eripui, eriptum (3)
he says, said
- inquit, placed after a direct quotation, usually translated before the quotation,
- 'age, age!' inquit
- he said, come on! come on!
to raise, lift up, take away, remove, destroy
tollo, tollere, sustuli, sublatum, (3)