one of the stellar patterns identified by name, usually of mythological gods, people, animals, or objects. Also, the region of the smy contatining that star pattern
a named grouping of stars that is not one of the recognized constellations.
EX: The Big Dipper and the Pleiades
magnitude scale
the astonomical brightness scale. The larger the number, the fainter the star.
*if the star is a negative denomination then it is considered a brighter star
apparent visual magnitude
the brightness of a star are seen by the human eyes on earth
the slow change in the direction of earth's axsis of rotation. One cycle takes nearly 26,000 years
celestial sphere
an imaginary sphere of very large radius surrounding earth and to which the planets; stars, sun, and moon seem to be attached.
the circular boundary between the sky and earth
the point on the celestial sphere directly above the observer
the point on the celestial sphere directly below the observer
angular diameter
the angle formed by lines extending from the observer to opposite sides of an object; for example, the angular diameter of the sun, moon, or Andromeda Galaxy
circumpolar constellation
a constellation so close to one of the celestial poles that it never sets or never rises as seen from a particular latitude
north celestial pole
the point on the celestrial sphere directly above Earth's north pole
south celestial pole
the point on the celestrial sphere directy above the Earth's south pole
celestial equator
the imaginary line around the sky directly above Earth's equator. The line divides the sky into two hemispheres