Social Studies Questions

  1. How did the Industrial Revolution change the way work was performed?
    machines too place of tools
  2. What were the inventions that enhanced the Industrial Revolution?
    water frame, steam engine, interchangeable parts, and spinning jenny
  3. How did the factory system work?
    brought workers and machines together
  4. The Industrial Revolution began in what industry?
    Textile Industry
  5. Why were many textile mills located on rivers?
    bc the spinning machine was ran by running water, to get the water from the river
  6. Why is Samuel Slater important to the Industrial Revolution in the U.S?
    built the first water-frame-style spinning machine in the US
  7. How did the War of 1812 help U.S. manufacturers?
    industries grew significy bc the US depended on themselves
  8. How was the Lowell factory system different from the European factory system?
    combined spinning and weaving machines itno one factory which made it more productive
  9. What were some advantages of interchangeable parts?
    • -manufacturing became more efficient
    • -price of many goods dropped
  10. What problems did workers in factories face?
    poor lighting, bad ventalation, dangerous machines, and long work
  11. Who generally worked in factories?
    young children and women
  12. List two inventors and their invention during the Industrial Revolution.
    • -steamboat- made river travel faster and cheaper
    • -telegraph- communication more faster
  13. What was the cause of mass urbanization?
    factories were built in the cities
  14. What are some examples of discrimmination that African Americans faced during the Industrial Revolution?
    • -couldnt vote
    • -couldnt work in factories or in skill trades
  15. What invention did Eli Whitney invent and how did it make growing cotton more profitable?
    -cotton gin- sped up the proccess of making cotton
  16. How were northern textile mills and southern cotton plantations linked?
    northern textile mills used the cotton southern textiles grew
  17. Why did cotton production and the number of slaves in the US both increase at the sam time?
    because they grew more cotton so they needed more workers
  18. Who were the two groups of immigrants that were immigrating to America and why were they?
    • -Ireland- escape famine
    • -Germany- escape failed revoutions
  19. What was an arugment for and against slave labor?
    • For- it was more humane bc slaves didnt have to worry about employment
    • Against- couldnt leave their job; were beaten and whipped
  20. How widespread was slave ownership?
    not even half of the south had owned slaves
  21. List three rights that were taken away from free african americans.
    • 1. couldnt vote
    • 2. couldnt serve on juries
    • 3. couldnt attend public schools
  22. List two hardships african americans faced on plantations.
    • 1. received harsh punishment
    • 2. families were split up
  23. List three types of work enslaved african americans faced on plantations.
    • 1. farm labor
    • 2. house keeping
    • 3. skill workers
  24. How did african americans preserve their culture?
    music, dancing, and composed spirituals
  25. List three ways african americans resisted slavery.
    • 1. worked slowly
    • 2. fled north to freedom
    • 3. broke farm equipment
  26. Where was the western frontier in the early 1800's?
    Louisana Territory; west of Applachain Mountains
  27. What was the difference between a turnpike and other roads on which americans traveled west?
    you had to pay to travel on the turnpike, the rest were free
  28. How did the Erie Canal benefit New York City?
    helped make it the richest city in the nation
  29. How did the building of Erie Canal help farmers in the interior of the country?
    goods could be shipped quickly and cheaper to the markets
  30. How did improved transportation lead to economic growth?
    cheaper and faster way to ship your products to far away markets
  31. Who persuaded congress to pass the Missouri Compromise?
    Henry Clay
  32. What were the provisions of the Missouri Compromise?
    • 1. main was admitted as a free state
    • 2. missouri was admitted as a slave state
    • 3. louisana territory north of missouris southern border was free of slavery
    • 4. slave owners cold pursue slaves into free regions
  33. Why would the issues addressed by the Missouri Compromise continue to tear the nation apart?
    each new state would raise the issue of maintaining the balance of power in congress
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Social Studies Questions