people who believe that people of a single nationality should unite under a single government
Goal of Nationalists
Create a Nation-State
Bonds that create a nation state
- nationality
- religion
- language
- culture
- history
- territory
Main Idea
In the Late 1800s, Otto von Bismarck transformed Germany from a loose confederation of separate states in to a powerful nation
The German Confederation
- Formed in 1815 at the Congress of Vienna, replacing the Holy Roman Empire
- Loose confederation/political association of 39 states
- Two largest states dominating the confederation
- Prussia
- Austro-Hungarian Empire/ Austrian Empire
Austrian Prussian Rivalry
- Multinational Empire
- Major power in Europe
- Dealing with issues in Italy (Venetia and Lombardy)
- Wars with France, Italy, and Prussia
- Primarily German Population
- Powerful Army
- Authoritarian Government-- strong king
The German Revolution of 1848
- Liberal rioters in Berlin
- Results in the Frankfurt Parliament
- Desire for a unified Germany grows
- Austria opposes centralized government in Germany
- Prussian King was offered the crown of a unified German Empire
- Democratic reforms do not extend to Prussia, however
What was the Basis for German Nationalism
- Germany language
- 1834: the Zollverein was created
- Cultural unity
Setting th eStage for German Unification
- Revolution of 1848
- Liberal revolution
- Desire for German Unification grows
- Promise of Reforms in Prussia
- Promise of liberal reforms in government
- Creation of the Zollverein
- Created economic alliance between all German states
- Bismarck was Prime Minister of Prussia 1862-1890
- Became chancellor of Northern German Confederation in 1867
- "The Iron Chancellor"
- "The less people know about how laws and sausages are made the better they'll sleep at night"
Bismarck's Philosophy
- Not liberal like revolutionaries; conservative, supported king of Prussia
- Believed Prussia destined to lead German people to unification
- Praciticed Realpolitik
- Using "bloo and iron" to gain German unification
- builds up Prussian army
Steps to German Unification
- Bismarck becomes Prime Minister and begins and administering a policy based on Real politik
- Danish War
- Austro Prussian War
- Creation of the Northern German confederation
- Ems Displatch, catalyst for war
- Franco Prussian War