Chapter 2 Managing your time - University Studies

  1. What does Time Management involve?
    • 1) Knowing your goals
    • 2) Taking control of your time
    • 3) Setting priorities to meet your goals
    • 4) Making a commitment to punctuality
    • 5) Anticipating the unexpected
    • 6) Carrying out your plans
  2. Fundamentally, define what time management reflects?
    How you manage time reflects what you value—what is most important to you and what consequences you are willing toaccept when you make certain choices.
  3. What is the first step to effective time management?
    Recognizing that you can be in control.We have control over how we use our time. We havecontrol over many of the commitments we choose to make. And we also havecontrol over many small decisions that affect our time-management success,such as what time we get up in the morning, how much sleep we get, what weeat, how much time we spend studying, and whether we get exercise. All ofthese small decisions have a big impact on our success in college and in life.Being in control means that you make your own decisions. Two of themost often cited differences between high school and college are increasedautonomy, or independence, and greater responsibility.
  4. What is autonomy?
    Independance and greater responsibility.
  5. What are some strategies for beating procrastination?
    • 1) Remind yourself of the possible consequences if you do not get down to work, then get started.
    • 2) Create a to-do list. Check off things as you get them done. Use the list to focus on the things that aren’t getting done. Move them to the top of the next day’s list, and make up your mind to do them. Working from a list will give you a feeling of accomplishment.
    • 3) Break big jobs into smaller steps. Tackle short, easy-to-accomplish tasks first.
    • 4) Promise yourself a reward for finishing the task, such as watching your favorite TV show or going out with friends. For more substantial tasks, give yourself bigger and better rewards.
    • 5) Find a place to study that’s comfortable and doesn’t allow for distractions and interruptions. Say “no” to friends and family members who want yourattention; agree to spend time with them later.
    • 6) Don’t talk on the phone, send e-mail or text messages, or surf the web during planned study sessions. If you study in your room, close your door.
  6. Researchers at Carleton University in Canada have found that college students who procrastinate in their studies also avoid confronting other tasks and problems and are more likely to develop unhealthy habits, what are examples of these?
    Alcohol consumption, smoking, insomnia, a poor diet, or lack of exercise.
  7. What is a term perview?
    Begin by entering all of your commitments for each week: classes, assignment duedates, work hours, family commitments, and so on.
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Chapter 2 Managing your time - University Studies
University Studies - Week 5 Chapter 2 Managing your time