mood disorder involving persistently depressed mood, with low self-esteem, withdrawal, pessimism, or despair present for at least 2 years, with no absense of symptoms for more than 2 months
dysthymic disorder
severe mood disorder typified by major depressive episodes superimposed over a background of dysthymic disorder
double depression
motor movement disturbanec seen in people with some psychoses and mood disorders in which body postures can be sculpted to remain fixed for long periods
extreme reaction to the death of a loved one that involves psychotic feathers, suicidal ideation, or severe loss of weight or energy or taht persists of more than 2 months
pathological or impacted grief reaciton
aternation of major depressive episodes with hyomanic episodes
bipolar II disorder
alternation of major depressive episodes with full manic episodes
bipolar I disorder
chronic mood disorder characterized by alternating mood elevation and depression levels that are not as sever as manic or major depressive episodes
cyclothymic disorder
hormone that affects the brain and is increasingly the focus of stduy in psychopathology
Martin Seligmans theory that people become anxious and depressed when they make an attribution that they have no control over the stress in their lives
learned helplessness theory of depression
thinking errors by depressed people negatively focused in three areas: themselves, their immediate world, and their future
depressive cognitive triad
medication used in the treatment of mood disorders, particularly bipolar disorder, that is effective in preventing and treating pathological shifts in mood
mood-stabilizing drug
biological treatment for severe chronic depressioon inovlving the application of electrical impulses throught the brain to produce seizures
electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
treatment approach that involves identifiying and altering negative thinking styles related to pschological disorders such as depression and anxiety and replacing them with more positive beliefs and attidues
cognitive therapy
brief treatment approach that emphasizes resolution of interpersonal problems and stressors, such as role disputes in marital conflict, forming relationships in marriage, or a new job
interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT)
combination of continued psychosocial treatment, medication, or both designed to prevent relapse following therapy
maintenance treatment
serious thoughts about committing suicde
suicidal ideation
the formulation of a specific method of killing oneself
suicidal plans
effort made to kill oneself
suicidal attempls
postmortem psychological profile of a suicide victim constructed from interview with people who knew the person before death
psycholigcal autopsy
consuming a thhird or more of daily food inake after the evening meal and getting out of bed at least once during the night to have a high calorie snack
night eating syndrome
the surgical approach to extreme obesity, usually accomplished by stapling the stomach to create a small stomach pouch or bypassing the stomach through gastric bypass surgery
bariatric surgery
problem in getting to sleep or in obtaining sleep of sufficient quality
abnormal behavior such as a nightmare or sleepwalking that occurs during sleep
assessment of sleep disorders in which a client sleeping in the lab is monitored for heart, muscle, respiration, brain wave, and other functions
polysomnographic evaluation (PSG)
small electronic device that is worn on the wrist like a watch and records body mvements
short, second long periods of sleep that occur when someone is deprived of sleep
person with insomnia, the worsening sleep problems taht can occur when medications are used to treat insomnia and the withdrawn.
rebound insomnia
abnormally excessive sleep
disorder involving brief periods when breathing ceases during sleep
sleep apnea
sleep disorder involving sudden and irresistible sleep attacks
individuals expressng behavior and attitudes consistently characteristic of the opposite sex
gender nonconformity
sexual disorder or deviation in which sexual arrousal occurs almost exclusively in the context of inappropriate objects or individuals
paraphilia in which the person gains esexual gratificaion by rubbing against unwilling victims in crowds from which they cannot escape
cognitive-behavioral intervention to reduce unwanted behaviors by having clients imagine the extremely aversive consequences of thee behaviors and establish negative rather than positive assocations with them
covert sensitization
disorder of movement involving immobility or excited agitation
silly and immature emotionality, characteristic of some types of schizophrenia