Chapter 10

  1. Law requiring transfer tax for those who sold marijuana
    Marijuana Tax Act
  2. Federal law that requires the phamaceutical industry to maintain physical security and strict record keeping for scheduled drugs
    Controlled Substance Act
  3. first law to control the prescription, sale, and possesion of narcotic drugs
    Harrison Narcotic Act
  4. Organization that regulates the manufacturing and dispensing of dangerous and potentially abused drugs
    Drug Enforcement Administration
  5. Law that prohibited the manufanturer, transportation, and sale of beverages containing more than 0.5% alcohol
    Volstead Act
  6. Agency that determines the safety of drugs before it permits them to be marketed
    Food and Drug Administration
  7. First law that required the labeling of drugs with directions for safe use
    Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act
  8. Where must the physician register for a narcotic license and when must the license be renewed
    Must register w/ the DEA. June 30 of each year
  9. On which schedule(s) may prescriptions be written by the health care worker?
    Schedule IV
  10. On which schedule(s) will the medical assistant most likely be handling triplicate forms for the doctor?
    Schedule II
  11. On which schedule(s) do drugs have the most potential for abuse?
    Schedule I and II
  12. Name the 3 types of drug names
    • Chemical name
    • Brand name
    • Generic name
  13. A drug name that indicates the chemical content
    Chemical name
  14. Define Brand name
    Trademark indicating ownership
  15. Define generic name
    Established, non- proprietary, official name
  16. Define generic drug
    Isolated substance, irrespective of it's manufacturer
  17. In the Physicians Desk Reference (PDR), which section is used most frequently by the medical assistant?
    Diagnostic Product Information
  18. Name and define the four components of a prescription
    • a. Superscription- Recipe Rx
    • b. Inscription-name of medication, quantity, dosage and strength
    • c. Subscription- Directions to the pharmacist
    • d. Signature or transcription- signature of the physician, # of refills, state the prescription regulations
  19. Medication administered into a joint
    inta- articular
  20. Medication administered through the ear
  21. Medication absorbed through the skin using a patch
  22. Medication placed between the cheek and gum
  23. Medication administered to the eye
  24. Medication placed under the tounge
  25. Medication administered through the trachea
  26. p.c.
    after meal
  27. gtt.
  28. o.m.
    every morning
  29. q.2h.
    every 2 hours
  30. IM
  31. p.r.n. or PRN
    when necessary
  32. Name several ways the MA can instruct the patient about drug dosages to be sure the patient understand the directions
    • Instruct the patients
    • Learn drug categories
    • Medication schedule card
    • Drug dispensing containers
    • Medication log
  33. Name 3 important items to when instructions are given to patients taking antiobiotics
    • name the antiobiotics
    • dosage
    • directions for the patients
  34. Drug that causes general or local loss of sensation to pain and touch
  35. Drug that decreases congestion
  36. drug that exerts a tranquilizing effect
  37. Drug that increases exretion of urine
  38. Drug that relieves pain and produces sleep
  39. Drug that causes blood to clot
  40. Drug that relieves vomiting
  41. Drug that increases activity in the body or any of its organs
  42. Drug to check bleeding
  43. Drug used to relieve cough
  44. Name the 2 ways a medical assistant can track a patient's drug use habits
    • Good documentation in the medical record
    • Use of drug flow sheet(medication log)
  45. Name 5 ways to protect prescription pads from being misused
    • Storing unused prescription pads in a safe place
    • Minimize the # of pad in use at one time
    • Not leaving prescription pad in attended areas
    • Not permitting prescription blanks to be used as memo pads
    • Signing prescription blank in advance
  46. Name some common side effects associated with medications
    • dizziness
    • drowsiness
    • nausea
    • vomiting
    • rash
    • respiratory trouble
    • sleeplessness
    • headache
    • blurred vission
    • hemorrhaging
    • constipation
    • weight loss
  47. If the patient does not have any known allergies, what is the abbreviation listed the "alert tag" on the front of the patient's chart?
    NKA no known allergies
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Chapter 10