is a specialized body tissue which allows movement to take place
Skeletal muscle tissue is made of
muscle cells
Muscle main function
to provide movement
Most important characteristic of muscle
is its ability to contract
it is able to shorten and thicken muscle
"return to its resting state, original shape after contraction or extension"
stretch beyond its relaxed resting state - become thinner and longer
ability to contract in response to a stimulus
"Weight of the child acts as a resistance force, the weight of the second child acts as a force to overcome the resistance of the first"
For movement to occur we need
"a lever, a fulcrum and 2 forces - the resistance and the effort"
Bones act as levers and joints function as
Contraction of the muscles provider
the effort
Ends by attaching to
the radius
short and thicken- capable only of pulling not pushing
Bulk of the muscle is near
the upper attachment to bone
Attachment of the muscle to the scapula and humerus stationary bone called
the origin
Bone that moves called
the insertion
fleshy bulk of muscle between the 2 attachment points
"attachment of muscle of muscle to bone, strong fibrous cord"
Muscle allow movement to take place
by contraction and relaxation
If we want to straighten the arm
need the biceps to relax
Every action has a muscle to carry out
its opposite action
Muscles act
in relationship to one another
One muscle contracts to
prime mover or agonist
the other muscle relaxes
In bending the elbow
the biceps is the agonist and the triceps is the antagonist
In straightening the elbow
the triceps is the agonist and the biceps is the antagonist
Skeletal muscle is mainly
voluntary muscle
voluntary muscle
it is under our will
Skeletal muscle
"Striped or striated so also also called striated muscle, Voluntary"
Muscle cells are
"cylindrical in shape, Striated, Vary in length, Also called muscle fibers"
Each fiber has several nuclei situated beneath
the cell membrane or sarcolemma
Each muscle fiber or cell also has a connective tissue layer called
the endomycium
the muscle fibers run
parallel to each other
Muscle fibers form
a bundle or fascicles
a bundle or fascicles
is surrounded by another connective tissue layer - perimycium
bundles of fascicles form the whole muscle
surrounded by a connective tissue sheath - epimycium
Muscle is composed of
"75 0/0 protein, 20 0/0 water, 5 0/0 mineral salts, glycogen, glucose and fat"
Individual muscle fibers
"All or none law, Cannot partially contract"
Aerobic respiration
"Energy provided by the breakdown of carbohydrate and fat, Oxygen required"
Anaerobic respiration
Inadequate oxygen
Lactic acid
Results in the accumulation of intermediate metabolic products
Muscle tone - When movement does not occur the muscles are in a state of
partial contraction
Muscle tone
is essential to maintain posture
Excess muscle tone
Poor muscle tone
Carrying internal electrical stimuli
electrical current
Both hot and cold
In the body the main stimulus provided by
the nervous system
Point where the nerve and the muscle meet
Minute gap
The contact at the synapse between muscle and nerve is across
"The nerve causes certain chemical substances to cross the gap,"
"carrying the electrical stimulus to the muscle, which then contracts"
Electrical impulses
"Effective if placed over a specific point of the muscle, Motor point, When applying faradic pads to specific muscles"
Muscles relax
when exposed to moderate heat.
Excessive heat will
stimulate muscle contraction as part of the reflex action to move away from harm
Cold contract
causing shivering maintaining body temperature
Erector pili muscles
Attached to hairs to contract trapping heat on the skin
Tapping a muscle may
cause it to contract
Isometric contraction
Do not result in body movement but use energy
Isotonic contraction
This type of contraction produces movement
Voluntary or involuntary contraction in all internal organs
Heat production
"Shivering, erector pili muscles, physical exercise"
Abdominal cavity
Transfersus abdominis ( across the midline)
Internal oblique ( cross)
Trapezoid (4 unequal sides)
Temporal is lies over
temporal bone
Tibialis anterior is in front of
has origin at sternum and clavicle and insertion at mastoid process of temporal bone