ch 28

  1. A Latin American social ethic that honors male strength, aggressiveness, assertiveness, and cunning
  2. Vaqueros (cowboys) of the Argentine pampas
  3. Leader of the Northwest Rebellion; captured and hanged by the Canadian government (1885)
    Louis Riel
  4. A violent, unsuccessful attempt on the part of metis and indigenous peoples to stop the progress of the Canadian Pacific Railroad through Saskatchewan (1885)
    Northwest Rebellion
  5. Canadian term for anyone of mixed European and Amerindian ancestry
  6. Congress prohibited anyone from China (1882) and Japan (1908) from entering the U.S. and applying for citizenship
    Anti-Immigration Legislation
  7. Feminists issue a manifesto declaring the equality of men and women and stating the need for equal economic and political rights (1848 – same year as the Communist Manifesto)
    Seneca Falls Convention
  8. Part of the national effort to assimilate Amerindian children by eliminating their cultures and inculcating Christian and U.S. values
    Carlisle Indian School
  9. Canadian program of economic development that led to increased immigration and rapid industrialization (1878)
    National Policy
  10. Division of North America into four time zones to facilitate train schedules (1883); adopted by U.S. government in 1918
    Railroad Time
  11. Peasant and middle-class uprising against Diaz regime (1911 – 1920), led by Emiliano Zapata and Pancho Villa; suppressed by the government; 2 M killed
    Mexican Revolution
  12. Mexican caudillo and president (1876 – 1880, 1884 – 1911); his dictatorial policies favoring the land-owning elites ignited the Mexican revolution
    Porfirio diaz
  13. Mexican president (1858 – 1872) who promoted the liberal reforms (freedom of speech, universal male suffrage, reduction of Catholic church privileges) of the Constitution of 1857; first indigenous leader of a modern country in the western hemisphere
    Benito Juarez
  14. Mexican caudillo whose policies resulted in the secession of Texas (1836) and under whom Mexico lost half its territory to the U.S. (1848)
    Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna
  15. Caused by the U.S. annexation of Texas (1845); hostilities lasted from 1846 to 1848, ending in U.S. victory and “purchase” of NM, AZ, and CA for $15 M
    Mexican – American War
  16. To seize and hold power by force and without legal right
  17. A tyrant; any leader who rules oppressively
  18. Regional military leaders who rose to power in 19th century Latin America
  19. Financed largely by British capital, it linked Montreal, Quebec, to Vancouver, British Columbia, in 1885
    Canadian Pacific Railway
  20. First prime minister of Canada; added NW Territories, Manitoba, British Columbia, and Prince Edward Island to the Dominion
    John Macdonald
  21. 1867
    Dominion of Canada created by the British North America Act; Quebec, Ontario, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick united
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ch 28
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