1. 202-08 – Duty Captain
    The Duty Captain will make a background inquiry, if necessary, through the IAB Command Center during the initial stages of an official investigation involving an MOS and in non disciplinary cases and will do this PRIOR to contemplating doing what to the MOS?
    Prior to suspending, modifying or temporarily removing firearms from the member concerned.
  2. 202-08 – Duty Captain
    Submit report at end of each tour and include ?
    (Observe-Radio, Radio, Recommend,Unusual Vistis)
    • -Observations and disciplinary action taken
    • -Radio Backlogs and action taken
    • -Radio Runs to which responded
    • -Recommendations to improve police services
    • -Unusual Occurrences
    • -Visits to S/H, PSA and TD
  3. 202-09 – Commanding Officer
    Upon assignment to a command, for personnel assigned to critical positions within the command, what do you review?
    Central Personnel Index Background Request
  4. 202-09 – Commanding Officer
    Regarding administrative tasks, assign _______ to perform tasks normally reserved specifically for commanding officers. And assign _______to read, analyze and report on, verbally or in writing, any voluminous communications directed to the commanding officer.
    • -ranking officers
    • -competent members
  5. 202-09 – Commanding Officer
    Notify appropriate __________________ officer upon discovery ornotification that there is invoiced property stored in the command in excess of thirty (30)days
    borough adjutant or borough executive
  6. 202-09 – Commanding Officer
    Visit upon assignment to command and semi-annually thereafter, for briefing, the following:
    • -Quality Assurance Division
    • -Internal Affairs Bureau
    • -Community Affairs Bureau
    • -Civilian Complaint Review Board
  7. 202-09 – Commanding Officer
    How often do you meet with ranking officers/supervisors to discuss their responsibilities under the NYC Police Department’s EEO Policy?
  8. 202-09 – Commanding Officer
    Prior to member being permanently assigned to anti-crime duty, what do you have prepared? AND if the member is currently in a Level II or Level III Monitoring Program, WHO do you contact?
    • -Central Personnel Index Background Request
    • - the Bureau/Borough Commander
  9. 202-10 – Executive Officer
    Who does the XO consult with regarding invoiced property stored in the command in excess of thirty (30) days?
    • -operations coordinator
    • -desk officer
    • -evidence/property control specialist etc
  10. 202-11 – Operations Coordinator
    He is required to ensure Department sign entitled, “Free Interpretation Service Available” is visibly displayed WHERE?
    in the command reception area
  11. Who will access and make mandatory entries into Leave of Absence – Location During Absence database, when a member submits a Leave of Absence Report and is traveling to a foreign country?
    timekeepers (202-11 – Operations Coordinator)
  12. 202-11 – Operations Coordinator
    -When does Operations Coordinator Access Leave of Absence – Location During Absence database to verify mandatory entries are made by command timekeepers for members who are traveling to a foreign country?
    -When does Operations Coordinator ensure compliance with required entries on Leave of Absence Report
    • -daily during monthly self-inspections.
    • - during monthly self-inspections
  13. Who will maintain contact with community associations and civic groups to foster positive community relations and mutual involvement in addressing crime and quality of life conditions?
    202-12 – Special Operations Lieutenant
  14. Who will maintain contact with principals of local schools and ensure that school safety sergeant, youth officer and community patrol officers are maintaining contact with these institutions
    202-12 – Special Operations Lieutenant
  15. 202-12 – Special Operations Lieutenant
    Supervise and coordinate the activities of the command’s Auxiliary Police Program through WHO?
    the Auxiliary Police Coordinator.
  16. Who will personally inspect the outgoing platoon to ensure the personal appearance of members meets Department standards.
    202-13 – Lieutenant Platoon Commander
  17. Who will assume responsibility for Early Intervention Monitoring for members?
    202-13 – Lieutenant Platoon Commander
  18. Who conducts the Platoon Briefing?
    A supervisor designated BY the Platoon Commander.
  19. Who promptly notify the Criminal Intelligence Section of major incidents?
    202-14 – Desk Officer
  20. Who will accept service of civil process for member of command and notify the member concerned when the Principal Administrative Associate is NOT performing duty?
    the Desk Officer will
  21. When is the DAILY VEHICLE ASSIGNMENT SHEET, prepare and by whom , AND when is it verified?
    Prepared on each tour by the DESK OFFICER and verified by the DESK OFFICER on the FIRST PLATOON.
  22. When is the PRECINCT CONSOLIDATED TOUR REPORT prepared and what is it attached to?
    Prepared on EVERY TOUR and attached to DESK COPY of the ROLL CALL, by the DESK OFFICER.
  23. 202-15 – Command Integrity Control Officer-
    Where does the ICO maintain a record of the issuance and return of the NYPD Restricted Parking Permits?
    in a command Parking Permit Log.
  24. 202-15 – Command Integrity Control Officer-
    What is the ICO inspecting all male and female lockers for and when ?.
    Annually, during the month of November, for proper display of Department stickers Police Don’t Move, and Proper Tactics Save Lives
  25. What specifically is required to be filled out on the POLICE DON'T MOVE STICKER?
    • - Rank
    • - Name
    • - Shield
    • - Squad #information
  26. Who is responsible for DIRECT LINE SUPERVISION of Crime Analysis personnel?
    202-16 - Principal Administrative Associate
  27. 202-16 - Principal Administrative Associate
    Who does the PRAA notify if member’s current military contract and current drill schedule are not provided by the member concerned?
    Operations Coordinator AND Integrity Control Officer
  28. 202-16 - Principal Administrative Associate
    Who does the PRAA consult with regarding training needs.?
    Desk Officer and Training Officer

    ****However in 202-19, it will be the Training Sergeant who will be conferring with the principal administrative associate or designee to determine civilian training needs.
  29. Who will keep commanding officer apprised of private sector initiatives, and progress ofthe ongoing NYPD Shield program.?
    202-26 – Crime Prevention Officer
  30. Who maintains and updates the precincts Emergency Plans A,B and C?
    202-28 – Traffic Safety Officer
  31. 202-28 – Traffic Safety Officer
    The traffic safety officer will prepare MISSING TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE REPORT and forward to?
    Department of Transportation Borough Commissioner
  32. When is the assignment of an Assistant Traffic Safety Officer warranted?
    In precincts that have a large number of accident prone locations.
  33. 202-29 – Domestic Violence Prevention Officer-
    When does the DVPO update the online HPL information?
    During the first week of each month after conferring with the commanding officer.
  34. Where can the Auxiliary Police Guide be found?
    In the Command Auxiliary Reference Library containing relevant materials to the Auxiliary Police Program, maintained by 202-34 – Command Auxiliary Police Coordinator.
  35. Commanding officer selects qualified UMOS for assignment as command police auxiliary coordinator but is not assigned as such until when?
    Approved by the Commanding Officer, Auxiliary Police Section.
  36. 202-38 – Telephone Switchboard Operator
    Maintain the following?
    • -Telephone Dispatch Log
    • -Duplicate copy of Roll Call
    • -Highway Condition Record (and make related notif)
    • -Outgoing Toll Calls
    • -Copy of “Frequent Telephone Inquiries"
  37. 202-41 – Field Intelligence Officer
    Who, in particular, can the FIO meet with on a regular basis that can be an invaluable source of intelligence information about specific crimes and crime patterns in a precinct command and in the borough?
    School Safety Division.
  38. The position of field intelligence officer may be assigned to a UMOS in the rank of?
    Sgt., Det., or P.O.
  39. Who operates the heating plant?
  40. Who does the Patrolwagon Operator obtain meal period from?
    From supervisor concerned at the beginning of tour.
  41. Who safeguards portable radios?
    Desk Officer
  42. Where is the Command Clerks assigned post?
    Adjacent to DESK OFFICER.
  43. Who distributes Department Mail?
    Command Clerk
  44. 202-35 Command Lan Manager
    Report to desk officer when reporting on or off-duty, and when leaving or returning to the command during the tour. Desk officer shall record same where?
    in the Command Log and on the roll call.
  45. 202-35.Command LAN Manager
    Who will the Command LAN Manager inform of deficiencies or derelictions inthe use or care of computer equipment and peripherals?
    • -operations coordinator
    • -principal administrative associate
    • -OR detective squad commander
  46. Permit uniformed members of assigned command performing similar duties to exchange tours voluntarily when there is no interference with police service. Members are NOT permitted to perform two consecutive tours, ex. ________________?
    (i.e., perform duty on a third platoon followed by a first platoon).
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