Japanese Verbs Kanji and Hiragana

  1. to memorize [I don't remember(all details/everything)]
    覚える (おぼえる) [覚えていません]
  2. to fill out forms
    記入する (きにゅう)
  3. to lend out
    貸す (かす)
  4. to borrow
    借りる (かりる)
  5. to repair, fix (an object)
    修理する (しゅうりする)
  6. to get invited, receive an invitation (from someone)
    (人が)呼んでくれる(呼ぶ-to summon + くれる-to give)
  7. to invite (someone else)
    招待する (しょうたい)
  8. to accept, receive, agree
    受け入れる (うけいれる)「受け- popularity, favor, receiving; 入れる- put in」
  9. to injure [injure arm]
    怪我する (けが) 「腕(うで)に怪我をする or 腕は怪我する」
  10. to lose weight
    痩せる (やせる)
  11. to lose something, misplace something
    無くす (なくす)
  12. to leave behind, forget, misplace
    置き忘れる (おきわすれる)
  13. to leave something behind (intentionally)
    取り残す (とりのこす)
  14. to drop, lost, let fall (and leave behind)
    落とす (おとす)
  15. to take back, collect, claim
    引き取る (ひきとる)
  16. to leave as it is, leave to chance, leave alone, neglect 「Back off! or Leave me alone!」
    放置する (ほうち) or 放って置く (ほうっておく) 「ほっておいて!」
  17. to return something, put back, pay back; to repeat (after -masu stem)
    返す (かえす)
  18. to restore, put back, return, give back (but not pay back)
    戻す (もどす)
  19. to take off (shoes, etc)
    脱ぐ (ぬぐ)
  20. to work overtime
    残業する (ざんぎょう)
  21. to throw away
    捨てる (すてる)
  22. to visit some place for study/investigation/audit
    見学する (けんがく)
  23. to stay (physically in a location; e.g. hotel)
    (に) 泊まる (とまる)
  24. to clean (a room)
    掃除する (そうじ)
  25. to wash (clothes)
    洗濯する (せんたく)
  26. to fly, jump
    飛ぶ (とぶ) 
  27. to dive (skuba, under water)
    潜る (もぐる)
  28. to dive into
    飛び込む (とびこむ)
  29. to stand upside down, handstand/headstand
    逆立ちする (さかだち)
  30. to crawl
    這う (はう)
  31. to kick (also refuse or reject)
    蹴る (ける)
  32. to wave a hand (at someone)
    [手を] 振る (ふる)
  33. to hold up (to show people something)
    掲げ揚げる (かかげあげる; publish/release info + raise up)
  34. to get a raise (to salary)
    給料が上がる (きゅうりょうがあがる)(salary is raised)
  35. to pick up and hold in one's arms (for example: a baby) [to hug]
    抱き上げる (だきあげる); 「抱く (いだく)」
  36. to lift (like a box or something that you aren't just raising up)
    持ち上げる (もちあげる)
  37. to throw
    投げる (なげる)
  38. to pat, massage, strike, knock
    敲く (たたく)
  39. to bend
    曲げる (まげる)
  40. to extend, lengthen, grow long (beard)
    伸ばす (のばす)
  41. to fall down, fall over (not ochiru or taoreru)
    転ぶ (ころぶ); 転 = rotate
  42. to look back (ex. over your shoulder)
    振り向く (ふりむく) 
  43. to put on [pants, or shoes]
    [ズボンを] 履く (はく)
  44. to put on [a hat]
    [帽子を] 被る (かぶる)
  45. to put on [glasses]
    [眼鏡を] 掛ける (めがね を かける) (II)
  46. to be born
    生まれる (うまれる) (II)
  47. to turn, spin
    • 他動詞: 回す (まわす) 
    • 自動詞: 回る (まわる)
  48. to touch [a door]
    [ドアに] 触る (さわる)
  49. [change $] comes out
    [お釣りが] 出る (おつり が でる)
  50. to work, move, function [a watch works]
    [時計は] 動く (とけい は うごく)
  51. to be effective, do its work, carry out its function well, be possible to use
    効く (きく)
  52. to work (TV, radio, etc)[The TV works]
    つく 「テレビがつく」
  53. to go to pick something up (to go to take something)
    取りに行く (とり に いく)
  54. to study abroad
    留学する (りゅうがく)
  55. to apply for, propose
    申し込む (もうしこむ)
  56. transitive: to put in order [boxes], tidy up (intrans: to be put in order)
    [荷物を] 片付ける (かたづける) (intrans: かたづく)
  57. to burn (intrans.) [the trash]
    [芥が] 燃える (もえる) (II)
  58. to dance
    踊る (おどる) (ダンスする)
  59. to chew [gum], to bite
    [ガムを] 噛む (かむ)
  60. to go to and from, commute [to university]
    [大学に] 通う (かよう)
  61. to chat (chatty person)
    お喋りする (お喋りな人) (おしゃべり)
  62. to give, bestow, grant [Give it a chance!]
    与える (あたえる) 「機会(きかい)・チャンスを与えてください」
  63. to fall in love
    恋に落ちる (こいにおちる)
  64. to become broken [chair] (intrans)
    [椅子が] 壊れる (いす が こわれる)(II)
  65. to become broken, smashed (into pieces) [a glass] (intrans)
    [コープが] 割れる (われる)(II)
  66. to become broken, snapped [a tree] (intrans)
    [木が] 折れる (き が おれる) (II)
  67. to tear [paper] (trans)
    [紙が] 敗る (やぶる) (II)
  68. to get dirty [clothes] (intrans)
    [服が] 汚れる (よごれる) (II)
  69. to be undone, disconnected, out of place [a button] (intrans) (trans: to unbutton)
    [ボタンが] 外れる (はずれる) (II) (trans: 外す (はずす))
  70. to make a mistake (trans)
    間違える (まちがえる)(II)
  71. to be locked (intrans)
    鍵が掛かっている (かぎ が かかっている)
  72. to unlock (trans)
    鍵を開ける (かぎ を あける)
  73. to point, nominate, indicate, point out
    指す (さす)
  74. to put up, post, paste, stick [a map to a wall]
    [壁に地図を] 張る (かべにちずをはる)
  75. to display, decorate
    飾る (かざる)
  76. to arrange, line up, itemize
    並べる (ならべる) (II)
  77. to plant, grow
    植える (うえる) (II)
  78. to put ~ together, put ~ in shape, summarize, unify
    纏める (まとめる) (II)
  79. to inform, notify
    知らせる (しらせる) (II)
  80. to prepare one's lessons
    予習する (よしゅう)
  81. to review one's lessons
    復習する (ふくしゅう) (また + ならう)
  82. to open one's eyes, come to senses, sober up, wake up (intrans)
    [目が] 覚める (さめる) (II) (trans: 覚ます)
  83. to smear, spread, apply (something) [to paint]
    [ペンキを] 塗る (ぬる)
  84. to spill, overflow, shed tears, let one's feelings show (intrans: to be spilled)
    零す (こぼす) (intrans: 零れる)
  85. to continue (intrans.) [and trans.]
    続く (つづく) [続ける]
  86. to take [an exam], receive damage, feel influence
    [試験を] 受ける (しけんをうける)
  87. keep a promise
    約束を守る (やくそく を まもる)
  88. break a promise
    約束を破る (やくそく を やぶる)
  89. make a promise
    約束する (やくそく)
  90. to gather, collect, assemble [at a place] (reunirse)
    [所に] 集まる (あつまる)
  91. pass [an exam]
    [試験に] 合格する (ごうかく) (or 受かる 「うかる」, or を 受ける 「うける」)
  92. [rain] to stop, cease, be over
    [雨が] 止む (やむ)
  93. to get cloudy
    曇る (くもる)(cloud - 雲 「くも」, cloudy - 曇り 「くもり」)
  94. [wind] to blow
    [風が] 吹く (かぜ が ふく)(風 「かぜ」 also means cold [the sickness])
  95. recover from [sickness], get well
    [病気が] 直る (びょうき が なおる)
  96. to sound the same
    同じに聞こえる (おなじ に きこえる)
  97. to be fixed, be repaired [not working, failure, out of order] (intrans.)
    [故障が] 直る (なおる) (trans. = 直す 「なおす」)
  98. to cool off [something] from room temperature, chill, refrigerate
    [何かを] 冷やす (ひやす)
  99. to get burned
    火傷をする (やけど を する)
  100. to get injured
    怪我をする (けが を する)
  101. to have a cough
    咳が出る (せき が でる)
  102. to work more than one's capacity, overwork
    無理をする (むり を する) (無理 = more than ones capacity = impossible)
  103. to win, to hit [lottery] (not katsu)
    [宝くじが] 当たる (たからくじ が あたる)
  104. to make noise, rustle(intran)
    騒ぐ (さわぐ)
  105. to give up (trans)
    諦める (あきらめる)
  106. to throw, toss
    [を] 投げる (なげる)
  107. to keep, follow, obey, protect (like guardar)
    [を] 守る (まもる)
  108. to lower, pull down, pull back, remove (dishes)
    下げる (さげる)
  109. to convey (a message)
    伝える (つたえる)
  110. to slip away, be away [from ones desk/seat]
    [席を] 外す (せき を はずす)
  111. to utilize (a resource, meeting room, [cafeteria], etc)
    [食堂を] 利用する (しょくどう を りよう する)
  112. to brush [teeth], to polish (shoes, metal, etc)
    [歯を] 磨く (は を みがく)
  113. to assemble, set up
    組み立てる (くみたてる)
  114. to combine, mingle, fit together (intrans.)
  115. to put in, dip [something, in soy sauce], touch
    [何かを醤油に] 漬ける (なにか を しょうゆ に つける)
  116. to place on, load onto, give someone a lift
    乗せる (のせる)
  117. to put on the stove
    火に掛ける (ひ に かける)
  118. to cook, simmer, boil (trans.)
    煮る (にる)
  119. to be cooked, be simmered, be boiled (intrans.)
    煮える (にえる)
  120. to blossom
    咲く (さく)
  121. to wake someone up
    起こす (おこす)
  122. to set [the clock], match rhythm, unite, to cause to meet (a fate)
    「目覚まし時計を」 合わせる (めざまし どけい を あわせる)
  123. to break [a bone]; to be broken
    「骨(ほね)を」 折る (おる); が折れる
  124. to fish
    • 釣りをする (つり を する)
    • 釣る (つる)
  125. to pin down, staple together, fix in place
    留める (とめる)
  126. to ask someone out [may I ask you to go get a drink?]
    誘う (さそう) 「飲みに誘ってもいいですか?」
  127. to smile
    • 笑顔になる (えがお)
    • 笑顔を見せる
    • 笑む (えむ)
  128. May I have a blanket? (more polite: Can I receive a blanket?)
    毛布を貰ってもいいですか?(もうふ を もらってもいいですか) 「毛布をいただけますか?」
  129. haven't even done it once
    一度もありません (いちど)
Card Set
Japanese Verbs Kanji and Hiragana
Some problem verbs from Minna no nihongo and some additional. Japanese is kanji and hiragana.