1. A psycological concept that examines the mind of the individual and why he or she exhibits a certain type of behavior.
2. Exploring managerial concepts that induce employees to act in a consistent, expectant way.
How is the Classical School of motivation organized?
Motivation comes from management with clearly defined rules and tasks.
How is the Human Relations School of Motivation organized?
Tied to how workers were treated by their supervisors.
How is the Behavioral School organized?
It puts emphasis on importance of manager and leader behavior that influences motivation.
What was the Need Theory?
All people have needs whether they are physical or psycological.
What was Theory X and Theroy Y?
- Theory X said management is responsible for organizing elements to achive an end. "Getting things done through other people"
- Theory Y said management is responsible for organizing the elements of a productive organization.
What is the Achievement-Power-Affiliation Theory about?
- Achievement seeks success through their own efforts.
- Power is domination as a by product.
- Affiliation is motivation by people that they know.
What is the Expectancy Theory?
If a certain amount of effort is put forth a calculated outcome will occur.
What is the Equity Theory?
It is affected by his/her perception of fairness and how employees are actually treated.
What is Theory Z?
It attempts to integrate the best of both X and Y
What was the primary goal in early desings?
According to Taylorism how were most people viewed?
As unmotivated and lazy
Where did the most current changes in job design come from?
Job Satisfaction Surveys
What percentage of people are happy with their job?
What demographic of people are most dissatisfied with their job?
Where did the Job Design Theory come from?
- Hawthorne studies at Western Electric
- Replaced Taylor's portrait of workers
Who came up with the Motivation-Hygiene Theory?
Hygiene factors such as pay, supervision, physical conditions, and interpersonal relationships do what?
The do not motivate people, merely prevent workers from becoming dissastisfied.
What are some motivators?
Responsibility, recognition, and opportunities for achievement and growth.
What does the Hygiene Theory assume?
That workers will be motivated when their hygiene needs are met
What act had the most impact?
Americans with Disabilities
What is leadership?
A process that effectively accomplishes organizational goals.
Leadership in public bureaucracies is a...
Political process
This is where the person recognizes the leader's right to make the request?
Legitimate request
This is the threat of adverse outcome..
This is the trust in leader's judgement that envokes compliance without explaination...
Rational faith
What is the Behavioral Model?
It focuses on how leaders interact with their subordiantes
In Fiedler's Contingency Model leadership is constrained by 3 factors...
- 1. Leader-member relations
- 2. Task structure of organization
- 3. Postion power
What is the Path Goal Model?
Leader's actions directly influence subordinates actions
This type of leadership stresses concern for the employee.
Supportive Leadership
This type of leadership is a collaborative effort?
Participative Leadership
What are the measurements of success?
how things are accomplished
What is the common believe that CRJ agencies are expected to provide multiple services to the community?
Goal Concensus
What are the parts of the goal concesus that contradict each other?
- Community Policing v. Coercive Force (police)
- Due Process v. Efficiency (courts)
- Rehabilitation v. Retribution (corrections)
What is organization structure?
- size matters
- budget
- differing goals
- degree of centralization
What is the Human Service Model about?
Putting greater authority in the hands of the employees
What are the constraints of supervison?
- Accountablity
- Equity
- Fiscal equity
- Efficiency
What are the three parts to the roadmap?
- Defining job responsibilities
- Assinging work
- Setting performance goals
What are the 9 dimensions of success?
- 1. Communication skills
- 2. Interpersonal Skills
- 3. Integrity
- 4. Commitment to service
- 5. Work ethic
- 6. Problem solving
- 7. Safety
- 8. Demenor
- 9. Operation of motor vehicle
Effective supervison occurs with three skills. What are they?
- Technical skills- specailized knowledge
- Human skills- ability to work and motivate people
- Conceptual skills- analyze and diagnose complex situations
What is the definiton of culture?
The complex whole of society.
What is the definition of values?
Desirable goals
What is the definition of norms?
Defines what people should and should not do
What is the definition of folkways?
standard way of doing things
What is the definition of mores?
right and wrong
What is the definition of laws?
Codified mores enforced by the group.
What are the most common forms of socialization?
- Recruiting employees that fit the organization
- Formal education
- Previous training/experience
What is Occupational Socialization?
The process by which a person aquires the values, attitudes, and behaviors of an ongoing social system.
What is the Organizational Culture?
A set of assumtions, values, and beliefs shared by members of an organization.
What are the sanctions for social control?
Rewards and punishments for conformity/non-conformity
What are the Stages of Socialization?
- 1. Anticipitory- look forward to demands of future job
- 2. Formal Socialization- formal training, exposure to veterans of job
- 3. Informal Socialization- relevant referrence group is peers
What are the problems in the process?
- Role conflict- two or more expectations in conflict with each other
- Role ambiguity- not knowing what your role is
- Official deviance- clear violation of accepted practice
- Corruption- goes beyond deviance.
What is Sequential Socialization?
Trainee passes through a series of steps: academy, field training, probationary work period
What is Serial Socialization?
Relies on experienced officers
What are investiture strategies?
Credentials of recruit allw entrance to the group
What are Divestiture Strategies?
Strip away individualizaton during training