Cranial Nerves

  1. CN I
    • Olfactory
    • Sensory: Smell
  2. CN II
    • Optic
    • Motor: Visual acuity, opthalmoscope exam (PERRLA is a nuero assessment)
  3. CN III
    • Occulomotor
    • Motor: Pupil constriction, elevation of upper eyelid, EOM
  4. CN IV
    • Trochlear
    • Motor: EOM, movement down and inward
  5. CN V
    • Trigeminal
    • Motor: Jaw clenching
    • Sensory: Ophthalmic, maxillary, mandibular
  6. CN VI
    • Abducens
    • Motor: Lateral deviation of the eye
  7. CN VII
    • Facial
    • Motor: Muscles of the face (smile, frown)
    • Sensory: Taste (anterior 2/3 of tongue)
  8. CN VIII
    • Acoustic
    • Sensory: hearing, vestibular function
  9. CN IX
    • Glossopharyngeal
    • Motor: pharynx - gag reflex (must do before feeding), uvula
    • Sensory: tongue - tast of posterior 1/3 of tongue
  10. CN X
    • Vagus
    • Motor: pharynx, larynx (speech)
    • Sensory: most dangerous nerve to trigger, can't do anything to wake it back up, bradycardia, hypotension
    • Triggers: bladder, recturm, carina of bronchus, top of esophagus
  11. CN XI
    • Accessory
    • Motor: sternocleidomastoid, trapezius (muscle strength)
  12. CN XII
    • Hypoglossal
    • Motor: tongue (deviation)
Card Set
Cranial Nerves
Overview of the 12 Cranial Nerves