
  1. Legionella Pneumophilla
    G- , Elderly and immune dibilitated
  2. The common cold strains
    • Rhino Virus
    • Mastadenovirus
    • Coronavirus
    • - 200 causative viruses each has multiplke serotypes
  3. Common Cold Symptoms/Course/Immunity
    • Accumulate IgA anitbodies
    • Never catch the same cold twice
    • 7days
    • Sneezing congestion nasla secretions
    • Notemp
    • Spread to sinuses middle ear
  4. Inner Ear Infection
    • Otis Media
    • Bacterial and viral all lood the same Mainly bacterial

    • S. Pneumonia (35%)
    • H. Influenza (20-30%)
    • M. Cataharlis (10-15%)
    • S. Pyogenes (8-10%)
    • S. Aureus (1-2%)
  5. Group A Streptococcus
    • "GAS"
    • Streptokinase- lyse clots to allow spreading
    • Streptolysins- cytitoxic to tissues, rbs phagocytes
  6. Strep Throat
    • Streptococcus Pyogenes
    • - Untreated can lead to rheumatic fever and destruction of heart valves
    • - Scarlet Fever erythrogenic toxin causes skin blotches
  7. Diphtheria
    • G+ Rod
    • Corynebacterium diptheri
    • Grayscab- Fibrin, dead tissue, decomposing casues endo toxin
    • No antibiotics
    • Antitoxin
    • Cutaneous Ulcer
    • Russia Afganistan
  8. Lowere Respiratory System Makeup
    • Larynx
    • Trachea
    • Bronchus
    • Bronchioles
    • Alveoli
  9. Lowere Respiratory Infections
    • Laryngitis- larynx
    • Bronchitis- air ways
    • Pneumonia- alveoli
    • Pleurisy- Pluera
  10. Pertussis
    "Whooping Cough"
    • G- Coccobacillus
    • Bordetella Pertussis
    • 1-3 weeks incubation
    • Cytotoxin hurts ciliated cells
    • Catrrhal-- "Common cold symptoms" 1-2 weeks
    • Violent Cough Seige- 2-8 Weeks
    • Convalesence - 1-2 weeks
    • Arythromycin and Azithromycin if given early on can shorten infection length
  11. Pertussis Treatments
    • Acellular Vaccine - Framgmanes in TDP vaccin
    • Babies are not protected until they are 18 months of age
    • Booster with tentanus
    • Sarasota outbreak in 2009
    • Jlo
  12. Psittacosis Pneumonia
    • G- intracellular
    • Chlamydophilia Psittaci
    • Elemetary bodies in bird feces are transmitted through the air
    • Fever headache and chills
    • Diagnosis through culture
    • Tetracyclin only
  13. Tuberculosis
    • Acid Fast Rod
    • Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
    • Resistatnt to sunlight, drying and disinfectants
    • Transmitted my coughing droplets
    • Weighloss, night sweats and weakness
  14. Tuberculosis Skinn Testing
    • Tuberculin, Tine, PPD, and Mantaux
    • Intradermal injection purrified protein derivative
    • T-cell delayed reaction indicates and exposeure to bacillus or vaccine
    • Does not mean you have a current infection
  15. Tuberculosis Diagnosis
    • Chest xray for ghone complex "calcified diagnostic ball"
    • Negative- no active disease
    • Positive- current or past infection
    • Sputum with acid fast stain
    • 1 AFB is assumed positive
    • 6 weeks to grow culture
  16. Initial TB therapy
    • 2 months of 3-4 medications then reasses
    • Isoniazid-INH
    • Rifampicin
    • Pyrazinamide
    • Ethambutol
    • Streptomycin
  17. Tuberculosis Maintenance Therapy
    • Usually 4-6 months
    • INH and rifampicin if sputum is negative
    • Change agents depending on culture
  18. Influenza Antigenic SHIFT
    • Changes in H and N combinations
    • Reassortment- different strains infect the same cell
  19. Orthomyxovirus Influenza A
    • Hemagluttin spike attatch to host cells- 16 types
    • Neuramidase spikes release virus from cell- 9 types
    • 144 combinations
    • h5n1 "avain flu
    • Seasonal flu from se asia
    • No season in the tropis
  20. Influenza Antigenic DRIFT
    • Suntypes of strains
    • Aviod antibodies
    • RNA mutation
    • Changes in genes change the H or N surface proteins
  21. Pandemic
    • New strain prevalence
    • H1N1- 1918 "spanish flu"
    • H2N2-1957 "Asian flu:
    • H3N2-1968 "Hong kong"
    • H1N1-2009 "SWINE"
  22. Clinical featurese of influenza
    • Chills, fever, heachache, muscle ache
    • No intestinal symptoms
    • Diagnosisf rom antibodies
    • 1% mortality in secondary infections
    • Seasona;- Death in ill and elderly
    • Pandemic- death in young
  23. Influenza Vaccine
    • 1944 was the first
    • 2 most important chosen by FDA
    • A]Brisbane]59]2007]H1N1
    • A]Brisbane]10]2007]H3N2
    • B]Brisbance]60]2008
  24. Coccidioidomycosis immitis
    • Usually mild valley fever
    • Transmitted by spore in SW dust storms
    • Severe with HIV and can spread to meningitis
    • Amphotericin B
  25. Histoplasma Capsulatum
    • Usually mild disease
    • Mississippi soil
    • Bat and bird feces
    • Amphotericin B
  26. Pneumocystis Pneumonia
    • Fungus
    • Pnuemoncysit Joroveci
    • In normal flora
    • Only sick in immuno supressed
    • Aveoli fill with froth
    • Diagnos CXR
    • Treatmena: Pentamidin, Sulfamethaoxazole
  27. TB vaccine
    • "BCG"
    • Bacille Calmette Guerin
    • Attenuated Mycobacterium Bovis
    • Not in US
    • Makes a positve ppd
  28. Blastomyces Dermatitidis
    • Mississippi valley
    • Most infections are asymptomatic
    • Can casue extensive tissue damage
    • Amphotericin B
  29. Fungal Pneumonias
    • Histoplasma capsulatum
    • Coccidiodomycosis immitus
    • Blastomyces dermatitidis
    • Aspergillus fumigatus
  30. Pneumococcal Pneumonia
    • Streptococcus Pnuemoniae
    • Vaccine capsular agent
    • 90 serotypes
    • Temp, SOB, Chest pain
    • Bleeding alveoli results in a rust colored sputum
    • 20% mortality in the elderly
    • Definitive with culture
    • Bronchial and aveolar invasion
  31. Haemophillus Influenza
    • Epiglottis
    • G- coccibacili
  32. Mycoplasma Pneumoniae
    • G+ pleomorphic
    • Walking pnuemonia
    • Mild
    • All whit CXR
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Test 7