the uptake of nutrients by the cells of the small intestine for transport into either the blood or the lymph
- Potassium salt
- Not digested or absorbed
- Sweetness= 200
- 0 calories
- 30 cans of diet soda
- not digested or absorbed
providing all the essential nutrients, fiber, and energy in amt sufficient to maintain health
- Adequate Intakes
- avg daily amt of a nutrient that appears sufficient to maintain a specified criterion
- value used as a guide for nutrient intake when an RDA cannot be determined
- Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges
- ranges of intakes for the energy nutrients that provide adequate energy and nutrients and reduce the risk of chronic diseases
Amino acids
- Building blocks of proteins
- Each contains an amino grou, an acid group, a hydrogen atom, and a distinctive side group, all attached to a central carbon atom.
- amino= containing nitrogen
- large proteins of the blood and body fluids, produced by immune system in repsonse to invasion of body by foreign molecules
- can combine with and inactivate foreign invaders, thus protecting the body
- amino acids and a methyl group
- digested and absorbed
- Sweetness = 200
- 4 calories
- 18 cans diet soda
- contains phenylalanine
providing foods in proportion to one another and in proportion to the body's needs
- Produced by liver
- stored by gallbladder
- emulsify fat globules
- cholecystokinin
- hormone produced by cells of intestinal wall
- works on Gall bladder to relase bile and slowing of GI motility
- one of the sterols containing a four ring carbon structure with a carbon side chain
- eggs, meat(red), fish, poultry, dairy products
- the class of lipoproteins that transport lipids from the intestinal cells to the rest of the body
- triglycerides, cholesterol and phospholipids use them
protein from which connective tissues such as scars, tendons, ligaments, and the foundations of bondes and teeth are made
Complementary proteins
two or more dietary proteins whose amino acid assortments complement each other in such a way that the essential amino acids missing from one are supplied by the other
- removal of the amino (NH2) group from a compound such as an amino acid
- ammonia to liver to urea to blood and some in urine
change in a protein's shape and consequent loss of its function brought about by heat, agitation, acid, base, alcohol, heavy metals, or other agents
Dental caries
decay of teeth
Dietary Guidelines 2005
- 2000 kcal diet
- Fruit=2c
- Veg=2.5c
- Grain=6oz
- Meat/legume=5.5oz
- Milk=3c
- Oils=6tsp
- discretionary=267kcal
process by which food is broken down into absorbable units
Two amino acids bonded together
Two saccharides bonded together
Discretionary kcalorie allowance
the kcalories remaining in a person's energy allowance after consuming enough nutrient-dense foods to meet all nutrient needs for a day
- Dietary Reference INtakes
- set of nutrient intake values for healthy people in US and Canada. Used for planning and assessing diets
- AI
- UL
- Estimated average requirements
- average daily amt of a nutrient that will maintain a specific biochemical or physiological function in half the healthy people of a given age or gender
- Estimated energy requirement
- avg dietary energy intake that maintains energy balance and good health in a person of a given age, gender, weight, height, and level of physical activity
the process of ridding the body of wastes
Energy Density
measure of the energy a food provides relative to the amount of food (kcalories per gram)
addition to a food of nutrients that were lost during processing so that the food will meet a specified standard
proteins that facilitate chemical reactions without being changed in the process; protein catalysts
food pipe; the conduit from the mouth to the stomach
required for a healthy lifestyle. Not made by the body so must be obtained from outside source.
Exchange list
diet-planning tools that organize foods by their proportions of carbohydrate, fat, and protein
nondigestable parts of food that may or may not be used by GI bacteria, roughage for excretion
Food label
List of ingredients and nutritional factors of item inside package
- addition to a food of nutrients that were either not originally present or present in insignificant amt.
- Fortification can be used to correct or prevent a widespread nutrient deficiency or to balance the total nutrient profile of a food
- simple
- monosaccharide;
- sometimes known as fruit sugar or levulose
- found abundantly in fruits, honey, and saps
monosaccharide; part of disaccharide lactose
Gall bladder
- organ that stores and concentrates bile
- when it receives the signal that fat is present it contracts and squirts bile through the bile duct into the duodenum
- hormone secreted by cells in the stomach wall.
- targets stomach glands to allow for secretion of gastric acid
- increases blood glucose levels
- signals liver to break down glycogen
- takes glucose out of storage
making of glucose from a protein
- simple
- monosaccharide;
- sometimes known as bood sugar or dextrose
Glycemic index
method of classifying foods according to their potential for raising blood glucose
- animal polysaccharide composed of glucose
- manufactured/stored in liver and muscles as a storage form of glucose
- not a significant food source of carbohydrate and not counted as a complex carb
Goblet Cells
cells of GI tract and lungs that secrete mucus
- high density lipoprotein
- type of lipoprotein that transports cholesterol back to the liver from the cells
- composed primarily of protein
- Good Cholesterol
Hepatic Portal Vein
vein that collects blood from GI tract and conducts it to capillaries in the liver
Hydrochloric acid
an acid composed of hydrogen and chloride atoms that is normally produced by gastric glands
- chemical process by which hydrogens are added to monunsaturate or polyunsaturated fatty acids to reduce the number of double bonds, making fats more saturated and resistant to oxidation
- production of trans-fatty acids
- protects against spoilage
process of taking food into the mouth to begin digestion
Contains no carbon or pertaining to living things
Insoluble fiber
- nonstarch polysaccharides that do not dissolve in water
- ie tough, fibrous structures such as strings of celery and skins of corn kernals
- alleviate constipation and prevent diventricular disease
- vegetables, whole grains
- decreases blood glucose levels
- moves glucose into cells
- promotes formation of glycogen
- units by which energy is measured. 1000 calories = 1kcal
- amount of heat needed to raise 1kg of H2) 1degree Celsius
Ketone bodies
metabolic products of incomplete breakdown of fat when glucose is not available in the cells
form of PEM that results either from inadequate protein intake or infections
enzyme that hydrolyzes lactose
- simple
- disaccharide composed of
- glucose and galactose;
- commonly known as milk sugar
Large Intestine
- colon
- lower portion of intestine that completes digestive process
- low-density lipoprotein
- type of lipoprotein derived from very-low-density lipoproteins as VLDL triglycerides
- composed primarily of cholesterol
- Bad Cholesterol
- one of the phospholipids
- nature and food industry use as an emulsifier to combine water-soluble and fat-soluble ingredients that do not ordinarily mix, such as water and oil
- glycerol head: 2 fa, and phosphate group with choline
- essential fatty acid with 18 carbons and 2 double bonds
- Omega-6
- Includes sunflower and soybean oils
- essential fatty acid with 18 carbons and 3 double bonds
- Omega-3
- ie flaxseed and canola oil
- enzyme that hydrolyzes lipids
- breaks down fats into smaller pieces of fat
- enzyme
- produced by pancreas
organ that manufacture bile
form of PEM that results from a severe deprivation, or impaired absorption, of energy, protein, vitamins, and minerals
- tiny spherical complexes of emulsified fat that arise during digestion
- emulsified monoglycerides and free fatty acids that are surrounded by bile acid molecules
- long chain fatty acid, monoglyceride
tiny, hairlike projections on each cell of every villus that can trap nutrient particles and transport them into the cells
providing enough but not too much of a substance
- carbohydrate of the general formula
- CnH2nOn
singular bond between saturated fats
oral cavity containing the tongue and teeth
slippery substance secreted by cells of GI lining that protects the cells from exposure to digestive juices
Nitrogen balance
amount of nitrogen consumed as compared with the amount of nitrogen excreted in a given period of time
Body produces these naturally without requirement from outside source or food intake
chemical substances obtained from food and used in the body to provide energy, structural materials, and regulating agents to support growth, maintenance, and repair of the body's tissues.
Nutrition Assessment
comprehensive analysis of a person's nutrition status that uses health, socioeconomic, drug, and diet histories, anthropometric measurements, physical examinations and lab tests.
polyunsaturated fatty acid in whichthe first double bond is three carbons away from the methyl CH3 end of the carbon chain
polyunsaturated fatty acid in which the first double bond is six carbons from the methyl CH3 end of the carbon chain
substance or molecule containing carbon-carbon bonds or carbon-hydrogen bonds. Excludes single carbon molecules
gland that secretes digestive enzymes and juices into the duodenum
- gastric enzyme that hydrolyzes protein
- is secreted in inactive form, pepsinogen, which is activated by HCL in stomach
digestive enzyme that hydrolyzes peptide bonds
Peptide Bond
bond that connects the acid end of one amino acid with the amino end of another, forming a link in a protein chain.
wavelike muscular contractions of GI tract that push its contents along
compound similar to a triglyceride but having a phosphate group and choline in place of one of the fatty acids
2+ amino acids bonded together
2+ saccharide molecules bonded together
- multiple bonds between fatty acids
- Linoleic acid O6
- Linolenic acid O3
- more susceptible to spoilage
food components(fiber) that are not digested in the small intestine, but are used instead as food by bacteria to encourage their growth or activity
Protein turnover
degradation and synthesis of protein
- Recommended Dietary Allowances
- avg daily amt of a nutrient considered adequate to meet the known nutrient needs of practically all healthy people
- a goal for dietary intake by individuals
process by which coarse parts of food are removed
- artificial sweetener approved in US as table top sweetener rather than additive
- used to carry cancer-causing warning label
- easily absorbed and excreted in urine
- triglyceride in which most of fatty acids are saturated
- contains only single bonds between carbons
- include most animal fats
- include stearic acid
hormone produced by cells in duodenum wall targeting pancreas for release of bicarbonate rich pancreatic juice
Small intestine
- 10 ft long of small diameter
- major site of digestion of food and absorption of nutrients
Soluble fiber
- nonstarch polysaccharides that dissolve in water to form a gel
- ie pectin for jelly
- lowers blood cholesterol and blood glucose levels
- from oat, barley, legumes, citrus fruits
- sweetener to make medicine taste better
- found in 'sugar free' candy and gums
plant polysaccarides composed of glucose
compounds containing a four ring carbon structure with any of a variety of side chains
- Glycosides found in the leaves of the Stevia rebaudiana herb
- Digested and absorbed
- Sweetness = 300
- 0 calories
- 4mg/kg of body weight
- recently receive GRAS approval by FDA
muscular, elastic, saclike portion of the digestive tract that grind and churns swallowed food, mixing it with acid and enzymes to form chyme
- Sucrose with Cl atoms instead of OH groups
- Not digested or absrobed
- Sweetness=600
- 0 calories
- 6 cans diet soda
- modified sucrose, tabletop sweetener
- simple
- disaccharide composed of
- glucose and fructose
Trans-fatty acid
fatty acids with hydrogens on opposite sides of the double bond
- chief form of fat in the diet and major storage form of fat in body
- 1 glycerol: 3 fatty acids
Type 1 diabetes
less common type of diabetes in which the pancreas fails to produce insulin
Type 2 diabetes
more common type of diabetes in which the cells fail to respond to insulin
- Upper Intake Levels
- max daily amt of a nutrient that appears safe for most healthy people and beyond which there is an increased risk of adverse health effects
- triglycerides in which most of the fatty acids are unsaturated
- contain at least one double bond between carbons
Eating a wide selection of foods within and among the major food groups
- fingerlike projections from the folds of the small intestine
- increase surface area of sm. int.
- aid w/ digestion and absorption
- very low density lipoprotein
- type of lipoprotein made primarily by liver cells to transport lipids to various tissues in body
- composed primarily of triglycerides
- Very Bad Cholesterol
Whole Grain
grain that maintains the same relative proportions of starchy endosperm, not refined
6 classes of nutrients
- Carbohydrates
- Lipids (fats)
- Proteins
- Vitamins
- Minerals
- Water
kcalorie to kjoule
kjoule to kcalorie