PSYC 325

  1. What is conformity?
    A change in behaviour as a result of the real or imagined influence of other ppl
  2. What is informed social influence?
    conforming because we believe that others interpretation of an AMBIGUOUS situation is more correct than ours and will help us choose an appropriate course of action
  3. What is private acceptance?
    conforming to other peoples behaviour out of a genuine belief that what they are doing or saying is right
  4. What is public compliance?
    conforming to other peoples behav publicly, without necessarily believing in what they are doing or saying
  5. What is a contagion?
    The rapid transmission of emotions or behaviour through a crowd.
  6. What is mass psychogenic illness?
    the occurence of similar physical symptoms in a group of people for which there is no known physical or medical cause.
  7. What is normative social influence?
    the influence of other people that leads us to conform in order to be liked by them, resulting in public compliance with but not nessecarily private acceptance of the group's beliefs and behaviours.
  8. What are social norms?
    The implicit or explicit rules a group has for the acceptable behaviours, values, and beliefs of its members
  9. What is social impact theory?
    the theory that conforming to social influence depends on the strength of the group, its immediacy, and the number of other people in the group
  10. What are idiosyncrasy credits?
    the credits a person earns, over time, by conforming to a groups norms, if enough are earned the person can behave badly without recieving hate from the group.
  11. What is a minority influence?
    The case where a minorty of group members influence the behaviour or beliefs of the majority. The key to influencing the majority as the minority is consistency. If expressing a consistent view, the majority is more likely to take notice.
  12. What is compliance?
    a change in behaviour in response to a direct request from another person. Studied by social psychologists using techniques of the door in the face, the foot in the door and low balling.
  13. What is the door in the face technique?
    a technique to get people to comply with a request, whereby people are presented first with a large request, which they are expected to refuse and then a smaller one which they are hoped to take.
  14. What is the reciprocity norm?
    a social norm by which the receipt of something positive from another person requires you to reciprocate or behave similarly in response. This norm is utilized in the door in the face technique because, when the person changes their first outlandish request to a simpler one, we feel obligated to return the favour and appear reasonable too.
  15. What is the foot in the door technique?
    a technique to get people to comply with a request where people are presented first with a small request to which they are expected to agree with, followed by a larger request that they hopefully will also agree with.
  16. What is lowballing?
    the strategy whereby a salesperson gets the client to purchase a product at a very low cost, then subsequently raises the price. The person will often still buy it at the inflated price.
  17. What is obedience?
    conformity in response to the commands of an authority figure. Milgram's experiment is an example of obedience in which the majority of participants administered what they thought were life threatning shocks to other people. After giving one shock, it was difficult for them to decide a higher level of shock was wrong.
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PSYC 325
Final: Chapter 7: Conformity