Two Contradictory Demands of Managers
- 1. Get Results
- 2. Motivate Workers
What are 4 Goals of Managers
- 1. Efficiency
- 2. Effectiveness
- 3. Quality
- 4. Productivity
Determines coporate policy: production, finance, excutive and production
Execution of Policy
An organization whose purpose is to establish accreditation standards and ecaluate social service agencies in relation to those standards
The Council on Accreditation (COA)
A theory that stated that people were productive or unproductive based on the assumption management held about them
Theory X and Theory Y
Executive Level vs Implementation
Executives usually oversee and monitor those underneath them. While the implementation are the workers who are carrying out and performing the orders from the executives.
A Theory in which management focuses developing knowledge and leadership skills, commiting to professional and organizational values and effectively managing others for maximum productivity
Management Theory
Name 5 Qualities of Excellent Management
- 1. Vision
- 2. People Skills
- 3. Personal Qualities
- 4. Ananlytical Skills
- 5. Knowledge
List 5 Traits of Superleaders
- 1. Vision
- 2. Organiztional Ability
- 3. Persisitence
- 4. Empowerment
- 5. Communication
4 Traits of Competence
- 1. Meaning
- 2. Attention
- 3. Trust
- 4. Self
An interrelated, coherent set of ideas that help explain behavior and make predictions
A theory of careful measurement and specification of all organizational task through planning, organizing and controlling. The Dehumanizing Theory. Workers were rewarded and punished.
The Scientific Theory
A theory that divides organizations into hierarchies, establishing strong lines of authority and control. The theory also suggested organizations develop comprehensive and detailed standard operating procedures for all routinized tasks.
Bureaucratic Management Theory
What are the Principles of Management under the Scientific Management Theory
- 1. Science for each element of work
- 2. Scientifically select, train, teach and develop
- 3. Equal division of labor
- 4. Cooperate in accordance to principles
A theory that reacted to the rather dehumanizing effects of the Scientific Theory. More attention was given to individuals and their unique capabilities in the organization. A major belief included that the organization would prosper if its workers prospered as well. Human Resource departments were added to organizations. The behavioral sciences played a strong role in helping to understand the needs of workers and how the needs of the organization and its workers could be better aligned. Various new theories were spawned, many based on the behavioral sciences (some had name like theory “X”, “Y” and “Z”).
The Human Relation Theory
3 Propositions of Theory X
- 1. Management's role in the organization
- 2. Management's role with employees
- 3. Stimulating employee performance
4 Propositions of Theory Y
- 1. Management's role in the organization
- 2. Employee motivation and capacity
- 3. Employee motivation and commitment
- 4. New Management role
Culture, Group Influence and Rewards are all part of this theory
Human Relations Theory
Definition of Reponsibility (hierarchy), Job Preparation, Authority and Separation from ownership are all part of this Theory
Bureaucratic Theory
Mangement of Specific roles, Job training, Technology and Research Orientation are all part of this Theory
Scientific Mangement Theory
System Theory
A collection of a group unified to accomplish an overall goal. If one part of the system is removed, the nature of the system is changed.
Resources and Raw material; Client, Workers
The conversion process: Interventions
Completed product or Services
Contingency Theory
Management decision making must take into account all aspects of the current situation and act on those aspects that are key to the situation at hand. Basically, it’s the approach that “it depends.”
Typology of organizations, Different ways to measure success and new assumptions or all part of this theory
Contingency Theory
Cultures/Subcultures, Shared Vision, and Diverse prespectives are all part of this structure
Organizational Culutre
Theory Z
- 1. Total Quality Management,
- 2. Loyalty,
- 3. Commitment to work
- 4. Shared responsibility
3 Themes of Contemporary Theory
- 1. Organizational Culture
- 2. Quality
- 3. Diversity
2 Applications of Theory X and Theroy Y
- 1. Motivation in the Workplace
- 2. Stimulating Employee Motivation
What are the different parts to Cultural Competence Continuum
- 1. Cultural Blindness
- 2. Cultural Incapacity
- 3. Cultural Destructiveness
- 4. Cultural Precompetence
- 5. Cutural Competence
- 6. Cultural Proficiency
What are the Theortical Base for Human Variables
- 1. Diversity
- 2. Competence
- 3. Attention and Recognition
- 4. Rewards for Performance
- 5. Social Groups
Taking into account all of the behaviors of a system as a whole in the context of its environment
Systems Perspective
External Environment
Everything outside the boundaries of the agency or oraganization including; Polictical Factors/Professional Considerations, Economic Factors, Sociological Factors and Technological Factors
Intrenal Evironment
- The improtant components that represents the infastructure of an organization including;
- 1. Human resources
- 2. Organizational Operations
- 3 Technological resources
- 4. Planning
- 5. Financial resources
- 6. Organizational purpose, mission and philosophy
The many functions that are involved in the supervision and mangement of the organization's employees and volunteers.
Human Resources
The equipment and expertise needed to carry out the professional and technical work of the organization.
Technological Resources
Careful Examination of doucments to determine where the funding is coming from and what obligation the agency assumes for accepting funding from these various sources
Financial Resources
Departmentiliztion by Function
Departmentilzation By Process
Cross-Departmental Linkages
The Project Team Organizational Structure
The Collegial Form of Organizational Structure
Mixed Matrix Structure Diagram
A type of Chart that depicts the chain of command
Formal Organizational Chart
A type of Chart that depict a more flexible working relationship
Informal Organizational Chart
Role of Board of Directors
Establish Policy, Regualtions and Guidelines
Types of Informal Organizational Charts
- 1. Matrix Organizations Chart
- 2. Mixed-Matrix Organizational Chart
- 3. Linking Pin Chart
- 4. Project Team Chart
- 5. Collegial Model Chart
Types of Formal Organizational Charts
- 1. Departmentalization by Program
- 2. Departmentalization by Function
- 3. Departmentalization by Consumer/Client
- 4. Departmentalization by Market
- 5. Departmentalization by Funtion
- 6. Departmentalization by Geographic Area
Departmentalization by Clinet/Consumer
Departmentalization by Market
Departmentalization by Geographic Area
Changing or reorganizing the taske and responsibilities assingned to employees. Maximizing the fit between employee skills, employee responsibilities and to introduce variability into the work environment
Job Design
3 Models of Job Design
- 1. The Traditional Model
- 2. The Human Relations Model
- 3. The HUman Resources Model
Traditional Model of Management
The Human Relations Model of Management
The Human Resources Model of Management
Manipulating and varying job characteristics in a way that makes the job more complex and challenging in the interest of increasing motivation and productivity
Job Enalargement
Redesigning the job in a way that workers assume more responsibility for their work, often repsonsibilties formerly assigned to supervisory staff - (Helps Cut Out the middle man)
Job Enrichment
Planned exchange of Job responsibilities in the interest of having employees understand the work of the organization from a broader perspective and in the interest of reducing boredom
Job Rotation
Rellocating collective responsibilities from individuals to a group of workers and subdividing the workload in a way that allows each to contribute to the team from their area of specialization and strength
Creating Teams
A planned attempt to reduce some of the tedious, repititious, and redundant type of work and procedures by having equipment handle routine functions when possible
Use of Technology
A boudary-less organiztion of informal definitions of jobs to focus more on accomplishing the work of the organization
"Jobless" Work Environment
List the Theories of Motivation
- 1. Motivation through Fairness and Equity
- 2. Motivation by Providing Access to Acheivement
- 3. Motivation by Enhancing the Quality of Work Assingnments
- 4. Motivation by Reinforcing Performance with Rewards
- 5. Motivation by Meeting Personal Needs
What is the Cafeteria Plan
Employees choose a mix of benefits that is meaningful to them
Inflation across the board for all employes; Peercentage which can create discrepancies
2 Types of Internal Mobility
1. Lateral - other positions at the same level
2. Vertical - Promotions
Theories of Motivation
- Needs - Same for Everyone
- Values - Intrinsic develpoed over life
- Goal - Can change (Short or Long term)
Effective Rewards System
- Basic Needs
- Competitive Benefits
- Equitable Distribution
- Employees as Individuals
Instrinsic Rewards
- Distinction clear betwn motivation, performance & reward
- Job Design
- Motivating Factors
- Organizational Structure
Extrinsic Rewards
- Hygiene Factors - Keep Down the level of Disatisfaction
- Interpersonal relations with supervisors
- Creativity & Flexibility
3 Types of Revenue Sources
- 1. Gocernment Funding
- 2. Grants and Contracts
- 3. Charitable Giving
3 Ways to Increase Resources
- 1. Merging
- 2. Franchising
- 3. For-profit subsidiaries
3 Types of Budgeting in Human Services
- 1. Program Budgeting
- 2. Functioning Budgeting
- 3. Line-item Budgeting
Identifying Revenue & Expenses
Simple, straightfoward but does not determine efficiency, effectiveness, productivity or quality
Line-item Budgeting
Seven Steps Program Stucture - Line-item, Cost Allocation Plan, Direct and Indirect Cost, direct cost to program, indirect cost to program, total program cost
Functional Budgeting
What does POSC stand for
Purchase of Service Contracting
2 Types of Data Needed for an Organization
- 1. External Data
- 2. Internal Data
External Data
- Political
- Economic
- Sociological
- Technological
Internal Data
- 1. Human Resources
- 2. Organizational Purpose, Mission & Philosophy
- 3. Technological Resources
- 4. Financial Resources
- 5. Organizational Planning
- 6. Organizational Operations
4 Types of Grants for Human Services Organization
- Independent of family foundation
- Corporate foundation
- Operating Foundation
- Community Foundations
Types of Client Fees
- Flat-rate fee
- Fair-share-of-cost
- Sliding-scale fee
- Participation fee
- Third-party fee
Types of Clients
- 1. High Pay Client
- 2. Low Pay Client
- 3. Contract-eligible
Requires defining line items and making allocations for the whole organization for a year
Line-item Budgeting
Requires defining line items, making allocations to programs for the year, and incorporating indirect cost into programs
Functioning Budgeting
This approach is used to calculate the cost of the program success, defined in terms of client outcomes
Program Budgeting