Suply Chain

  1. The discovery and developement of raw or improved products, services, or processes for producing or providing them
    Technological Innovation
  2. The application of scientific discoveries to the devlopement and improvement of products and services and operation processes
  3. A nonrepetative set of activities directed toward a unique goal within a limited time frame.
  4. Linking key product or service requirements to process capabilities
    Product or Service Profiling
  5. Machinery that has sensing and control devices that enable it to operate automatically
  6. The use of computers in process control
    Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM)
  7. Machines that perform operations by following mathmatical processing instructions
    Numerically controlled (N/C) machines
  8. A machine consisting of a mechanical arm, a power supply, and a controller
  9. Layout that uses standardized processing operations to achieve smooth, rapid, high-volume flow
    Product Layout
  10. Standardized layout arranged according to a fixed sequence of production tasks
    Production Line
  11. Standardized layout arranged according to a fixed sequence of assembly tasks
    Assembly line
  12. layouts that can handle varied processing requirements
    Process layouts
  13. Nonrepetitive processing
    Intermittent processing
  14. layout in which the product or project remains stationary, and workers, materials, and equipment are moved as needed
    fixed-position layout
  15. layout in which workstations are grouped into a cell that can process items that have similar processing requirements
    Cellular production
  16. The grouping into parts families of items with similar design or manufacturing characteristics
    Group Technology
  17. A group of machines designed to handle intermittent processing requirements and produce a variety of similar products
    Flexible Manufacturing system (FMS)
  18. a system for linking a broad range of manufacturing activities through an intergrating computer system
    Computer-intigrated manufacturing (CIM)
  19. The process of assigning tasks to workstations in such a way that the workstations have approximately equal time requirements
    Line balancing
  20. The maximum time allowed at each workstation to complete its set of tasks on a unit
  21. A diagram that shows elemental tasks and their precedence requirements
    Precedence diagram
  22. Percentage of idle time of a line
    Balance Delay
  23. Mathematical statement of profit (or cost, etc) for a given solution
    Objective Function
  24. Amounts of either imputs or outputs
    Decision Variables
  25. Limitations that restrict the available alternatives
  26. The set of all feasible combinations of decision variables as defined by the constraints
    Feasible Solution Space
  27. Graphical method for finding optimal solutions to two variable problems
    Graphical Linear Programming
  28. A constraint that does not form a unique boundary of the feasible solution space
    Redundant Constraint
  29. Substituting the coordinates of each corner point into the objective function to determine which corner point is optimal.
    Enumeration approach
  30. A constraint that forms the optimal corner point of the feasible solution space
    Binding constraint
  31. When the values of decisions variables are substituted into a _> constraint the amount by which the resulting value exceeds the right-side value
  32. When the values of decision variables are substituted into a _< constraint the amount by which the resulting value is less than the right-side value
  33. A linear programming algorithm that can solve problems having more than two decision variables
  34. Numerical Constants
  35. Assessing the impact of potential changes to the numerical values of an LP model
    Sensitivity analysis
  36. Range of values over which the solution quantities of all the decision variables remain the same.
    Range of Optimality
  37. Amount by which the value of the objective function would change with a one-unit change in the RHS value of a constraint
    Shadow Price
  38. Range of values for the RHS of a constraint over which the shadow price remains the same
    Range of feasibility
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Suply Chain
vocab from chapter 6 and 6s