chapter 6

  1. sensation
    when sensory receptor neurons detect information and transmit to brain
  2. perception
    interpretation of sensory input recognizing what you see whats said to you and rcognizing odors
  3. constructivist
    nurture, argue perceptions of the world are constructed over time thru learning
  4. nativist
    nature, argue perceptions not created by interpreting exernal input instead innate capabilities and maturational programs are key forces in preceptual development
  5. habituation
    process of learning to be bored with a stimulus
  6. visual acuity
    The ability to perceive detail
  7. Visual accomodation
    The ability of the lens of the eye to change shape to bring objects at different distances into foucus
  8. size constancy
    reconizing that an object is the same size despite changes in its distance from the eyes.
  9. Visual cliff
    Happens around crawling usually 7 months or older.
  10. Phonemes
    Basic speech sounds
  11. Sensitive period
    A window of time during which an individual is more affected by experience, and thus has a higher level of plasticity than at other times throughout life.
  12. Attention
    The focusing of perception and cognition on something in particular.
  13. selective attention
    Concentrating on one thing while ignoring something else
  14. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
    struggles with sustaining and focusing attention. child may be unatentive, impulsive, hyperactivity, fidgety, restless, innatentive to school work.
  15. sensory threshold
    The point at which low levels of stimulation can be detected.
Card Set
chapter 6
test 2