HST 163 Ch 10 Terms

  1. Haciendas, Estancias, and Fazendas
    • large estastes where people worked for landowners or leased land as tenants or share croppers
    • conditions on these estates varied widely
    • Mexico, Argentina, and Brazil
  2. resident peons
    unskilled workers that were residents
  3. indebted peons
    • workers on haciendas that became indebted to the haciends and therefore were required to work until the debt was paid off
    • this could include multiple generations o workers becaus children were expected to pay off their parents debt
  4. sharecroppers
    rented land from the hacienda owner and paid with a portion of their crop (usually 50%)
  5. tenant farmers
    rented land from haciendas and paid for it in the form of cash or a portion of their crops
  6. vaqueros
    • cowboys in Mexico
    • skilled horeseman
  7. gauchos
    • cowboys of the Argentine plains
    • symbol of feirce regionalism, local independence, crucial role in politics of the lower class, and importance of export economy
    • roamed far and wide taking live stock to survive
  8. peublos
    • villages
    • important not to idealize
    • very poor, heavily reliant on rainfall
    • typical house: man, wife, children, peon, orphan, slave
  9. campesinos
  10. compadrazgo
    • godparenthood
    • slaves practiced this so that if they were to die, it was the responsibility of the god parents to take care of the children
  11. entertainment of the upper class
    • formal dinners and dances
    • concerts and operas
    • religious fiestas
    • bull fighting and gambling
  12. lower class entertainment
    • community (folk) dancing
    • religious fiestas
    • cockfighting and gambling
    • lots of drinking
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HST 163 Ch 10 Terms
Ch 10 Terms