S2M3 anatomy

  1. posterior division of internal iliac a
    • - iliolumbar
    • - lateral sacral
    • - superior gluteal
  2. anterior division of IIa
    • - umbilical
    • - superior vesicle
    • - obturator
    • - middle rectal
    • - internal pudendal
    • - inferior gluteal (passes b/t S2 and S3 nerves)
    • - inferior vesicle
    • - vaginal and uterine (women)
    • "Um,So, I I I, U, v u"
  3. medial umbilical ligament
    obliterated umbilical artery
  4. Uterine arery
    • - homolog of ductus deferens
    • - descending vaginal brannch--> cervix and vagine
    • - ascending branch--> uterus

    **ligation during hysterectomy poses risk of damage to ureter (as it passes under 2 cm superior to ischial spine)**
  5. collateral circulation of the pelvis
    • lumbar<---> iliolumbar
    • median sacral<---> lateral sacral
    • superior rectal(IMA)<---> middle rectal (aIIA)
    • inferior gluteal<---> deep artery of thigh
  6. superficial inguinal LN
    • - fundus of uterus near the round ligament
    • - most of the EXTERNAL genitalia
    • - labia majora/ scrotum
  7. deep inguinal LN
    • - glans penis/ clitoris
    • - labia minora
    • - distal half of the corpus spongiosum
  8. para- aortic (lumbar) LN
    • - ovary/ testes
    • - uterine tubes
    • - uterine fundus
  9. internal and external iliac LN
    • - uterine body
    • - cervix
    • - bladder
  10. internal iliac LN
    • - prostate
    • - rectum (lower part)
  11. Hypogastric plexus
    - monstly sympathetics

    **note- inferior hypogastric plexus is actually mixed**
  12. Pelvic splanchnic nerves
    - parasympathetic to pelivic viscera and descending and sigmmoid colon
  13. Sacral plexus
    • - L4-S4
    • - lumbosacral
    • - SGn
    • - nerve to piriformis
    • - IGn
    • - nerve to quadratus femoris
    • - nerve to obterator internus
    • - pudendal
    • - sciatic
    • - obterator
  14. only nerve of pelvis to emerge medial to the psoas major
    - obterator nerve
  15. pudendal nerve
    • - sensory to genitalia
    • - perineal muscles
    • - external urethral and anal sphincters
    • **possible damage during prostectomy==> ED**
  16. S3 dermatome
    • - Male- penis, scrotum and perineal area outside of perianal area
    • - Female- vagina and perineal area outside of perianal area
  17. S4/S5 dermatome
    • - S5- inner perianal
    • - S4- outer perianal and area above perineal body

    -S4-scratching perinanal skin can evoke an anal reflex (contraction of external anal sphincter)
  18. female homolog to gubernaculum testis
    • - ovarian ligament
    • - round ligament
  19. superficial pouch
    - space b/t perineal fascia and perineal membrane
  20. deep pouch
    - space b/t perineal membrane and inferior fascia of pelvic diaphragm
  21. pelvic diaphragm
    - space b/t inferior and superior fascia of pelvic diaphragm
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S2M3 anatomy
S2M3 anatomy