GSA or somatic sensory
transmit impulses from skin, muscles and joints to the spinal cord and brain stem
GSA cell body location
dorsal root ganglia of spinal nerves and sensory ganglia of cranial nerve V, VII, IX, and X
GSE or somatic motor
innervate skeletal muscles derived embryologically from somites
GSE cell body location
- ventral horn of the spinal cord and brain stem
- CN III, IV, VI and XII
GVA or visceral sensory
convey impulses from structures that contain smooth muscle, cardiac muscle and glands
GVA cell body location
found in dorsal root ganglia and sensory ganglia of CN IX and X
GVE or visceral motor
innervate smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands
where are preganglionic sympathetic cells of GVE located?
in the lateral horn (T1-L2) of the spinal cord
Where are the preganglionic parasympathetic cells of GVE located?
brain stem (CN III, VII, IX, and X) and the sacral cord (S2,3,4)
Special somatic afferent
found in those cranial nerves serving special senses of vision (CN III) and hearing and balance (CN VIII)
Special viseral afferent
transmit impulses from special senses of the visceral type, namely, smell (I) and taste (VII, IX and X)
Special visceral efferent or branchial motor
innervate skeletal muscles derived embrologically from the branchial arches.
What are the muscles of SVE
- mm of facial expression
- masication mm
- muscles of larynx, pharynx, palate,
- sternocleidomastoid, trapezii, stylopharyngeous
What are the nerves of the voluntary branchoimeric muscles
functional components of olfactory nerve
SVA (smell)
functional components of optic nerve
functional components of oculomotor nerve
GSE & parasympathetic GVE
functional components of trochlear
functional components of trigeminal
functional components of abducens
functional components of facial
functional components of vestibulocochlear
- SSA hearing
- SSA equilibrium
functional components of glossopharyngeal
- Parasympathetic GVE
- GSA and GVA (sensory)
- SVA (taste)
functional components of vagus
functional components of accessory cranial portion
branchial motor SVE
functional components of Accessory Spinal portion
functional components of Hypoglossal
Olfactory SVA peripheral distribution
Olfactory mucosa (upper part of nasal mucosa)
Optic SS peripheral distribution
oculomotor GSE peripheral distribution
- superior, inferior and medial recti;
- inferior oblique; levator palpebrae superioris
Oculomotor GVE peripheral distribution
sphincter pupillae and ciliaris muscle for pupillary constriction and accommodation
- Constriction (parasympathetic)
- dilation (sympathetic)
Trochlear GSE peripheral distribution
Superior oblique muscle of eye
trigeminal GSA peripheral distribution
Sensory: Face; cornea; scalp; dura; teeth; mucosa of mouth; anterior 2/3 of tongue; nose and paranasl air sinuses; skin of ear and external acoustic meatus
Trigeminal SVE peripheral distribution
- Motor root:
- Muscle of mastication, mylohoid and ANT bell of diastric, tensores tympani and palati
Abducens GSE peripheral distribution
Lateral rectus muscle of eye
Facial SVE peripheral distribution
- Motor root:
- Facial muscles, posterior belloy of digastric, stylohyoid, and stapedius
Facial GVE peripheral distribution
- Sensory: glands of nose and palate; lacrimal gland
- Submandibular and sublingal salivary glands
Facial GSA peripheral distribution
- skin of ear and external acoustic meatus
- (general)
Facial SVA peripheral distribution
ANT 2/3 of tongue taste
Vestibulocochlear SSA peripheral distribution
- Hearing: Organ of corti
- Equilibrium: semicircular ducts; utricle and saccule
glossopharyngeal SVE peripheral distribution
Stylopharyngeus muscle
Glossopharyngeal GVE peripheral distribution
parotid gland
Glossopharyngeal GSA and GVA peripheral distribution
Skin of external acoustic meatus; mucosa of pharynx, soft palate, Posterior 1/3 of tongue(touch), tympanic cavity; carotid sinus and body
glossopharyngeal SVA peripheral distribution
Posterior 1/3 of tongue (taste)
Vagus SVE peripheral distribution
muscles of pharynx, palate, and larynx
Vagus GVE peripheral distribution
smooth muscle and glands of pharynx, larynx, trachea, and thoracic and abdominal viscera (excluding hindgut)
Vagus GSA peripheral distribution
skin of ear and external acoustic meatus
Vagus GVA peripheral distribution
pharynx, larynx, trachea, thoracic and abdominal viscera (excluding hindgut)
Vagus SVA peripheral distribution
Epiglottis (taste)
Accessory Cranial portion SVE peripheral distribution
with branches of vagus for muscles of pharynx, palate and larynx
Accessory Spinal portion SVE peripheral distribution
Sternomastoid and trapezius muscles
Hypoglossal GSE peripheral distribution
intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of the tongue