greenhouse effect
certain gases in the atmosphere keep heat near Earth & prevent it from radiating into space
greenhouse gas
gases involved in keeping heat near Earth
thermohaline circulation
a water movement pattern in which warmer, less salty water moves along the surface of the ocean, and colder, saltier water moves deep beneath the ocean's surface
El Nino
change in air pressure, wind patterns, ocean temperature, and ocean circulation in the Pacific
describes the surface characteristics of an area; elevation, mountains, rivers, and lakes
measurement of a place's distance from the equator
the side of a mountain that wind passes over
the downwind side of a mountain
global climate change
change in many climate characteristics; temperature, rainfall, wind patterns, & storm frequency
global warming
increase in Earth's average surface temperatures
proxy indicator
types of indirect evidence that serve as substitutes for direct measurement
climate model
programs that combine what we know about the atmosphere and oceans to simulate climate processes
fossil fuel
a fuel that formed a long ago from the remains of living things
coral bleaching
algae living within coral dies
carbon footprint
amount of carbon dioxide emissions for which an individual or group is responsible
carbon tax
fee that a gov't charges polluters for each unit of greenhouse gases they emit
carbon offset
a voluntary payment made when one industry or person, instead of reducing its own greenhouse gas emissions, pays another group or person to do so
carbon sequestration
storage; ways to store carbon underground
Kyoto Protocol
international agreement that seeks to limit greenhouse gas emissions; binding
gov't puts a limit (cap) on amount of greenhouse gases that can be released by specific industries & power plants