Date Auction

  1. Hello everyone. Welcome to this reechoed thing they call The RHA date auction. I don't even know what that means. I just don't get it, young people selling themselves off like street workers... what do you all call them these days? well in my day this was illegal. Anyways my name is Grandma Rose... I graduated from the first class at Webster College... when it was a real school. It taught me what i need to know for a great life... like cooking for my husband, changing diapers, and cleaning. Thats all i needed to know. Now all you need to know is that I am 87 years old... and I am very angry and very frisky. I am angry cause i am frisky.... They are two in the same... You know why? b/c the best contraceptive for old people is seeing each other naked. Alright well enough about me.
  2. Anyways my name is Grandma Rose... I graduated from the first class at Webster College... when it was a real school. It taught me what i need to know for a great life... like cooking for my husband, changing diapers, and cleaning. Thats all i needed to know. Now all you need to know is that I am 87 years old... and I am very angry and very frisky. I am angry cause i am frisky.... They are two in the same... You know why? b/c the best contraceptive for old people is seeing each other naked. Alright well enough about me.
  3. Katie Farrar
    RHA President HvZ moderator NRHHWebster LEADS-
    Pisces-Perfect date: Fly to Argentina. we'll have some beef and wine. -
    Favorite thing to do: Cook-
    Dream would be: An afternoon on the paradise where the Corona commercials are filmed-Most Romantic thing she has done: I surprised my boyfriend with his favorite sandwich for an anniversary.
  4. Joaquin Groves RHALASO -Capricorn-Perfect Date: A candle lit dinner on the beach, with rose petals thrown in the sand-Favorite Hobby: Laugh, Dance, and love-Most romantic thing you have done for someone: For my girlfriend he put candles and rose petals all over the room with a chocolate fondue with strawberries.-Favorite TV Show: Two and a Half men
  5. Cate Cearley
    AES NRHH DPhiE Gorlok Ultimate -
    Leo-Perfect Date: going out and doing something together like a walk in the park or the zoo-
    Favorite thing to do with the significant other: Cuddle on the couch and watch a good movie-
    Favorite Movie: Lord of the Rings Trilogy
  6. Matthias Muutuki AES RA -Gemini-Perfect Date: Going to Tropical Moose and then to Shnucks Deli.-Most romantic thing someone has done for Matthias: When I was sick with swine flu, Elise Chi came to serenade me with her ukulele.-Fav tv shows: Heroes, V, Family Guy
  7. Angie Garcia
    Students for Biological Sciences RHA NRHH
    -Leo-Hobby: going on a picnic-
    Perfect Date: playing tennis or going on a hike-
    Most Romantic thing Angie has done for a guy: I’ve taken a guy out to dinner and a movie, inclusding paying the check at dinner and the movie tickets.-
    Favorite Singer: Will Dailey
    Cody Stevenson

    Webster Baseball
  8. Cody Stevenson

    Webster Baseball
  9. Eva Erge

    LGBTQ President SGE

    -born in the Soviet Union
  10. Tony Burgesen

    Reslife -Capricorn-Perfect Date: I love having indoor nights - romantic movie, all the best junk food money can buy, and a cozy blanket. It's not about what you do on a date, but more of who you're with that makes it perfect.-Favorite thing: Power naps on Sunday afternoon.
  11. Nicole King teacher
    Commuter Council SGA DPhiE -
    Virgo-Perfect Date: picnic in the park on a beautiful summer day-
    My favorite thing to do is lay under the stars together-
    Favorite Band: The Beatles-
    Most romantic thing I have done for someone….buy me and find out!
  12. Maria Rameriz
    Your Allure RA -Capricorn-Perfect Date: I would love to go to the top of a very high building with an amazing view to dance on top of mountain-Most romantic thing I have ever done: Encouraging a guy to follow his dreams by doing some artwork that only he and I could fully understand.-Favorite TV show: anatomy, the office, and family guy
  13. Phil Deihl -
    Major: Video Production and Exotic Bird Training-
    Favorite movie: Big Fish-
    Fav TV show: The Adventures of Pete and Pete
  14. Emily Manker
    DPhiE President NRHH Habitat for Humanity -
    Virgo-My perfect date would be going to a major league baseball game, having a hot dog and a slushie, then laying outside to see the stars.-Favorite thing: Laughing.
  15. Justin Raymundo
    SGA President LGBTQ DU Forensics and Debate
    -Sagittarius-Long walks on the beach-
    Perfect Date: Philosophical Conservations over dinner

  16. The Vayas Sisters
    (Daniella and Maria)
    RHA -Dani: Favorite Music: Spanish Music
    -Movie: Wicker Park
    -Maria’s major: Psychology
    -TV show: Grey’s anatomy
  17. Frank Hartfield
    -Leo-Perfect Date: carriage ride on the river front with a bottle of wine
    -He is a romantic Ladies….he will send you flowers-
    Favorite thing to do: Just chill
    -JAY Z
  18. May Morrison
    -Aries-Perfect Date: dinner at Olive Garden followed by and evening-Favorite hobby: Watch Lost-Best date May ever had
    : We watched lostFav Show: Lost and dexter
  19. Elise Chi
    Favorite Movie: Die Hard and Rambo
    Favorite TV Show: Tool Time
    Favorite Magazine: Lowe's Catalog
    Perfect: Building a tool bench
  20. Dexter Earney
    NRHH RA Surfacing
    -Scorpio-Dexter has never been asked to have sex for money but i bet he would for a beer and a basket of curly fries

    Most romantic thing: Took my his mom out for a valentines date and surprised her with a dozen roses.
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Date Auction