What heretic was burned at the stake by the council of Constance in 1417?
John Hus
What Spanish Conquistador conquered the Aztecs in 1521?
The first unified nation in western Europe is considered to be
Who brought Castile and Aragon into dynastic unity
Ferdinand and Isabella
The word ethnocentricity means
judging other groups by standards of own ethnic group
The painter of The Creation in the Sistine Chapel was
What is the name given to the period in the fourteenth century when the Pope lived in Avignon?
- ·
- The Babylonian Captivity
What technological achievement ensured the spread of Luther’s ideas?
Printing press
Protestantism believed that religious authority came only from
the bible
What major event occurred on 31 October 1517?
Protestant Reformation
What was the primary reason for the English nobility’s support for the Anglican Church?
Feared loss of investments
A doctrine formulated particularly by who was that of predestination
John Calvin
What classical philosophy was re-discovered by Italians in the 14th century which supported a belief in individualism and materialism?
Protestantism believed that salvation came only from
British claims to North America were established during the 1490’s by the explorer?
John Cabot
Luxury items such as silks, perfume and spices were in great demand in Western Europe as result of
The Crusades
What painted the Mona Lisa?
Da Vinci
What treaty in 1594 divided the world between Spain and Portugal?
Who objected to Roman Catholic corruption and materialism
John Wycliffe
Who wrote the Book of Common Prayer?
The man who converted Scotland to Calvinism was
What Native American civilization is considered to be the founding civilization for Central America?
Which North American group would you find living in the Northwest United States?
Slavery in the Caribbean initially expanded because of the success of plantations growing
After 1632 only one European people were able to directly trade with Japan until 1854. Which of the following was it?
What city did the Ottomans conquer and make their new capital in the 15th century?
About 950 AD the first stone walled buildings were built in Zimbabwe by the
Those Muslims who believe the leader of the Islamic world should be related to Muhammad are called
The Chinese ruler who moved the capital to Beijing was
The most famous of Mali kings because of his trip of Mecca was
Mansa Muse
The Jesuit missionary who introduced Catholicism to Japan was
Francis Xavier
The Islamic calendar begins with the
Islamic armies were defeated, and thus kept from conquering Western Europe, at the battles of
- · Tours and Poitiers
- Islamic armies were defeated, and thus kept from conquering Western Europe, at the battles of
A major African Kingdom which participated in the slave trade was
In what city did the University of Sankore located?
The last dynasty in Chinese history is the
The Soninke people established the kingdom of
Local military leaders in medieval Japan were called
In 1683, for the first time, Taiwan was put under Chinese rule during which dynasty?
The term Atlantic World has come to include all of the following regions EXCEPT
South Africa
The first slaves to arrive in the English colonies in America were put ashore at
In the Caribbean, the position of doctor, philosopher and priest among slaves was brought from Africa in the person of the
Chattel slavery defined slaves as
personal property
The major European slave trading nation in the 18th century was
Who invented the Cotton Gin
Eli Whitney
Robert Knox was most closely associated with racism based on
The Black African Saint who fought in the Crusades was known in the West as
St Morris
Which was a member of the Social Darwinists?
The largest number of African slaves were brought to the
Revolution =
Change (it was a communications revolution)
- turned away or against religion, man made existence and science
- defines religion
Francis Bacon Explanation for science
science was gift from god to recreate Garden of Eden and Science was based on inductive reasoning
5 things Enlightenment
- o 1. Reason ,
- o 2. Nature
- o 3. Liberty
- o 4. Progress
- 5. Happiness
those who signed declaration of independence were
don’t believe in miracles or praying, believe we can fix own problems, gives no hope
Great Watch maker Theory
God made watch, left, and piece fell out – we are no longer where we are
John Locke
1689 wrote Two Treaties on Civil Government,
concluded god given rights unalienable – life, liberty, property; god controlled government
Adam Smith
Wealth of Nations wrote in 1776,
- concluded that natural form of economics was capitalism,
- demand and supply, subsistence wage
wrote Law of Nature,
noticed different legal systems for same type of crime, said that legal system based on environment
wrote Social Contract 1752,
humanity in universe was happy, created own institutions separate from god, pure democracy or majority rules creating small communities of 40,000
Cult of Science
answers can be found in science;
- Newton = Gravity
- Galileo = Telescope and Astronomy
Descartes believed
truth found in math, “I think therefore I am” - (I am rational)
Baron d’ Holbach
wrote System of Nature 1790s
humans are animals, humans are self-aware, humans have free will; our biggest problem was that we are self-aware (make up stories about afterlife)
new 19th century philosophy, spiritual existence does exist
Emanuel Kant
agnostic, belief but not depended on god
1750 = Similarities between the 13 colonies included:
- 1. Colonial Assembly (1st was in Virginia – House of Burgess),
- 2. taxed themselves, had British governor (paid by assembly),
- 3. literacy rate was 83% (were Puritans and had to read Bible)
1750 Navigation Acts
control trade, had to buy British goods, got around by smuggling and colonies were independent
1756 = 7 Year War
exploits India, also known as French Indian war between French and British
were private and independent, every colony had one, military was organized, weapons shot spread
businessman bought commodity selling back to British colonies bought with gold, New England businessman thought to supply British and French but did not have enough gold to double supplies
1763 = war ended with surplus of commodity
British wins French Indian War, American colonist had wrong idea of democracy
Virtual representation
- every British citizen represented by parliament members
- (500 to 1)
Salutary neglect
British accepted own fault for allowing colonies’ ideas
1763 Currency Act
stopped printing money and demand using gold, British compensation for winging French Indian war was 7 million pound
1764 Sugar Act
40,000 pounds to help pay the 7 million pound, taxes on sugar
1765 Stamp Act
tax on stamps, no jury trial if taxes were not paid for stamps
1766 Declaratory Act
British proclaimed its authority, repealed taxes, tax payers revolt – cut taxes by half million pound the American colonies themselves
1767 Townshend Duties
minimal tax on everyday items that were irreplaceable (lead for guns and bullets, tea)
John Dickinson =
- ·
- rebelled
- Townshend Duties, wrote “Letters from Farmer in Pennsylvania”, urged farmers to be involved, was propaganda, (American revolution was urban revolution meaning farmers did not feel effects of taxes
- on lead)
5 March 1770
professional protesters British armory, British military was young and uneducated, 5 colonists died, Crispus Attucks was 1st to die, Boston Massacre, parliament repealed Townshend Duties, taxed only tea
were all radicalsSamuel Adams, Thomas Paine, John Adams, and John Hancock
were all radicals
King George Third
no parliament power, insane
Lord North
= prime minister of Britain in 1770-1773 by default, didn’t want to sell tea which led to tax and upsetting radicals thereafter, chose British East India Company which became the only company allowed to sell tea
John Hancock
was tea smuggler
1773 Boston Tea Party
British sent navy and army occupy Boston reaction to destruction of private property which was the tea
September 1774
- representative of 13 colonies met in 1st continental congress
- where 1st issue was economic boycott, radicals hid military
- equipment
April 1775
British patrol Lexington search military goods, shot minutemen on bridge, Concord – people died both sides, shots heard round the world, turned people into radicals
September 1775
- 2nd continental congress, same representatives, new nation
- was 1st issue, George Washington appointed general gathering troops, Thomas Jefferson wrote declaration of Independence (ideas from John Locke)
1776-1783 = victorious war
French support in form of navy and money, other countries helped like Spain
1789 = Start of French Revolution
1610 = Henry Fourth who was French King passed Edict of Nantes – religious tolerance, he was assassinated
1614, General of States split into 3 houses
1st Estate = Church
2nd Estate = Aristocracy
3rd Estate = Masses (Third estate was the largest – majority rule)
1614 = General of States meet to organize government, King was too young
Louis Thirteenth was successor, Cardinal Richelieu ran government as prime minister in form of absolute monarchy where King has absolute power
Louis Fourteenth = palace Versailles, gave no one power, Sun King, absolute monarch 1624-1660 power into 1715, biggest army
Louis Fifteenth = French Indian war or Seven Years War, lost North America and India, aided American revolution, 1787 French treasury became broke
Louis Sixteenth = 1787 food shortages and no funds, couldn’t commit, 1789 called general of states in Paris, issue was that taxes were high - other problems they thought were regional but actually similar
Abbe Sieyes
- member of 3rd Estate Masses, wrote ‘What is the 3rd
- Estate?’, argued 3rd estate truly represent France, Louis didn’t do anything, June 21 Louis sent soldiers to lock up building, meet across the street and signed Tennis Court Oath – will not disband until written constitution, riots broke out in Paris, France
July 14 1789 = mob meets Bastille where they thought political prisoners were in Jail there, France independence day
1789 = nobility unclear what to do, spread of violence peasants against nobility and clergy, reports on countryside attack on church
August 2 1789 = 2nd and 3rd estate meet and surrender privileges (the nobility), Declaration of Rights of Man – commitment on Egalitarian or equal treatment under law, all adults right to vote, liberty to go and do what they want like move and start new life
September 1789-1791 = constitutional monarchy, 3rd estate runs everything
September 1791 = Louis Sixteenth brought to Paris
September 1792 = Louis escapes but is arrested
753 members make up general estates, 136 Jacobins controlled by Maximillien Robespierre and was largest and organized
Pillmits Agreements
= signed by Austria and Prussia do whatever necessary to stop French revolution
April 17 1792 = France declares war Austria and Prussia, no military organization, Danton Mass Warfare – outnumber troops, Austria and Prussia never invades
1792-1793 = Robespierre paranoids, trials and execution, guillotine favorite form of entertainment
January 21 1793 = Louis sixteenth executed, countries had been supported of France (Britain, Spain and Portugal) but no longer because a king was killed, France at war with everybody
Reign of terror was ruled by
· 1794 = turned on Robespierre, blamed for terror and was executed July, vacuum of power, Napoleon Bonaparte comes to power
Napoleon born 1789 in Corsica (Italian), French military school, became general quickly since most officers who were nobility left, shot cannons at mob
1795 = Napoleon great military leader, loved by France, brought stability, loved b French government
1796 = 3rd estate promotes Napoleon to field marshall and send him into Italy, Italian campaign – wins battle despite being outnumbered against Austrians and Italians
1798 = Napoleon is sent to Egypt who were allied with Britain wins with same success
1799 = Napoleon deserts his army returns to France leading own military coup, and teamed with Abbe Sieyes, wanted to be 1st council of France
1800 Bonaparte Wars with everybody success limited to land battles
1807 Alexander First has meeting Tilsit, Alexander First agrees Western Europe was Bonaparte and Eastern Europe was his in terms of land
1805 = Battle of Trafalgar naval battle against British (British admiral was Horatio Nelsor), Bonaparte loss (Britain had best navy)
Britain was the last enemy, English channel prevented Bonaparte success
1807 Continental System meant to destroy Britain by economy b refusing to do business, foreign states had to choose who to support, Jefferson president U.S. refused to choose – Embargo Act = policy lead to economic depression eventually choosing Britain
Russia could not afford to stop business with Britain under mining Tilsit Agreement (Continental System)
1812 Napoleon invades Russia a punitive expedition – to punish, Bonaparte splits from Moscow Russia, Alexander didn’t show up, spent months trying to leave
March 1813 Napoleon’s enemies catch up and attacked Battle of Nations known as Battle Leipzig, napoleon lost, escapes to Paris is caught and arrested
January 1514 Napoleon exiled to Elba Island 1st
March 1814 = Napoleon escapes returns to France to an army waiting in Paris
July 1815 Napoleon meet enemies Battle of Waterloo Belgium, British Wellington leads allies, Napoleon loses arrested and exiled to St. Helena Island until his death
Napoleon brought ideas of revolution to those he fought, liberal revolutions broke out 19 century
According to the declaration of Independence, King of Great Britain established absolute Tyranny over these states.