chap 16 med term contd

  1. abnormal presence of serum albumin (protein) in the urine
  2. no urine produced
  3. full urinary bladder
    bladder distention
  4. blood tests for kidney function, esp blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatine
    blood chemistries
  5. the urea (in terms of nitrogen) concentration of serum or plasma; an important indicator of renal function
    blood urea nitrogen (BUN)
  6. passage of a catheter (tube) into the bladder to relieve bladder distention or for other purposes
  7. popular test for urine glucose or other substances
  8. able to control urination (and/or defecation)
  9. visual examination of the urinary tract with a cystoscope
  10. increased excretion of urine
  11. uncontrolled urination while sleeping (bed-wetting)
  12. desire to urinate at short intervals, but discharging small amounts because of reduced bladder capacity
    frequency (urgency)
  13. the presence of blood in the urine
  14. inability to control urination (and/or defecation)
  15. a technique in radiology for examining the structures and evaluating the function of the urinary system
    intravenous pyelogram (IVP)
  16. intake and output. the amount of fluids (usually) infested and excreted in a given period of time, measured and charted
    I & O
  17. abbreviation for kidney, ureter and bladder
  18. urinate
  19. excessive urination at night
    nocturia, nycturia
  20. excreting a small amount of urine
  21. pus in the urine
  22. a technique in radiology for examining the structures of the collecting system of the kidnets that is especially useful in locating an obstruction in the urinary tract
    retrograde pyelogram
  23. an image produced after the patient is injected with a radioactive substance. It determines kidney shape and function
    scan (renal)
  24. special paper that changes color when dipped in urine
  25. imaging body structures by recording the echoes of high frequency sound waves reflected by body tissues on a paper or other device
  26. analysis of the urine, e.g. acidity, sugar level
    urinalysis (UA)
  27. inability to urinate for various reasons. Body retains urine waste
    urinary retention
  28. a combining form meaning "pertaining to the bladder"
  29. to empty the bladder, urinate
  30. pea-sized glandds that secrete lubrication fluid during intercourse. also called bulbourethral glands.
    Cowper's glands
  31. tip of the penis
    glans penis
  32. the organ of copulation
  33. area between the scrotum and anus
  34. fold of skin covering the glans penis at birth; foreskin
  35. gland surrounding the neck of the bladder and the urethra; contributes secretions that enhance sperm motility and neutralizes acid vaginal secretions
    prostrate gland
  36. two compartment sac outside of the body that houses the testes
  37. one of the pair of male gonads that produce semen
  38. narrow tubular structures for excretion of semen and spermatozoa
  39. a duct bordering the testes for storage, transit, and maturation of spermatozoa
  40. extension of the epididymis that joins the seminal vesicle to form the ejaculatory duct
    vas deferens
  41. the passages for conveyance of spermatozoa and semen
    seminal duct
  42. the duct formed by union of the vas deferens and the duct of the seminal vesicle
    ejaculatory duct vesicle
  43. opening for sperm and urine passage to the outside of the body
  44. their secretions mix with sperm to form seminal fluid
    accessory glands
  45. scrotum and penis
    external genitalia
  46. small mucus-secreting glands located near the vagina
    Bartholin's glands
  47. erectile tissue at junction of labia majora and labia minora; equivalent to a male penis
  48. thin elastic connective tissue covering the vaginal opening
  49. necklike section at lower end of uterus
  50. ducts in which fertilization occurs and passageways for ova to the uterus
    fallopian tubes (oviducts)
  51. the female gonad; either of the paired female sex glands in which ova are formed and released, and which produce female hormones
  52. cavity opening into the vagina below and into a fallopian tube on either side; organ for nourishing the fetus
  53. birth canal and receptacle for copulation
  54. two outer folds of skin on either side of vaginal opening
    labia majora
  55. two thin folds of skin within the folds of the labia majora
    labia minora
  56. female breasts; considered accessory glands to the FRS, they are necessary for breast-feeding of the infant (lactation)
    mammary glands
  57. mound of fatty tissue over the pubis
    mons pubis
  58. area between vaginal orifice and anus
  59. enlargement of the prostrate gland, common among men by the age of 50
    benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH)
  60. removing foreskin, or prepuce
  61. undescended testicle(s)
  62. inflammation of the epididymis; from venereal disease
  63. fluid collected in the testes
  64. castration
  65. fixation of an undescended testis in the scrotum
  66. inflammation of a testis
  67. excision of all or part of the prostate
  68. varicose veins near the testes
  69. male sterilization by cutting or tying the vas deferens
  70. expulsion from the uterus of the products of conception before the fetus is viable
    abortion (AB)
  71. chronic or acute inflammation of Bartholin's gland
    Bartholin's cyst or abscess
  72. chronic or acute inflammation of Bartholin's gland
    Bartholin's cyst or abscess
  73. suture of the vagina; to correct cystocele and rectocele
  74. examination of cervix by means of colposcope
  75. hernia of bladder into the vagina
  76. dilating the uterine cervix and using a curette to scrape the endometrium of the uterus; to diagnose disease, to correct the vagianl bleeding, or to produce abortion
    dilatation and curettage (D&C)
  77. cells of the lining of the uterus spreading into the pelvis (peritoneal cavity)
  78. colloquial term for benign tumor (leiomyoma) of the uterus
  79. an abnormal passage between two internal organs; e.g. vesicovaginal (between bladder and vagina) fistula
  80. fluid collecting in the uterine tube, causing distention
  81. excision of the uterus
  82. an xray film of the uterus and the fallopian tubes to allow visualization of the cavity of the uterus and the passageway of the tubes
  83. laparoscopic visualization of the peritoneal cavity
  84. a whitish, viscid discharge from the vagina
  85. spontaneous abortion
  86. yeastlike fungus infection of the vagina and other body parts
    monilia (moniliasis)
  87. excision of one of both ovaries; female castration
  88. a diagnostic procedure in which the external and internal genitalia are physically examined using inspection, palpation, etc.
    pelvic examination
  89. any inflammatory condition of the female pelvic organs, esp one caused by bacterial infection
    pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
  90. downward displacement of the uterus into the vagina
    prolapse of uterus
  91. excision of one or both fallopian tubes
  92. inflammation of one or both fallopian tubes
  93. inflammation of the vagina by a parasite, with itching and foul discharge
    trichomonas infection
  94. sterilization by "tying" both fallopian tubes
    tubal ligation
  95. an instrument used to dilate the vagina during a pelvic examination
    vaginal speculum
  96. a fatal disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which destroys the body's immune system by invading the helper T-cell, destroying the cell, and then invades other T-cells
    acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)
  97. a widespread sexually transmitted bacterial infection that invades the urethra of men and the vagina and cervix of women. The disease is asymptomatic in the early stages, which makes possible the spread as the partners are unaware that they have it
  98. inflammation of the mucous membranes of the genital tract, affecting both male and female, caused by gonococci (berry-shaped) bateria. it's spread by intercourse with an infected partner, or passed from an infected mother to her infant during birth
  99. a highly contagious venereal disease caused by the type 2 herpes virus (HSV-2), although it may be caused by HSV-1, the virus is associated with oral infections (cold sores). it is transmitted by direct contact with infected body secretions. Remissions and relapses occur and no drug is known to be affected as a cure.
    genital herpes
  100. small, fleshy growths on the external genitalia. it's are transmitted from person to person through sexual intercourse. they are caused by the human palpilloma virus (HPV) and appear from 1 to 6 months after the initial contact.
    genital warts
  101. a chronic, infectious disease cause by spirochete bacteria, and transmitted by sexual intercourse with an infected partner. this is a highly infectious disease that can affect any body organ. A chancre (hard ulcer) appears on the external genitalia a few weeks after exposure. It usually develops on the penis of a male and on the labia of a female
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chap 16 med term contd
chap 16 med term contd