H&I 2 test 3

  1. What is COPD?
    Emphasyma & Bronchitis

    limit air exchange
  2. What are some signs and symptoms of COPD?
    • chronic cough, SOB,
    • lots of mucus secretions lots of speutum
    • impaired exiatory air flow cstic fibrosi
    • can cause sleep apnea
  3. what position can COPD pts not get in
    lay down flat
  4. What does chronic bronchitis do?
    puts strain on heart

    AVG ->PACO2> 50 PaO2 <50

    L ventricule enlarges
  5. what can develope from Chronic Bronchitus?
    pulmonary hypertention
  6. what happens to the sides of the heart in heart failure?
    When one side fails the other will eventually fail
  7. What is a 2ndary problem of COPD
    brochial asthma it is reverable
  8. what groups is brochial asthma usually seen in
    the very old and the very young
  9. how many cases of bronchospasms can be imparative in kids?
  10. Asthma
    • treatments
    • meds
    • side effects
  11. what is the leading cause of Pulmonary emphysema?
  12. what happens in Pulmonary emphysema?
    • impaired gas exchange
    • extention of aveoli
  13. What happens to the lungs in pulmonary emphysema?
    loose elasticity

    from scar tissue replacing lung tissue

    severe dyspnea
  14. what are the 2 main types of pulmonary emphysema
    1. centribular

    2. panlobar
  15. what type of pulmonary emphysema is the most common?
  16. what does centribular pulmonary emphysema affect?
    • affects bronchiols
    • central part of resp globulal

    • preferal edema
    • heart failure
    • up red blood cells to compensate
  17. what population does centribular pulmonary emphysema usually occur in?
    • smokers
    • mostly males
  18. What happens in pan lobular pulmonary emphysema?
    generalized destruction of resp___ in lower resp tract
  19. what is pan lobular pulmonary emphysema caused by?

    missing enzyme
  20. what enzyme is missing in pan lobular pulmonary emphysema?
    alpha tripson enzyme
  21. what population is pan lobular pulmonary emphysema usually seen in?
    young adults
  22. what does alpha tripson enzyme do?
    protects the lungs
  23. what happens if you don't have tripson enzyme?
    get lung destruction
  24. What are some S/S of emphysema?
    • wheezing,
    • coughing, R sidedheart failure
    • dyspnea, pulmonary edema
    • exerctional dyspnia
    • destended neck veins
    • chronic cough
    • rigid rib cage
    • exporation takes longer
    • liver congestion
  25. What is usually the 1st symptom of emphesyma
    exerctional dyspnia
  26. what do people do as their rib cages get rigid with emphysema?
    use accessory muscles to breath
  27. what causes pulmonary edema in emphesyma?
    R ventricle cant pump blood efficiently
  28. what does liver congestion from emphysema cause
    painful to palpitate liver
  29. what are some S/S of advanced emphysema
    • anxiety
    • sort of jerky speach
    • look sick
    • pale
    • neck veins distain with expiration
    • lower O2 lower memory & more confusion
  30. what happens if emphysema is not treated as it progresses?
    • lathargic stupor
    • coma
    • CO2 narcosis
    • fluid around heart -hear muffled
    • hyperinflated lung
    • over amount of air left in lungs -> residual volume
  31. what is CO2 narcrosis?
    too much CO2
  32. what is pulmonary function test for?
  33. what do you look at in pulmonary function test?
    • PaO2 -<55
    • CBC- up WBC
    • sputum -positive cultures
    • polystemia
  34. what happens as emphysema gets worse?
    • body tries to compensate to prevent acidosis
    • hyerpathnia---too much CO2
  35. what are some goals in Emphysema?
    • low disease progression
    • treat symptoms
    • brancodialatiors
    • manage symptoms
  36. what are some nursing interventions of emphysema
    • assess respiratory status
    • monitor blood drug levels--- check theraputic levels
    • nursing care plans important
    • encourage fluids
    • look for signs of infection
    • lots of teaching and evals
    • observe for drug side effects
  37. nursing Dx
    • fluid overload
    • i
  38. what type of meals should pt with emphysema get?
    • small high quality frequent meals
    • 3-4x / day
  39. how do people get cystic fibrosis?
    • inhearited from both parents
    • 1 in 3 people are carriers
  40. what are the chances of getting cystic fibrosis?
    • 2 carriers-- 25% chance of having kids w/ disorder
    • 25% chance of baby born normal no carrier
    • 50% chance of baby born carrier
  41. what causes cystic fibrosis?
    • falty transport of sodium & chloride
    • affects enternal & outer surface
Card Set
H&I 2 test 3
heart conditions