Priciples of Management Ch. 9 part 3

  1. A theory that concerns how leaders influence subordinates' perceptions of their work goals and the paths they follow toward attainment of those goals.
    path-goal theory
  2. Factors in the workplace that can exert the same influence on employees as leaders would provide.
    substitutes fr leadership
  3. A person who is dominant, self-confident, convinced of the moral righteousness of his or her beliefs, and able to arouse a sense of excitement and adventure in followers.
    charismatic leader
  4. A leader who motivates people to transcend their personal interests for the good of the group.
    transformational leader
  5. Leaders who manage through transactions, using their legitimate, reward, and coercive powers to give commands and exchange rewards for services rendered.
    transactional leaders
  6. A combination of strong professional will (determination) and humility that builds enduring greatness.
    level 5 leadership
  7. A style in which the leader is true to himself or herself while leading.
    authentic leadership
  8. Leaders who talk about positive change but allow their self-interest to take precedence over followers' needs.
    pseudotransformational leaders
  9. A leader who serves others' needs while strenghening the organization.
  10. Leaders who bridge conflicting value systems or different cultures.
    bridge leaders
  11. Rotating leadership, in which people rotate through the leadership role based on which person has the most relevant skills at a particular time.
    shared leadership
  12. Stye in which colleagues at the same hierarchical level are invited to collaborate and facilitate joint problem solving.
    lateral leadership
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Priciples of Management Ch. 9 part 3
ch. 9 part 3