Archaebacteria and Eubacteria
- Small, unicellular, haploid only
- Asexual: no mitosis --> binary fission
- Most heterotrophic (obtain food from others)
- Eukaryotic, non-photosynthetic, have cell walls, haploid and diploid
- Sexual spores (meiosis) and asexual spores (mitosis)
- Thread-like strands called hyphae (single strand = yeast)
harmful toxic chemicals produced by fungi and accumulate in infected food
Algae basics
- eukaryotes, mostly photosynthetic
- micro or macro
- sexual or asexual
Algae: Diatoms
live in cool oceans, mostly unicellular
Algae: Kelps/ Brown Algae
rocky caosts in cold water, multicellular
Algae: Dinoflagellates
- mainly unicellular, green/colorless, asexual
- red tide
Algae: Red Algae
- oldest organisms on earth
- thin filmds to complex filaments
- accessory pigments make it red
- can photosynthesize in deep water
Algae: Green Algae
- Largest, most diverse
- fresh water and lang
- ancestor or land plants: cellulose, chlorophyll, alternation of generations, cell plate
- non vascular
- have cuticle and stomata
- moist environment
- alternation of generations
- Gametophyte generation is dominant with rhizoids and produces eggs and sperm
- Spotophyte occurs when egg is fertilized (diploid) sporocytes undergo meiosis to produce haloid spores
- vascular tissues
- sporophyte genereation is larger
- haploid gametophyte is small/short lived
- Fronds: sporophyte leaves
- Fiddleheads: young fronds
- Rhizomes: underground horizontal stem
- Roots: arise from rhizome
- Naked seed; trees
- Spotophyte is dominant
- Evolved from ferms
- Annual rings: xylem formed by vascular cambium during one growth season
- bark-->phloem-->cambium-->xylem-->wood
Angiosperms basics
- covered seed; fruits and flowers
- flower has male and female sex organs
Angiosperms structure
- Stamens: male sex organ that produces pollen (male gametophyte)
- Carpel: female sex organ
- Ovary: part of carpel, female gemotophyte
- Stigma: receptive part of carpel to catch pollen
- Sepals: leafs (green)
- Petals: inner part of leaf (colorful)
Angiosperm: reproduction
- hetersoporous: form 2 male and female spores
- male: pollen grains contain 2 sperm
- female: contain 1 egg and 2 polar nuclei
- double fertilization: pollen has 2 sperms: 1 fertilizes egg and 1 unites with 2 nuclei to make triploid endosperm
Monocots v Dicots
- monocots: always odd numbers, scattered, and herbacious
- dicots: always even numbers, circle and can be woody or herbacious
transfer of pollen from male anther to female stigma
- sight/smell
- yellow and blue
- sight/smell
- red and orange
- proboscis (tube to get nectar)
Simple Fruit
develop from a single ovary of a single carpel/flower, fleshy or dry
Simple Fruit: Berry
entire fruit is soft
Simple Fruit: Hersperidium
has a peel outside, inner is fleshy
Simple Fruit: Drupe
outer is fleshy, inside is hard
Simple Fruit: Pepo
develop from enlarged base of perianth fused with ovary walls with stems
Simple Fruit: Dry
- Capsule and Legumes: capsule open at maturity; splits at severl stems
- Caryopsis and Nuts: dont open at maturity
Aggregate fruit
develops from one flower with many carpels at the same time
Multiple Fruit
develops from ovaries of flowers on same stalk