Human Biology

  1. What is blood?
    Connective tissue surrounded by liquid matrix.
  2. What are the functions of blood?
    To transfer gases, heat and nutrients, and carry hormones around the body.
  3. Neutrophils are:
    The most abundant, and the first to arrive at infected site, it engulfs bacteria or invaded cells.
  4. Eosinophils's functions are to:
    Defend against parasitic worms, and engulf antibody-antigen complex.
  5. Basophils' functions are to:
    Release molecules call histamine, and attract other white blood cells to the infected area.
  6. Monocytes are:
    The largest of formed elements, and they develop into macrophages, and triggers the immune response.
  7. Red blood cells:
    Contain hemoglobin, and has no nucleus, DNA, and doesn't replicate.
  8. Hematopoietic stem cells:
    Dfferientiate into different types of formed elements.
  9. Erthropoietin is:
    A hormone that stimulates red bone marrow to produce more RBCs, and is produced in the kidney.
  10. Which organ breaks down hemaglobin into billirubin?
  11. Yellowish skin caused by a nonfunctional liver, and can't break down billirubin.
  12. Type O blood has:
    No antigens, and A,B Antibodies.
  13. Type A blood has:
    Antigen A, Antibody B
  14. Type B blood has:
    Antigen B, Antibody A
  15. Type AB blood has:
    Antigen A,B, and no antibodies
  16. Substance recognized as foreign by the body
  17. Protein in the body that is produced in response to an antigen
  18. Clumping of RBCs when held together by antibodies.
Card Set
Human Biology
Exam 3