Mod 3

  1. What are the steps in Scene Size Up?
    • Safety
    • BSI
    • MOI/NOI
    • Number of Patients
    • More Resources
  2. As you near the scene you should
    • Look/Listen for others responding
    • Collision Related Power Loss
    • Flow of Traffic
    • Smoke
  3. Danger Zone for Apparent Hazards
  4. Danger Zone for NO Apparent Hazards
  5. What is the danger zone for fuel leaking or car on fire
    100ft in all directions
  6. When wires down how do you determine safe area
    from point of attachment
  7. What are the points in the 3 collision concept
    • Vehicle
    • Body
    • Internal
  8. What are the 4 types of force
    • Direct
    • Indirect
    • Twisting
    • Flexion or Hyperextention
  9. What are the types of MVC
    • Head On
    • Rear End
    • Side Impact
    • Rollovers
    • Rotational
  10. What is the purpose of the Initial Assessment
    To discover any potential life threats
  11. What are the 6 Steps of the Initial Assessment?
    • General Impression
    • Mental Status
    • Airway
    • Breathing
    • Circulation
    • Determine Priority
  12. If LOC is lower then alert you should always?
    Provide O2 with a NRB
  13. In Unresponsive Medical Patients how should you open the airway?
    Head Tilt, Chin Lift
  14. With an unresponsive Trauma Patient how should you open the airway?
    Jaw Thrust
  15. If the patient is not alert and respirations are less the 8 you should
    use a BVM with atleast 10LPM
  16. If the patient is alert and thier respirations are more then 24 you should?
    Place on a NRB
  17. What are you looking for when you are at the circulation part of the initial assessment?
    • Look for gross bleeding
    • Pulse
    • Skin color and Temp
  18. What are the arteries that you check for a pulse?
    • Carotid
    • Bracial
    • Radial
    • Femoral
    • Posterior Tibial
    • Dorsalis Pedis
  19. In a responsive patient you should check the ...pulse
  20. In a UN responsive patient you should check the ....pulse
  21. Vital Signs are?
    • 1. Vital signs and SAMPLE history are major components of your assessment
    • 2. Usually obtained during the "Focused History and Physical Exam"
    • 3. They are outward signs of what is going on inside the body
    • 4. 1st set known as the "Baseline Vitals Signs"
  22. BRASTRAPP Stands for?
    • B = Blood Pressure
    • R = Respiration
    • A = Alertness (Level of Consciousness)
    • S = Skin Color
    • T = Temperature (Skin)
    • R = Reaction to Pain
    • A = Ability to move (Extremities)
    • P = Pulse
    • P = Pupils
  23. Adult Male Blood Pressure
    • <= 120 Systolic
    • <= 80 Diastolic
  24. Blood Pressure of Children and Infants
    • Approx 80 + age times 2 Systolic
    • Avg 2/3 Diastolic
  25. Hypotension is?
    Low BP can indicate Shock
  26. Hypertension is?
    High BP, can indicate a Neurologic event
  27. How do you check respiration rate?
    Watch breathing for 30 seconds, count each breath and mltiple times 2
  28. How are Respiration rates classified
    Normal Shallow Labored Noisy
  29. Normal Respiration rate for an adult is?
  30. What method do you use to assess Alertness
  31. What does AVPU stand for?
    • Alert
    • Verbal
    • Painful
    • Unresponsive
  32. When you are assessing skin color, what are you looking to see if the body is doing
  33. What is the term for a slow pulse
  34. What is the term for a fast pulse
  35. What is the normal pulse rate for an adult
    60-100 BPM
  36. What are the 2 things needed to be present to have breathing sounds
    Air Movement and Functioning Airways
  37. What does SAMPLE stand for
    • Signs and Symptoms
    • Allergies
    • Medications
    • Pertinent Medical HIstory
    • Last Oral Intake
    • Events leading up to illness
  38. Under Signs and Symptoms what does PQRST stand for
    • Provoked it
    • Quality
    • Radiates
    • Severity
    • When did it start
  39. Ideally when should you take vitals
    • During assessment
    • During Transport
    • Arrival to Hospital
    • Changes in condition
    • Medical Intervention
    • Stable patients every 15
    • Unstable Patients every 5
  40. C-Collars are measure how?
    By length not width
  41. Define Assessment
    Is an assessment of a scene to assure safety and provide useful info about the patient
  42. What is the order for doing a rapid trauma assessment?
    • Head
    • Neck
    • Chest
    • Abdomen
    • Pelvis
    • Extremeties
    • Posterior
  43. What are the components of the On-Going assessment?
    • Repeat Initial Assessment
    • Repeat Vitals
    • Repeat Focused
    • Check interventions
  44. What are the types of Radio Communications
    • Base
    • Mobile
    • Portable
    • Repeaters
    • Cell
  45. Mobile Radio Specs?
    Lower transmission levels 20-50 watts and 10-15 mile range
  46. Portable Radio Range
    1-5 Miles
  47. What does CHART stand for?
    • CC
    • HPI
    • Assessment
    • Rx (Treatment)
    • Transport
  48. What are the steps of assessment with a SIGNIFICANT MOI TRAUMA PATIENT
    • C Spine Stabilization
    • Rapid Trauma Assessment
    • Transport
    • Detailed Physical Exam
    • Ongoing Assessment
  49. What are the steps of assessment for a NO SIGNIFICANT MOI TRAUMA PATIENT
    • Determine Chief Complaint
    • Perform Focused Physical Exam
    • Transport
    • Ongoing Assessment
  50. What are the steps in a RESPONSIVE Medical Patient
    • Focused Physical
    • BVS
    • Transport
    • OnGoing
  51. What are the steps for a UNRESPONSIVE Medical Patient
    • Perform Rapid Physical Exam
    • BVS
    • Consider ALS Request
    • Treatment
    • Transport
    • Ongoing
  52. When should you do an on going assessment?
    • After finishing lifesaving interventions
    • A detailed Physical Exam
Card Set
Mod 3
Mod 3