CIW Foundations Cert

  1. What is spyware?

    B. Software that gathers information and relays it to outside parties
  2. Each system in a TCP/IP network must be configured with an IP address and a subnet mask. Thesubnet mask identifies what parts of an IP address?

    A. Loopback and broadcast
    B. Network portion and host portion
    C. The number of bytes per field
    D. Source and destination
    Answer: B
  3. In XHTML, what is one of the functions of the <input> tag?

    A. To create a check box in a form
    B. To create a scrolling select list in a form
    C. To create a record in a database
    D. To create a data cell in a table
    Answer: A
  4. Three factors affect every project, and when one factor is adjusted, it affects the others. This relationship is known as the Project Triangle. What are the three factors in the Project Triangle?

    A. Time, money and scope
  5. Which of the following Web site maintenance functions helps ensure that users continue to visityour site?

    A. Fixing dead links
  6. Which type of encryption uses a pair of keys, in which one key is used to encrypt information and the other key is used to decrypt that information?

    C. Asymmetric encryption
  7. Lo-An created her Web site using XHTML frames. She adds an inline frame into one of her existing frames. Which of the following will result?

    • C. A floating frame that allows a separate document to be inserted in
    • the page
  8. In general, which choice lists the protocols that must be configured in order to send and receive email?

    A. SMTP and POP3
  9. Which of the following accurately describes a difference between a Java servlet and a PHP script?

    A. Servlets must be compiled, whereas PHP scripts are only interpreted.
  10. Which layer of the Open Systems Interconnection reference model (OSI/RM) organizes transmitted information into datagrams or packets?

    C. Network layer
  11. What is an intranet?

    • D. A TCP/IP-based network accessible only by an organization's members
    • and employees
  12. The ICANN assigns your company the network address What is the default subnetmask for this network?

  13. You have two computers, each with a different operating system. One is a Linux system, which uses the GNU Public License (GPL). You can use this Linux software free of charge, and you can make changes to code that created the operating system. The other system is a Windows system. Which of the following describes a typical commercial software license?

    C. It describes the right to use the software on a single computer.
  14. You are hosting a Web server in your office. Your ISP will provide connectivity. What do you need from your ISP in order to publish your site?

    B. A DNS name or IP address
  15. You want to find information about Java. You visit a popular search engine and manually search through a directory tree of topics until you find a directory titled "Computers" and a subdirectory titled "Programming Languages." You select the topic "Java" and look through a list of indexed pages on that topic, then choose one page with which to begin your research. Which type ofsearch index did you use?

    C. Static index
  16. What is a cookie?

    • D. A text file placed on a client by a Web server to track user
    • preferences
  17. Which of the following eventually becomes a site map?

    C. A storyboard
  18. Changes in project scope tend to occur:

    B. in small rather than large increments.
  19. What is Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)?

    B. A protocol for assigning IP addresses to devices on a network
  20. You need to register a domain name for the Web sites that will promote your company's new product in international markets. You decide to register several top-level domains, such as .ca, .au and .ae, in addition to the commonly used .com domain. Why would you do this?

    C. To appeal to the national identities of your customers
  21. What is the primary purpose of the Domain Name System (DNS)?

    C. To map easily recognizable names to specific Internet addresses
  22. Winston's computer has the IP address Winston uses a direct connection to the Internet, but he cannot access any resources on the Internet. What is the most probable cause?

    C. is a private IP address.
  23. In Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), which type of style sheet uses the @ ("at") symbol?

    C. Imported
  24. When creating its Web presence, a business should choose its domain name carefully so that users will be able to recall it easily. Every domain name is unique. With which of the following must each domain name be registered?

    D. ICANN
  25. Your co-worker is not familiar with technical concepts. He asks you to explain Secure Shell (SSH) and the way it works. Which of the following is an appropriate and accurate explanation you can give to this non-technical person?

    D. SSH allows you to gain secure access to a remote computer and then execute commands to control the system.
  26. Your manager has asked you about the essential difference between worms and viruses. Which of the following is true?

    A. A worm is self-replicating, whereas a virus requires some sort of user action.
  27. What is the purpose of the <!DOCTYPE> statement in an XHTML document?

    A. To specify the version of XHTML used in the document
  28. Perl, .Net and PHP are all examples of:

    C. server-side scripting technologies.
  29. Which choice best defines Return On Investment (ROI)?

    D. Determining the profit of a Web project relative to cost
  30. Because the Internet has experienced tremendous growth, a new protocol has been developed to accommodate Internet address shortages. What is the name of this improved protocol?

    A. IPv6
  31. What is the purpose of the link attribute when used in the HTML <body> tag?

    A. It determines the color of unvisited links on a Web page.
  32. Which IP address class uses 8 bits for the network portion of the address and 24 bits for the hostportion of the address?

    C. Class A
  33. Which e-commerce protocol is defined as the interorganization exchange of documents in standardized electronic form directly between participating computers?

    D. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
  34. Sandi needs to format a Web site with 20 pages. She wants to use CSS to apply a style rule to the H3 selector on all pages in the site. What is the most efficient way for her to apply this formatting?

    C. With an external style sheet
  35. Which of the following is a way to limit access to a wireless Ethernet network?

    A. Enable MAC address filtering
  36. Which of the following allows multiple systems to communicate on a wireless network in infrastructure mode?

    A. A wireless access point (WAP)
  37. Chris and his Web development team are beginning a Web site project. What is the first step in this project?

    A. Document the site's purpose and intended audience.
  38. Rolf's Web site does not meet the W3C's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). To make his site more accessible according to WCAG, which change could he make?

    D. Create a text-only version of the site
  39. You have purchased some products from an online business. This business collected informationfrom you regarding your purchase, such as your name, e-mail address and product preferences.This online business then sold some information about you to a third party. This routine practice is an example of:

    B. a privacy concern.
  40. Which choice lists the three basic elements that are required by all networks?

    A. Protocols, transmission media, and network services
  41. Which tool is used to check a Windows system's hard drive after a crash?

    A. chkdsk
  42. Which term is used to describe the amount of information, sometimes called traffic, that can be carried on a network at one time?

    D. Bandwidth
  43. Lo-An creates a Web site that discusses Internet technologies. Her Web site pages use her own XHTML code and design template, and her original text, digital artwork and music. As you review Lo-An's site, you should assume that her copyright protection covers:

    D. all of the content presented on her Web site.
  44. You are using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to format your Web site. You created an external style sheet to apply the same look and feel to all your pages. Which tag will you use on each page to reference your external style sheet?

    A. <link>
  45. Which basic network topology connects devices with multiple paths so that redundancies exist?

    D. Mesh topology
  46. Mike has implemented an IP telephony system for his company. Employees now use this system for their telephone calls. Which of the following is true regarding Voice-over-IP (VoIP) telephone conversations?

    A. A packet-based network is used to convey the conversations.
  47. Your wireless client cannot properly communicate with a wireless access point (WAP). Which of the following might need to be changed?

    A. The Service Set Identifier (SSID)
  48. Which IP address is called the loopback address, and can be used for testing and troubleshooting?

  49. Which term describes a server at the highest level of the Domain Name System (DNS)?

    A. Root level
  50. Which choice lists the entities most often used to spread viruses?

    A. Removable disks and e-mail servers
  51. Chris has decided to increase the cellspacing attribute value in his XHTML table. What is affectedby this change?

  52. In which process do two routers communicate to automatically calculate routes and to exchange information about routes of known networks?

  53. Which port does a Domain Name System (DNS) server use to listen for client queries?

  54. Maria and her team are beginning to redesign a corporate Web site. The company owners want to keep the site's navigation icons at the top of each page, and enable linked pages to appear in another section of the same browser window. Which XHTML technique does Maria suggest?

  55. Your supervisor directs you to make static IP address assignments on the workstations in your office. Your workstations are part of a company WAN that also connects directly to the Internet. What information must you have in order to complete this assignment?

  56. Which markup language describes document content instead of adding structure or formatting to document content?

  57. You are the project manager in charge of a project to launch an e-commerce site. Over the course of the project, several unforeseen issues arose, and the team implemented additions that were not included in the original design specifications. The project was completed three months after the original deadline. Which of the following best describes this situation?

  58. Derek is creating an image map named "cityscape." In his XHTML code, what must he use as the usemap attribute value?

  59. James created an XHTML table to show his schedule for each week of the month. He organized the table in a standard calendar format, so that each day from Sunday to Saturday is the header for a vertical column, and each week of days is displayed horizontally as a row. Each scheduled activity appears in the table cell appropriate for the day it occurs. James wants to merge two table cells into one cell to show the IT Business Conference that he will attend from Tuesday toWednesday in the third week. Which tag should James use for this merged cell?

  60. In the client/server model, a client can access information from any server if:

  61. Which term describes the permission agreement that determines the way a vendor's software maybe used?

  62. Which practice will help ensure that you are using company systems and resources appropriately?

  63. Maria wants to use Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to apply formatting styles to her Web pages. In her style sheet, she sets the page's background color to blue and the font to Arial. Which style rule is correct in an external style sheet?

  64. Which of the following is a contract used in project management that outlines the requirements for each project task to ensure that the project objectives are met?

  65. Which choice lists computer peripheral port standards that require only one IRQ and are used to connect multiple high-speed devices?

  66. Which protocol is used to transmit files across the Web to be rendered by a Web browser?

  67. Which connection medium operates at a maximum speed of 44.736 Mbps?

  68. You are a help desk technician. An end user is experiencing a technical problem and does not know enough about the problem to describe it clearly. What should you do?

  69. Susan is a freelance Web developer and needs to set up a home office. She currently has 10 customers and transfers approximately 20 megabytes (MB) of data per day. Which is the most efficient Internet connection for Susan's needs?

  70. You are using a GUI HTML editor. You have decided to use this editor to publish the pages you create. Which choice lists the elements required to upload your files?

  71. When you use an analog phone line and modem to initially connect to the Internet, which protocol are you using?

  72. You have been asked to determine the download time for pages on your site. One page consists of the XHTML document, several image files, and a Flash presentation. These elements equal 84 kilobytes (KB) total. How long will it take for this page to be downloaded by a user with an Internet connection speed of 33.6 kilobits per second (Kbps)?

  73. As an IT professional, you must always consider the Return on Investment (ROI) impact that IT projects have on your organization. You may be required to justify a project's benefits relative to its cost. What must you do to relate such information about IT projects to upper managers?

  74. Which type of cable supports data transmission speeds of 10 gigabits per second (Gbps)?

  75. Which of the following is an example of a dial-up Internet connection?

  76. James is traveling to several countries that use various electrical voltage and phone connections. He needs to use his computer to connect to the telephone network. Which choice lists the minimum components he requires?

  77. Which common peripheral connection port can support up to 127 peripherals, and support speedsof up to 480 Kbps?

  78. In addition to providing centralized wireless client access, a wireless access point (WAP) also has a type of connector that enables it to connect to a standard wired Ethernet network. Which type of connector does a WAP have?

  79. Because the Internet has experienced tremendous growth, a new protocol has been developed to accommodate Internet address shortages. What is the name of this improved protocol?

  80. The TCP/IP suite of protocols is the current universal standard for both local area networks and wide area networks. Which choice lists protocols that are included in the TCP/IP suite?

  81. Lisa has programmed her company's router to recognize several internal networks. Which job title best describes her responsibilities?

  82. Your company is outsourcing some content development tasks. The contractors who work on these projects will see some of your company's proprietary content before it is available to customers. Your company needs to ensure that this trade-secret content is kept confidential by the contractors who see it. Which of the following protects your intellectual property in this situation?

  83. Which of the following is absolutely necessary in order to connect to the Internet?

  84. Which protocol is most likely to be used when sending e-mail using the Microsoft Outlook Expressclient?

  85. Which TCP/IP configuration determines whether a destination address is local or remote?

  86. The Human Resources department needs to provide a variety of policy information to the company employees. Members of HR will configure and manage their own Web server in-house. This server will use Linux and Apache Server, and it will be part of the company intranet. Which of the following costs must be considered?

  87. Which technology could you use to add a pop-up dialog box to your Web site's home page?

  88. The XHTML 1.0 Recommendation describes three variations or "flavors." Which of the following best describes the XHTML 1.0 Transitional flavor and its requirements?

  89. While troubleshooting her system's network access, Lisa can ping local and remote systems only by IP address. She has verified the IP configuration information on her system. She has determined that she has valid IP address, subnet mask, default gateway and DNS information. Which of the following is the source of this problem?

  90. Luis uses JavaScript code in his Web site's home page. The script notifies Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 users of a possible usability problem. What does this script do?

  91. Which choice lists the three image file formats that are universally supported by modern Web browsers?

  92. You and others have read an informal message written by your company's president. The message is not addressed to any particular group in the company, and it was not delivered to any specific person or group. However, the message is on a persistent medium, and cannot be changed by anyone but the company president. Which of the following have you most likely read?

  93. The Web-safe palette contains how many colors available for use in HTML documents?

  94. Which of the following would you expect to occur during a Web site planning meeting?

  95. Which type of malware resides in active memory, consumes system resources and can selfreplicate?

  96. Which of the following is a protocol and command interface that can be used to gain secure access to a remote computer and then execute commands to administer the system?

  97. Which of the following accurately describes a difference between GIF images and JPEG images?

  98. Which scenario describes a back-end issue that you must consider when developing a Web site?

  99. Which diagnostic tool would you use to determine the physical (MAC) address to systems that you have recently connected with?

  100. Which of the following is designed to help Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) devices communicate with each other, and also provides its own dedicated markup language?

  101. Which protocol is used to receive e-mail on an incoming server, and allows you to browse and manage e-mail messages while they reside on the server, rather than downloading messages before reading them?

  102. Lo-An works as a Web designer for Restaurants Unlimited Inc., a distributor that supplies food to restaurants. Restaurants Unlimited's customers can now place orders through an online inventory system, which Lo-An and her team designed. Which type of network does this system use?

  103. Which of the following is the most efficient method for documenting and communicating a Web site plan?

  104. Chris works on the Web team for his company. He updates the company Web site at the IP address On Chris's business cards, he uses the URL instead of the IP address for the company site. Which technology allows both the URL and the IPaddress to refer to the same Web site?

  105. You are managing an IT project, and you need information about customer preferences. Which of the following stakeholders is best to provide this information?

  106. Maria has filled all the memory space on her hard drive. She plans to obtain a larger hard drive in a month, but she needs some hard drive space now to finish a project. What can she do to free up some hard drive space?

    A. Run chkdsk.
    B. Compress the kernel.
    C. Delete temporary files.
    D. Remove the secondary partition.
  107. Which choice lists the elements that are necessary for a CGI session?

  108. You received an e-mail message from a co-worker. It includes a .zip file as an attachment. The email message explains that the attachment updates a critical flaw in the operating system and provides detailed instructions for installing the program. Which step should you perform first?

  109. Which of the following is the most popular protocol that provides authentication and encryption for secure exchanges over the Internet?

  110. As the marketing director for Hot Chocolates Inc., you want to distribute timely information to customers about your company's products. You want to send product announcements via e-mail to customers who are interested in receiving this information. Which is the best way to distribute this information?

  111. Which of the following best describes the functionality of Extensible Markup Language (XML)?

  112. You received the following file attachments in e-mail messages from unknown sources. Which is the most likely to contain a computer virus?

  113. When does a copyright become effective?

  114. A member of your Web team is gone on vacation. She made some changes to a Web page before leaving. You need information about the changes she made, but you cannot determine the changes without asking her. How can you resolve this problem in the future?

  115. Which device contains a transceiver, is responsible for transmitting and receiving only digital network signals, and can be attached to a workstation via various methods, including Universal Serial Bus (USB) and Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI)?

  116. Which technology is used to create a table in a relational database?

  117. What is an intranet?

  118. Mike wants to download the Macromedia Flash MX 2004 viewer software to his desktop. Which Internet protocol will he use?

  119. Angel is a member of the Web development team. She is responsible for developing the overall plan of the Web site. What is Angel's job role?

  120. Which of the following is the most popular protocol that provides authentication and encryption for secure exchanges over the Internet?

  121. Which protocol is most likely to be used when sending e-mail using the Microsoft Outlook Express client?

  122. Mike is able to check his Web-based e-mail using his cell phone. Which protocol allows his cell phone to connect to the Internet?

  123. You are using a GUI HTML editor to create Web pages for your site. What should you do to ensure that the pages render in the browser as expected?

  124. Which term describes the activity of a hacker who travels through a neighborhood or business district trying to discover unsecured wireless networks?

  125. A company with a business-to-consumer Web site uses a service to securely transmit its customers' credit card information to the company's merchant bank. Which technology performs this function?

  126. Which of the following is a junction between one high-speed network and another?

  127. Which hardware device operates at the network layer of the OSI reference model?

  128. Lars has difficulty when he tries to access some Web pages. He suspects that his browser has a problem or a bug. Which of the following should he consider downloading?

  129. Which choice lists connection types in the correct sequence by speed of transmission, from the slowest connection type to the fastest?

  130. Which type of server binds TCP to port 80 by default and listens for incoming requests from clients?

  131. Brian is a systems administrator for his company. He performs many maintenance and troubleshooting tasks in a room that has multiple, redundant connections. This room is used to control the company's network resources. What is the term for this location?

  132. Which XHTML container tag allows you to define regions in your browser window and assign separate files to each region?

  133. Which of the following is produced as the critical first step in the initiating phase of a project?

  134. You want to find information about Java. You visit a popular search engine and manually search through a directory tree of topics until you find a directory titled "Computers" and a subdirectory titled "Programming Languages." You select the topic "Java" and look through a list of indexed pages on that topic, then choose one page with which to begin your research. Which type of search index did you use?

  135. What is the purpose of the traceroute command?

  136. Lisa is evaluating the design of a new site that her Web team is developing. Which of the following is a Web design concept that she should recommend as she evaluates this site?

  137. Which of the following is the best example of a client?

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CIW Foundations Cert
Study cards for CINS_157 exam