pharm cardiac2.txt

  1. vasodilator SE
    HA, flusing, tachy, lupus-like syndrome (~10%)
  2. BAS contraindications
    hte (enterohepatic recycling, phospatidic acid phosphatase)
  3. digoxin toxicity more likely in
    hypokalemia / electrolyte imbalance
  4. Niacin contraindications
    arterial bleeding (decreases platelets slightly), hepatic issues (dose-related LFT increase)
  5. bblocker contraindications
    non-selective + asthma, 2nd deg HB, bradycardia, acute HF
  6. metoprolol tartrate dosing
    50-200mg PO BID
  7. valsartan dosing
    80-320mg PO qd
  8. olmesartan dosing
    20-40mg PO qd
  9. DRI side effects
    diarrhea, GERD, hyperkalemia
  10. BB cardioselective (beta-1 only)
    atenolol, metoprolol
  11. BB non-cardioselective (beta-1 and 2)
  12. BB mixed alpha/beta
    labetalol, carvedilol
  13. BB least lipophilic
    atenolol, (labetolol)
  14. BB most lipophilic
    propranolol, (metoprolol)
  15. atenolol brand
  16. atenolol/metoprolol dosing
    50-200mg PO qd
  17. carvedilol IR dosing
    6.25-25mg PO BID
  18. carvedilol ER dosing
    20-80mg PO qd
  19. PCB SE
    fatal pulmonary toxicity (report SOB/cough), blue-grey skin
  20. verapamil dosing
    80-120mg PO TID
  21. diltiazem dosing
    120-480mg PO qd
  22. amlodipine dosing
    5-10mg PO qd
  23. fenofibrate dosing
    50-200mg PO qd
  24. gemfibrozil brand
  25. gemfibrozil dosing
    600-1200mg PO qd
  26. I/P MOA
    act on adrinergic receptors. alpha-1 receptors increase IP3 which increases vascular tone (vasoconstriction). beta-1 receptors activate G proteins that increase cAMP levels, resulting in increased myocardial contractile force.
  27. beta1-selective ionotropes
    dobutamine (also a vasodilator)
  28. alpha1-selective pressors
    norepinephrine, phenylephrine (pure)
  29. PDE-3 SE
    hypotension secondary to vasodilation (can last for hours due to long half life), thrombocytopenia (much less often with milrinone).
  30. PDE-3 vs. beta agonists
    PDE-3 not direct positive chronotropes (better for tachy pts/CAD). In CHF b-receptors are frequently down-regulated to to high endogenous chatecholamine compensatory mechanisms, so PDE-3 inhibitors are clinically much stronger.
  31. alpha-2 Agonists drugs
    clonidine, guanabenz, guanfacine, methyldopa (prodrug)
  32. alpha-2 agonsits MOA
    agonize central alpha-2 receptors (inhibits adenylyl cyclase activity), producing a decrease in peripheral resistance, HR, BP.
  33. alpha-2 agonists SE
    sedation, dry mucus membranes, bradycardia, hypotension, constipation, nausea
  34. alpha-1 antagonists groups/drugs
    selective = prazosin, terazosin, doxazosin. non-selective (used in mgmt of pts w/ pheochromocytoma) = phentolamine, phenoxybenzamine
  35. alpha-1 antagonists MOA
    antagonize peripheral alpha-1 adrinergic receptors (stimulate phospholipase C activity), causing vasodilation
  36. alpha-1 antagonists SE
    orthostatic hypotension, HA, somnolence, palpitations (reflex tachycarda), nasal congestion, dizziness
Card Set
pharm cardiac2.txt
pharm cardiac2.txt