335 10.1 Framework of the Larynx Part 1
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Phonation purposes
production of voice is a secondary purpose
primary purpose is to keep foreign material out of trachea
what is the larynx
a protective 'valve'
a vertical tube sitting in a larger tube (phayrnx)
the hyoid bone 4
support structure of larynx
does not articulate with other bones
anchors the larynx from above
anchors the tongue from below
hyoid bone landmarks 5
greater horns (cornua)
lesser horns
corpus (body)
anterior surface is convex
posterior surface is concave
cartilages of the larynx 6
epiglottis 1
thyroid 1
cricoid 1
arytenoids 2
corniculates 2
cuneiforms 2
epiglottis characteristics
leaf like
folds over laryngeal aditus during swallowing
epiglottis articulates with
thyroid cartilage - via thyroepiglottic ligament and hyoid bone - via hyoepiglottic ligament
epiglottis sides joined with
arytenoid cartilages via aryepiglottic folds
epiglottis landmarks
petiolus - stem
valleculae - depression just behind root of tongue
thyroid 3
largest cartilage of the larynx
horseshoe shaped
rests on the cricoid
thyroid landmarks
superior cornua/horns
- superior projections
articulates with hyoid bone
inferior cornua/horn
s - inferior projections
articulates with the cricoid cartilage
- the plates/surface/body of thyroid
oblique line
- found on lamina - where muscles attach
angle of the thyroid - where the 2 lamina join
thyroid notch
- prominenece known as the Adam's apple that you can palpate (feel)
triticial cartilage
- found between the superior horn of thyroid and hyoid bone; not everyone has this
cricoid 3
signet-ring shaped
inferior to thyroid and arytenoids
sits atop of the first tracheal ring
cricoid landmarks 2
anterior arch - thinner portion on the front
posterior lamina - where the arytenoid cartilage sit
arytenoids 4
three-sided pyramid shaped
rest on the posterior portion of cricoid
most moveable of all cartilages
rotate medially and inferiorly
arytenoids landmarks
apex - superior portion where corniculate cartilages site
muscular process - lateral projection where muscles attach
vocal process - medial projection where vocal folds attach
corniculates 4
sit atop of the arytenoids
do not articulate independently
no muscular attachments or articulations
adds height to the arytenoids
no muscular attachments or articulations
strengthen the aryepiglottic folds ( as they are found within this structure)
extrinsin muscles of the larynx
only one attachment in the larynx or no attachment
o - manubrium of the sternum
c - upwards
ins - oblique line of the thyroid cartilage
f - depresses thyroid and larynx
inn - XII Hypoglossal and C1 C2
o - oblique line of thyroid cartilage
c - upward
ins - greater horn of the hyoid bone
f - elevates thyroid and larynx and depresses hyoid
inn - XII Hypoglossal and fibers from C1
o - manubrium of the sternum and medial end of the clavicle
c - upwards
ins - inferior body of the hyoid
f - depresses the hyoid
inn - ansa cervicalis
ansa cervicalis
loop of the first three spinal nerves
C1 through C3
two bellied muscle (L shaped)
ataches to the hyoid via intermediate tendon
omohyoid superior belly
o - corpus of hyoid
c - down
ins - at the intermediate tendon the the hyoid bone
f - prevents neck collapse and depresses hyoid
inn - ansa cervicalis C2 - C3
omohyoid inferior belly
o - upper border of scapula
c - up and medially
ins - at the intermediate tenon to hyoid bone
f - prevents neck collapse and depresses hyoid
inn - nasa cervicalis C2 - C3
inferior pharyngeal constrictor
o - cricoid and thyroid cartilages
ins - midline raphe of pharynx
f - stabilizes larynx
cricopharyngeus muscle
digastric anterior belly
o - symphysis of the mandible
c - back
ins - intermediate tendon of the hyoid bone
eventually the hyoid bone / greater horn junction
f - pulls hyoid up and forward
inn - V Trigeminal nerve, mandibular branch
Digastric posterior belly
o - mastoid process of temporal bone
c - down
ins - intermediate tendon of the hyoid bone
eventually the hyoid body / greater horn junction
f - pulls hyoid up and back
inn - VII facial nerve
o - styloid process of the temporal bone
c - medial and down
ins - hyoid bone near intermediate tendon on greater horn
f - pulls hyoid up and back
inn - VII facial nerve
forms the floor of the mouth
o - mylohyoid line of the mandible
c - fans downward
ins - median raphe of the floor of the mouth
hyoid body
f - elevates hyoid and tongue and depresses the mandible
inn - V mandibular branch of trigeminal
superior to the mylohyoid
o - median ridge of the mandible (symphysis)
c - back and down
ins - body of the hyoid bone
f - elevates hyoid and tongue and depresses mandible
inn - XII hypoglossal
o - greater horn of the hyoid bone
c - upward
ins - posterior and lateral tongue
f - raises hyoid and pulls down and back on tongue
inn - XII hypoglossal
o - mental spine of the mandible (symphysis)
c - up, back, and down
ins - tongue-superior fibers, pharynx-medial figers, hyoid body-inferior fibers
f - elevates the hoid and protrudes the tongue
inn - XII hypoglossal nerve
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335 10.1 Framework of the Larynx Part 1
framework of the larynx