
  1. K P C O F G S
    Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species
  2. What does the word Mammal mean?
    Have hair and milk (warm blooded, live birth, developed brain, differentiated dentition)
  3. 3 steps in identifying a skull
    1. size of skull times 3.5 equals body length

    • 2. teeth: carnivores= stabbers & slicers
    • herbivores= scrappers & grinders
    • omnivores= stabbers & grinders

    3. special characteristics
  4. Didelphimorphia
    • “having the form of two wombs”, marsupials, 5 digits on front and rear feet,
    • big toe is opposable, long canine teeth, 19 species in 1 family (didelphidae)
  5. Soricomorpha
    • “shrew-form” most have smooth fur(all in ny have this), 5 digits on front and back feet,
    • tiny ears and eyes, excellent sense of smell, 4 families
  6. Soricidae
    literally “shrew”, small, common, active, 300 species
  7. Talpidae
    literally “mole” , small, common, active mostly below ground, large front feet, 42 species
  8. Chiroptera
    literally “hand-wing” , the bats, only flying mammals, 925 species (20% of all mammal species)
  9. Vespertilionidae
    literally “evening bats”, largest family
  10. Phyllostomidae
    literally “leaf-nosed”, includes vampire bats
  11. Lagomorpha
    literally “form of a hare” (lagos=hare in greek), one common charateristic= six incisors that continually grow four on top two on bottom
  12. Lleporidae
    literally “hare” (lepus is hare in latin) rabbits & hares
  13. Rodentia
    • literally “gnawing teeth” , largest order of mammals ( with 40% of mammal species),
    • one common characteristics = 4 incisors that continually grow, 5 hind toes, 4 or 5 front toes
  14. Sciuridae
  15. Muridae
    Old world mice and rats (introduced)
  16. Cricetidae
    New world mice and rats (native)
  17. Castoridae
  18. Erithizontidae
  19. Carnivora
    • literally “ meat-eater” (but some are omnivores), large canine teeth, 13 families,
    • 270 specie, carnivora is a order, carnivore is a lifestyle
  20. Canidae
  21. Felidae
  22. Mephitidae
  23. Mustelidae
  24. Procyonidae
  25. Ursidae
  26. Artiodactyla
    literally “even-toed”, refers to split hoof, unguligrade, 10 families, 220 species
  27. Cervidae
  28. Antilocapridae
  29. Bovidae
    Bison, sheep & goats
  30. Digitigrade
    • Walking on toes, examples include dogs and cats, this is an adaptation for running
    • (Cursorial)
  31. Unguligrade
    • Walking on tips of toes (hooves), examples include deer and pigs, this is an adaptation
    • for running (Cursorial)
  32. Plantigrade
    • Walking on whole foot (including soles), examples include bears and humans, this is an
    • adaptation for walking (ambulatory
  33. Saltatorial
    Jumping or hopping, examples include rabbits and hares
  34. Scansorial
    • Adapted to climb with sharp claws, examples include gray squirrel,
    • arboreal means tree dwelling.
  35. Fossorial
    Adapted to dig and live underground, examples include moles and badgers
  36. Aquatic
    Lives entirely in the water, whales, dolphins and manatees
  37. Semi-aquatic
    adapted to live in the water and land, examples include beaver, muskrat, river otter and mink
  38. Volant
    • Adapted to glide, examples include flying squirrels, and sugar gliders, some define
    • this as any flight true or gliding.
  39. Aerial
    True flight, all bats and only bats
  40. Herbivore
    Feeding on plants
  41. Grazer
    • Feeding on growing plant material or grazers eat green grass on the
    • ground. Ex- cow
  42. Browser
    • Feeds on twigs of trees and shrubs or browsers bite brown branches
    • Ex- Giraffe
  43. Frugivore
    Feeds on fruit
  44. Granivore
    Feeds on grain
  45. Carnivore
  46. Piscivore
    Eats fish
  47. Insectivore
    Feeds on insects, invertebrates
  48. Sanguivore
    Feeds on blood
  49. Omnivore
    Feeding on both animal and vegetable foods
    Monotremes (eggs)

    Marsupials (pouch)

    Placental Mammals
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Wildlife Study Guide