Cardiovascular System

  1. What is the average size of an adult heart?
    • 14 centimeters long
    • 9 centimeters wide
  2. where does the base of the heart lie?
    beneath the 2nd rib
  3. covering that encloses the heart and the proximal ends of the large blood vessels to which it attaches
  4. outer fibrous bag that surrounds a more delicate, double layered serous membrane
    fibrous pericardium
  5. innermost layer of serous membrane that covers the heart
    visceral pericardium
  6. the visceral pericardium turns back upon itself and forms the inner lining of the fibrous pericardium
    parietal pericardium
  7. forms a protective outer covering;secrets serous fluid
  8. contracts to pump blood from the heart chambers
  9. forms a protective inner lining of the chambers and valves
  10. receives blood from the venae cavae and coronary arteries
    right atrium
  11. guards the right atrioventrivular orifice
    tricuspid valve
  12. pumps blood into the pulmonary trunk
    right ventricle
  13. guards the base of the pulmonary trunk
    pulmonary valve
  14. receives blood from the pulmonary veins
    left atrium
  15. guards left atrioventricular orifice
    mitral valve
  16. pumps blood into the aorta
    left ventricle
  17. guards base of the aorta
    aortic valve
  18. earlike structures; the parts of the heart that form the walls of the atria
  19. mark the septum that seperates the right and left ventricles
    anterior and posterior interventricular sulci
  20. prevents blood from moving from right ventricle into right atrium during ventricular contraction

    right atrioventricular orifice
    tricuspid valve
  21. prevents blood from moving from pulmonary trunk into right ventricle during ventricular relaxation

    entrance to pulmonary trunk
    pulmonary valve
  22. prevents blood from moving from left ventricle into left atrium during ventricular contraction

    left atrioventricular orifice
    mitral valve
  23. prevents blood from moving from aorta into left ventricle during ventricular relaxation

    entrance to aorta
    aortic valve
  24. pathway of blood through the heart
    • VC
    • RA
    • RV
    • PT
    • PA
    • alveolar capillaries
    • PV
    • LA
    • LV
    • Aorta
  25. connections between vessels that provide alternate pathways for blood
  26. How is blood supplied to the tissues of the heart?
    left and right coronary arteries
  27. about _______% of blood from the atria passes into the ventricles before the atrial walls contract
  28. ther period during which a hear chamber is contracting is called
  29. the period during which a heart chamber is relaxing is called
  30. during ventricular contraction, the AV valves are _____
  31. during ventricular relaxation the AV valves are
  32. the pulmonary and aortic valves open when the pressure in the __________ exceeds the pressure in the pulmonary trunk and aorta
  33. heart sounds are due to ________ in heart tissues created by changes in blood flow
  34. the first sound of a cardiac cycle occurs when the ____ are closing
  35. The second sound of the cardiac cycle occurs when the ______ are closing
    semilunar valve
  36. the sound created when blood leaks back through an incompletely closed valve is called a _____
  37. a mass of merging cells that act as a unit is called
    functional syncytium
Card Set
Cardiovascular System
Cardiovascular System