Bio 101 Test 3

  1. Chapter 10 - Photosynthesis
    Photosynthesis: the process that converts solar energy in to chemical energy
  2. Equation for Photosynthesis
    • 6CO2 + 12H2O + Light Energy <--> C6H12O6 + 6O2 + 6H2O
    • Anabolic
    • Endergonic
    • + Change in Free Energy
  3. What organisms carry out Photosynthesis?
    • Plants
    • Photoautotrophs
    • Algea, certain protists, and some prokaryotes(blue-green algea)
  4. Autotroph
    • an organism that obtains organic food molecules without eating other organisms or substances derived from other organisms
    • they use energy from the sun or from oxidation of inorganic substances to make organic molecules from inorganic ones
    • "Producers of the Biosphere"
  5. Photoautotroph
    an org. that harnesses light energy to drive the synthesis of or
Card Set
Bio 101 Test 3
Chapter 10, 12-15