npn 100

  1. what are some physiologic changes of aging of the cardiovascular system
    • -increased heart size
    • -decreased cardic output, causing less blood flow to all organs
    • -thickened heart valves and blood vessels
    • -less elasticity of blood vessels
    • -slower blood cell production
    • -slower immune response
  2. what are some physiologic changes of aging of the respiratory system
    • -thickened alveolar walls, causing less elasticity
    • -weakened respiratory muscles
    • -decreased vital capacity and tidal volume
    • -decreased number of cilia
  3. what are some physiologic changes of aging of the musculoskeletal system
    • -thinned intervertebal disks
    • -decreased bone calcium
    • -smaller muscle mass
    • -less elasiticity of liagments and tendons
    • -degeneration of cartilage
  4. what are some physiologic changes of aging of the integumentary system
    • -thinner, drier skin
    • -loss of subcutaneous fat
    • -slowed rate of hair and nail growth
  5. what are some physiologic changes of aging of the urologic system
    • -decreased bladder capacity and tone
    • -loss of nephrons, slowed function of remaining nephorns
    • -decreased sphincter control
  6. what are some physiologic changes of aging of the neurologic system
    • -vision- presbyopia: slowed accommodation, cataract development, decreased periphreal vision and depth perception
    • -hearing: presbycusis, thicker eardrum, increased wax production, decreased hair cells in the inner ear
    • -taste, smell, touch: decreased number of receptors
    • -balance: maybe affected by decreased circulation
    • -reflexes: slowed reaction time
  7. what are some physiologic changes of aging of the gastrointestinal system
    • -decreased secreation of salivia and pther digestive enzymes
    • -slowed peristalsis
    • -slowed liver and pancreatic functions
    • -reduced absorption of nutrients
  8. what are some physiologic changes of aging of the endocrine system
    • -slowed production of all hormones
    • -decreased metabolic rate
    • -delayed insulin response
  9. what are some physiologic changes of aging of the reproductive system
    • -decreased hormone production
    • -atrophy of ovaries, uterus, vagina,
    • -benign prostatic hypertrophy
    • -slowed sexual responses
  10. ego integrity
    state of being complete
  11. ageism
    discrimination because of age
  12. what are biologic theories
    theories based on cellular function and body physiology, or apoptosis
  13. what is apoptosis
    the process of programmed cell death
  14. biologic clock theory
    a theory that states that body cells are programmed to function for a specific length of time, after which they break down and die
  15. free-radical theory
    believe that cells are damanged by toxins, ions break off from ions pairs; free radicals are unstables
  16. wear and tear theory
    body cells and organs eventually wear out
  17. immune system failure theory
    system loses it ability to protect the body from disease
  18. autoimmune theory
    body no longer recognize it self and begins to attack its own cells
  19. disengagement theory
    suggest that it is normal for older people and society to withdraw form each other
  20. activity theory
    states that people who remain interested in active will continue to enjoy life and live longer
  21. continuity theory
    each individual continues to live and develop as the unique person he or she is.
  22. what are four factors that contribute to longevity
    • -education
    • -lifestyle
    • -personality
    • -gender (females live longer than older)
Card Set
npn 100
promoting healthy adaptation to aging