domestic dog latin name
canis familiaris
common in cats
common in dogs
diabetes melitus
pancreas doesn't produce enough insulin, poor quality or body is resitant. common in cats
diabetes insipidis
high blood glucose but not in urine. Rare. diabetes common in cats
refers to glucose. hyperglycemia.
dog mom and dad
dam (had puppies or pregnant), sire (donor of reproductive material)
particular set of genetic traits. Same size, color, conformation "shadow images"
dog male and female
dog and bitch
dominant dog
alpha. Usually don't lick.
dog estrus
twice a year. After the release of an egg. Estrus is changes in estrogen and progesterone
Puberty in dogs
6-8 months, to over a year
study of reproduction
hormone needed to maintain a pregnancy. Ovulation signals a rise in it.
tie (dogs)
part of the penis enlarges and is held in place by vaginal muscles. This happens only in dogs
pregnancy in dogs (how long)
63 days (sometimes more). Litters usually 3-12 puppies
dog parturition is called
withdrawing from mothers milk. Can be done from 6-8 weeks old.
mom's first milk--within 24 hours. Has antibodies for puppies. There are synthetic but they're not as good. Colostrum antibodies last 6-16 weeks.
Spay is the word for
ovariohysterectomy (OHE)
Neuter or castration is the term for
bringing internal outside (c-section)
Working dogs
German Shepherd, Saint Bernard
Sporting Breeds
Golden retriever, weimaraners, cocker spaniels
cairn terrier, west highland white terrier
basset hound, greyhound
toy breeds
papillon, maltese, shih tsu
boston terrier, dalmation
feline groups
VERY rare. Packs.
Male and female cats
queen and tom
cat estrus behaviors
seasonally polyestrus. Lordosis and howling.
Length of cat pregnancy
63 days
Name for cat parturition
Queening. 1-10 kittens with multiple sires can be born (multiple estrus cycles in a week or three, stimulated ovulators)
altricial young
babies are helpless when born. Dogs and Cats
precocial young
baby can see hear and find food on their own at birth. Horses and ungulates
cat fanciers association (like AKC for cats)
cat breeds
siamese, tonkinese, persian, maine coon, tabby, seal point himalayan, domestic short hair, domestic medium hair, domestic long hair
cat eating
strict carnivores
Iatrogenic disease
caused by owners, such as obesity.
bacteria carried in water sources and urine. Causes multiorgan failure and renal disease.
tiny bit of pathogen, alive (modified) or dead, to cause antibodies
dog vaccines
distemper, infectious canine hepatitis, parvovirus, parainfluenza, and rabies. In some areas, leptospirosis and Lyme disease.
cat vaccines
feline viral rhinotracheitis, calicivirus, panleukopenia, and rabies. Feline leukemia for outside cats.
Dog Distemper
nervous system. Fatal virus. Usually reaccurs. Crusting and discharge on nose/eyes. Very contagious.
infectious canine hepatitis
liver inflammation. Fever, congestion, leukopenia, prolonged bleeding.
dog parvovirus
diarrhea with characteristic smell. Dehydration. Often fatal, very contagious.
parainfluenza dog
virus. Cold symptoms.
dog and cat rabies
virus spreads by blood contamination (bite or, late stage, saliva in open wound). 1st stage no signs. Weeks sometimes later, drooling, not drinking, shy from light, disorientation (nocturnal out in day). Diagnosed by brain tissue (negri bodies--freckles in cell).
cat feline rhinotracheitis
upper respiratory disease. coughing, sneezing, nasal discharge, conjunctivitis, and sometimes fever (up to 106) and loss of appetite
cat panleukopenia
not making leukocytes. Mutation of parvo?
Feline leukemia
retrovirus, immune suppressive. Contagious. Spread by mucus, saliva, urine and blood. Can only get from another cat.
taking imges of internal parts of animal. X-Ray, CT, MRI
something that you should do
something you should not do.
upper respiratory infection
living organisms that use other organisms for food or housing
disease that can go from animal to human (not one that both can get from the same source
fungus. Dermatophyte. Round bald spot. Zoonotic
zoonotic parasite. Transmitted in soil, raw meat, cat feces.
zoonotic parasite that lives in blood. Spread by sand flies. multi-organ failure. Blood test.