Mass Comm Test 5

  1. What is cybersmears?
    Negative info organized ans presented on the internet as continuing attacks against a corporation.
  2. What is persuasion?
    The act of using argument or reasoning to influence someone to do something
  3. What is publicity?
    Uncontrolled free use of media by a public relations firm to create events and present information to capture press/public attention.
  4. Whatis crisis communication?
    A timely public relations response to a critical situation that could cause damage to a compay's reputation
  5. What is public relations?
    Cretating understanding or goodwill, toward a company, person, or product.
  6. What is the Committee on Public Information?
    Committee organized by former newspaper reporter George Creel which blurred the line between propaganda and publicity.
  7. What is the Publicity Bureau?
    The first publicity firm which openend in Boston in the 1900 to head off the growing criticism of the railroad companies.
  8. Who is Leone Baxter?
    Public relations pioneer who formed Baxter and Whitaker in San Francisco, which was the first public relations agency to specialize in political campaigns.
  9. Who is Edward Bernays?
    Wrote the first vook on public relations called Crystalizing Public Opinion.
  10. Who is George Creel?
    Former newspaper reporter who organized the Committee on Public Information.
  11. Who is Doris Fleischman?
    One of the first women in public relations, she was an early advocate of public relations as a career for women.
  12. Who is Ivy Lee?
    The besat known early practioner of public relations who began his PR career by opening an office in N.Y. with George Parker. Lee issued a Decleration of Principles which became a manifesto for early public relations companies to follow.
  13. Who is Anne WIlliams Wheaton?
    She was appointed associate press secretary by President Dwight D. Eisenhower
  14. What are the 3 ways to encourage someone to do something that you want them to do?
    Power (ruling by law or peer pressure), Patronage (bribery), and Persuassion (using argument or reasoning).
  15. What is accreditation?
    Process by which the government certifies members of the press to cover government related news events.
  16. What is agenda setting?
    The belief that journalist dont tell you what to think but what and whom to think about.
  17. What is all platform-journalist?
    Broadcast journalist who act as their own producer, cameraperson, and editor. They sometimes transmit live video.
  18. What is the Associated Press?
    Serves as the nations primary news service by constantly feeding stories to newspapers, broadcast outlets, and internet news services.
  19. What is concensus journalism?
    The tendancy of many journalist covering the same event to report simliar conclusions about the event.
  20. What is embedded?
    A term used during the Iraq war to describe journalist who were allowed to cover the war on the frontlines, while being supervised by U.S. military.
  21. What is ethnocentrism?
    The attitude that some cultural/social values are superior.
  22. What is the magic bullet theory?
    The assertion that media messages directly and measurably affect people's behavior.
  23. What are shield laws?
    Laws that protect journalist from being required to reveal confidential sources in a legal proceeding.
  24. Who is Ernie Pyle?
    The most honored print journalist during WWII because his reporting focused on the men fighting the war rather than the battle and casualties.
  25. Who is Matthew Brady?
    The nations first news photographer who used photographs during the Civial War to help report the story.
  26. Who is Edward R. Murrow?
    A radio broadcaster who told stories through the use of words.
  27. Who is Margaret Bourke-White?
    Photojournalist who photographed stories for Fortune and Time magazine.
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Mass Comm Test 5
Study guide for Mass Comm test #5