The immune system

  1. Cellular Immunity
    Phagocytes ingest foreign materials eg microbes
  2. Humoral (non cellular) immunity
    Non cellular components of blood can transfer immunity (in the serum)
  3. The Immune System
    Cells in the bone marrow, thymus and lymphatic system, spleen and blood that function to protect us.
  4. Antigen
    Anything causing an immune response.
  5. Pathogen
    Any disease causing micro organism.
  6. Tolerance
    Non reactivity of the immune system, usually refers to self but may include foreign tissue in organ transplants.
  7. Autoimmunity
    A failure of tolerance, the immune system reacts to itself.
  8. Chemokines
    Molecules released by pathogens and infected tissues to attract the cells of the immune system.
  9. Cytokines
    Signalling molecules released by a cell to cause a response in another cell.
  10. Innate immunity
    Protection that is always present. Includes phagocytic macrophages and dendritic cells.
  11. Adaptive immunity
    Protection that arises by an immune response, including humoral immunity producing antibodies and cellular immunity.
  12. Innate Immunity is:
    (6 points)
    • -Present in vertebrates
    • -non specific
    • -immediate
    • -cellular and humoral
    • -no memory
    • -receptors directly encoded in DNA
  13. Adaptive Immunity is:
    (6 points)
    • -absent in invertebrates
    • -specific (targets specific pathogen)
    • -delayed response (5-7 days)
    • -cellular and humoral
    • -memory: response faster/improved on second exposure
    • -receptors produced by DNA rearrangement in developing cells
Card Set
The immune system
Basics of Immune System