Biomes and aquatics

  1. what is the nutrients like in lakes and ponds?
    seasonal variation, variation by zone
  2. Compare the water depth of lakes and ponds
    lake varies but generally deep compared to ponds
  3. light availablility in lakes and ponds?
    only in photic zone
  4. What isthe water movement in lake and ponds?
    • Process: seasonal turnover
    • factors: wind, temperature
  5. What are the different kinds of wetlands?
    • bog vegetation: specialized;
    • marsh: non-woody
    • swamp: shrubs and trees
  6. Describe the nutrients in the wetlands.
    • low nutrient and low oxgen in bogs and it is acidic
    • nutrient and oxgyen rich in marshes and swamps
  7. water depth in wetlands?
    little standing water in bog; shallow in marsh and swamps
  8. light availibility in wetlands?
    N/A for bogs, penetrates to bottom for marshes, pentrates to bottom where canopy is permitted for swamps
  9. what is the water movement like for the wetlands?
    bogs are stagnant, no movement; slow moving and unidirectional for marshes; slow moving for swamps
  10. what is the nutrients like in estuaries?
    high nutrients, high oxgen
  11. what is the water depth like in estuaries?
    generally shallow but varies with flow
  12. light availiability in estuaries, streams and rivers?
    penetrates to bottom
  13. what is the water movement of estuaries:
    moves in two directions, tidal changes, river/stream flow
  14. what are the nutrient level like in streams and rivers?
    depends on flow rate, fast moving: low nutrients, low oxgyen; slow moving: high nutrients, high oxgyen
  15. what is the water depth of streams and rivers?
  16. what is the water movement of streams and rivers?
    varies, unidirectional, change in elevation, temperature gradient from start to finish.
  17. nutrient level in oceans
    varies depending on zone
  18. water depth and light availability in ocean
    deep, only in photic zone
  19. water movement in ocean
    depends on location, tidal upwelling, temperature, water currents, air currents
  20. What is the AT and TV for tropical wet forests?
    high average temp, very low variation
  21. average precipitation and precipiation variation in wet forests?
    very high, high
  22. diveristy in wet forests?
    very diverse, exploit many different niches
  23. desert?
    • avg temp high, moderate vartiation
    • avg p, very low, low variation
  24. acitivity in desert?
    30 north and south, a lot of vartaion in acitivty, trigger is precipitation, takes advantage of temporal nature. intense response to rain
  25. Temperate grasslands?
    • Avg temp: moderate, moderate temp variation
    • low p, moderate p variation
  26. Can trees be successful in grasslands? why?
    too dry for trees to be successful; trees can't be estabished, becuse carbon needs to be stored below graound, trees dont' do that in time of fire
  27. temperate forests?
    moderate avg temp and temp variation, modeate avg p and low p variation
  28. productivity of temperate forests?
    shift of grass to trees of lower productivity than tropical forests
  29. boreal forests?
    low avg temp, very high temp varation; low avg p and p variation
  30. acitvty of boreal forests? location?
    subartic lands south of artic circle; low productivity, slow and steady process of growth, consistent level of acitivity
  31. Tundra?
    very low temp, high temp variarion, very low p, low p variation
  32. tundra acitivty?
    not covered with ice, trees not in this biome, low line taking advantage of the microclimate as you get lower to the gorund, average very low temperatures
Card Set
Biomes and aquatics