Ch10 Motivation & Emotion

  1. Motivations
    the force that moves ppl to behave, think, and feel the way they do
  2. Instinct
    an innate (unlearned) biological pattern of behavior that is assumed to be universal throughout a species
  3. Drive
    An arousal state that occurs because of a physiological need
  4. Need
    a deprivation that energizes the drive to eliminate or reduce the deprivation
  5. Homeostasis
    the bodys tendency to maintain an equilibrium, or steady state
  6. Yerkes-Dodson Law
    the psychological principle stating that performance is best under conditions of moderate arousal rather than either low or high arousal
  7. Overlearning
    Learning to perform a task so well that it becomes automatic
  8. Set Point
    the wight maintained when the individual makes no effort to gain or lose weight
  9. Anorexia Nervosa
    eating disorder that involves the relentless pusuit of thinness through starvation
  10. Bulumias Nervosa
    eating disorder in which an individual (female usually) consistently follows a binge and purge eating pattern
  11. Binge Eating Disorder (B.E.D)
    eating disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of consuming large amounts of food during which the persons feels a lack of control over eating
  12. Hierchy of Needs
    Maslow's theory that human needs must be satisfied in the following sequence; physiological needs, safety love and belongingness, esteem, and self-actualization
  13. Self-Actualization
    the motivatio to develop ones full potential s a human being-the highest and most elusive of Maslow's porposed needs
  14. Self-Determination Theory
    Deci and Ryans theory asserting that all humans have three basic, innate organismic needs: competence, relatedness, and autonomy
  15. Intrinsic Motivation
    motivation based on internal factors such as organismic needs (competence, relatedness, and autonomy), aswell as curiousity, challenge and fun
  16. Extrinsic Motivation
    motivation that involevs external incentives such as rewards and punishments
  17. Self-Regulation
    The process by which an organism effortfully controls behavior in order to pursue important objectives
  18. Emotion
    Feeling or affect, that can involve physiological arousal(such as fast heartbeat), conscious experience (thinking about being in love with someone) and behavioral expression (a smile or grimace)
  19. Polygraph
    A machine, commonly called a lie detector, that monitor changes in the body, used to determine whether someone is lying
  20. James-Lang Theory
    the theory that emtion results from physiological states triggered by stimuli in the enviornment
  21. Cannn-Bard Theory
    the proposition that emtion and physiological reactions occur simultaneously
  22. 2-Factor Theory of Emotion
    Schachter and Singers theory that emtion is determined by 2 factors: physiological arousal and cognitive labeling
  23. Facial Feedback Hypothesis
    the idea that facial expressions can influence emotions as well as reflect them
  24. Display Rules
    sociocultural standards that determine when, where and how emotions should be expressed
  25. Negative Affect
    Unpleasant emotions such as anger, guilt and sadness
  26. Positive Affect
    pleasant emotions such as joy, happiness, and interest
  27. Broaden and Build Model
    Fredrickson's model of positive emotion, stating that the function of positive emotions lies in their effects on an individuals attention and ability to build resources
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Ch10 Motivation & Emotion
Motivations & Emotions