What was the Ionian Revolt?
The Ionians were under the Persian Empire, lead by Cyrus the Great, and faught to gain their independence, which didn;t work. This revolt led to the Persian War.
Describe the Battle of Marathon
Marathon is a beeach of 26miles NE of Athens. Militades sent 9,000 Greeks to fight. Athens fought alone because Sparta didn't help. Greak defeated King Darius, the father of Xerxes. A runner was sent to tell Athens "we have won" and his heart exploded.
How/why did Themistocles trick Athens?
Themistocles tricked Athens intp buying 200 Triremes to fight Ageina
Describe the Battle of Thermopylae
The Persians, led by Xerxes won the battle. Were blocked by an impassible mountain by sea. King Leonidas took 300 Spartans and 5,000 allies. Spartans hold Xerxes for 5 days, which Xerxes then sends in immortals. Leonidas sends everyone back except his 300 men and 700 thespains
Describe the Battle of Salamis
Between the Greeks and the Persians. Greeks took advantage of the nnarrow areas of the sea. The attle was led by Themistocles. Greece was able to defeat Persia and insure that democracy would be the way they were goverend.
Believe you can't learn about the woulrd through your senses because your sense are inaccurate. i.g. "Eyes and ears are bad witnesses if the soul is without understanding." "you cannot step into the same river twove."
From Ionia. Believes the mind moves the matter. Challegenes the belief in gods in Athens
Reality never changes, your senses belive the temperature or seasons have changed
Believe and proves that reallity never chnages and motion is an illusion. Achilles and the tortoise
The world must be made up of many things
Said only the fittest (best combonations) experiments survied i.g. snakes with wings, hourses with a pigs head, humans with guils.
Atomic theory: tiny invisible atoms make up everything
Virtue and excellence= knowledge
"man is the measure of all things"
Said "arete is knowledge" and "vice is the result of ignorance". Hates sophists. Believed concepts such as justice, love, and courgae must be defined.
Severe Style
serenely calm facial expressions
High Classical Style
i.g. zenith of ancient art
Wet Drappery Style
Shows women;s forms without depicting the naked
Lord Elgin
British man who stole sculptors from Greece which were a part of a pedimen. Marble is now named after him. "Elgin Marble"
Most famouse Athenian sculptor of the Classical period.
Leader of Athens who was elected every year. It was his idea to rebuild the Acropolis
- acro= high: polis= city-state
- high city made of simple large coulmns
Tomb of the Diver
Painted by Polvgnotus. Represents the individual and attempts to express depth and realism
Blinding of Polyphemus
Tells the story of a cyclops being defeated. Polvgnotus' influence. Displays different base lines and attempts greater realsim
White'background technique
A flask whose background is painted white. Is kept in tombs
The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus
Tomb build for King Mauslus. Was built under the order of the Queen, his sister-wife, Arthmisia, who was broken hearted by his death. The tomb was damaged by an earthquake and later destroyed by the Crusaders. The temple was made of white marble
Late Classical Style
Negativity arises because Greece is losing the Persian war. Woman no longer show off their figure, instead they wear amore over their dresses.
Fought at the Battle of Marathon. Known for Oresteia and known as the "father of tragedy". He added a second actor and a chorus
i.g. wife and mother of two boys kills her husband, and takes his brother as her lover. The boys find out that their mother murdered their father and kills her. The boys are put on trial but are later found not guilty by Athena
Greeks though about fath and how much free will you have..
Believd philosophers were at the top of the pyramid, and that they hold all of the knowldge, therefore they hold the power. Had three theories: The apology, the republic, and realm of the perfect forms.
The Apology- explains why he'd rather choose death over exile. He's a citizen who has to aby by the laws. He belives it's either the end of life or a beginning of a new life
Realm of Perfect Forms
Stories with gods with flaws are false or unreal because God if perfect. There is only one God
Allegory of the Cave
People are chained in a dark cave (their reality) and all of their knowledge is what they can comprehend by shadows on the caves' wall. Their light is fire and their reality is 2-demintional. One person is freed and allowd the explore this new reality and later is told to go back into the cave and explain to everone that their reality is fake. Trials to being a philosopher.
The Republic
Plato is anti'democracy because the people killed Sacrotes. Believe that not all people should be equal. slaves-> workers-> philosophers
A student of Plato who later mentors Alexander the Great.
The Mean
Aristotle believed everything exists as a "mean". The opposite of bravery is cowardness, but the opposite of cowardness is pure blood thirst. The "mean" is bravery.
Prime Mover
Aristolte said everything is in the state of motion. seed->flower.
the truth lies in logos. It is order, word, or reason. i.g. God, in Gods will, Gods order.