youcat 47 words

  1. we can understand religion generally to mean a
    relationship to what is divine. A religious person acknowledges something
    divine as the power that created him and the world, on which he is dependent
    and to which he is ordered. He wants to please and honor the Divinity by his
    way of life.
  2. 1.
    Revelation means that God opens himself, shows
    himself, and speaks to the world voluntarily.
  3. 1.
    (from the Latin caro, carnis= flesh, “becoming
    flesh”) God’s act of becoming man in Jesus Christ. This is the foundation of
    Christian faith and of hope for the redemption of mankind.
  4. 1.
    (from Latin mission= sending) Mission is the
    essence of the Church and Jesus’ mandate to all Christians to proclaim the Gospel
    in word and deed, so that all men can freely make a decision for Christ.
  5. 1.
    (from the Greek apostolos= messenger, envoy) in
    the New Testament initially the term for the twelve men who were called by
    Jesus to ne his closest collaborators and witnesses. Paul, too, was privileged to
    consider himself an apostle called by Christ.
  6. 1.
    (from Latin magister= teacher) term for the
    mandate of the Catholic Church to present the faith, to interpret it with the
    aid of the Holy Spirit and to protect it from falsifications.
  7. 1.
    (Latin inspiratio= inbreathing) God’s influence
    on the human writers of the Bible, so that he himself should be regarded as the
    author of the Sacred Scriptures.
  8. 1.
    (Greek kanon= measuring rod, rule, norm) the
    authoritative collection of Sacred Scriptures in the Old and New Testaments of
    the Bible.
  9. 1.
    “Bible” (Latin biblia= scrolls, books) is what Jews
    and Christians call a collection of Sacred Scriptures that came into being over
    a period of more than one thousand years and is for them the charter of their
    faith. The Christian Bible is considerably more extensive than the Jewish
    bible, because besides their Scriptures it also contains the four Gospels, the
    letters of St. Paul, and other writings of the early Church.
  10. 1.
    (Latin testamentum= covenant, will) the first
    part of the complete Bible and the Sacred Scriptures of the Jews. The Old
    Testament of the Catholic Church includes 46 books: historical writings,
    prophetical writings, and wisdom literature, with the Psalms.
    old testament
  11. 1.
    the second part of the complete bible. It contains
    the specifically Christian texts, namely, the Gospels, the Acts of the
    Apostles, 14 letters written by Paul, 7 Catholic letters, and Revelation.
    new testament
  12. 1.
    (from the Latin credo= I believe) the first word
    of the Apostles’ Creed became the name for various formulas of the Church’s
    profession of faith, in which the essential contents of the faith are
    authoritatively summarized.
  13. 1.
    (from Greek monos= only and Theos= God, doctrine
    about the existence of only 1 God) the teaching that God is a unique, absolute,
    and personal being the ultimate found of everything. Monotheistic religions are
    Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
  14. 1.
    the most important name of God in the Old
    Testament (Ex 3:14). It can be translated “I am who I am.” For Jews as well as
    for Christians, it designates the one God of the whole world, their creator,
    preserver, covenant partner, liberator from slavery in Egypt, judge, and
    YHWH/ yahweh
  15. 1.
    (Latin trinitas= the state of being threefold)
    God is only one, but he exists in three persons. The fact that in English we
    have two terms, the Tribune God and the Trinity for the same reality (one
    emphasizes God’s unity, the other the distinction of persons in him) is an indication
    if the unfathomable mystery of the Trinity.
  16. 1.
    (Latin evolutio= unfolding, development) the
    growth of the final form of organisms over millions of years. Viewed from a
    Christian perspective, evolution takes place as God’s continuous creation in
    natural processes.
  17. 1.
    (from Latin creation= making, producing) the
    idea that God himself by his direct action created the world all at once, as if
    the book of Genesis were an eyewitness account.
  18. 1.
    (Greek= origin, beginning) the first book of the
    Bible which describes, among other things, the creation of the world and of
  19. in
    the roman catacombs we find an ancient Christian secret sign that was a profession
    of faith in Christ: the word ICHTHYS (=fish). If you spell the word out, each
    letter serves as the beginning of the Greek words Iesous, Christos, THeou, (=of
    God) hYious (=Son), and Soter (=savior). ICHTHYS ZONTON means: Fish of Life.
  20. (Greek
    mysterion= secret) a mystery is a reality ( or one aspect of a reality) that in
    principle eludes rational knowledge
  21. (Latin
    passio= sickness, suffering) term designating for Christ’s suffering
  22. 1.
    (Greek= personal presence) Christ’s second
    coming at the Last Judgment
  23. 1.
    from the Greek charis= gift, grace, favor,
    charm) a name for the gratuitous gift of the Holy Spirit as they are described
    for example in 1 Corinthians 12:6ff.: the gift of healing, miraculous powers,
    prophecy, speaking in tongues, and the gift of interpreting them, wisdom,
    knowledge, firmness in faith, and so on. Also included are the seven gifts of
    the Holy Spirit.
  24. 1.
    (From Greek pentecoste= “the 50th”
    day after Easter) originally celebrated on which Israel celebrated the establishment
    of the covenant with God on Mount Sinai. Through the Pentecost event in
    Jerusalem, it became for Christians the feast of the Holy Spirit.
  25. 1.
    Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,
    faithfulness, gentleness, self-control
    fruits of the Holy Spirit
  26. 1.
    according to Gal 5:19, these include: immorality,
    impurity, licentiousness, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, anger,
    selfishness, dissension, division, envy, drunkenness, carousing and the like.
    the works of the flesh
  27. 1.
    (from the Greek kyriake= belonging to the Lord)
    consists of those called together from all nations (from Greek ex kealeo, ekklesia)
    who through the Baptism belong to the Body of Christ
  28. 1.
    Many Christian communities on earth call
    themselves churches. According to the Catholics understanding, only those in
    which the sacraments of Jesus Christ have been preserved in their entity have
    remained “Church”. This is true especially of the Orthodox and Eastern Churches.
    In the ecclesial communities that resulted from the Protestant Reformation, all
    the sacraments have not been preserved.
    Churches and ecclesial communities
  29. 1.
    (from Greek oikumere= the inhabited earth, the
    globe) efforts to unify divided Christians
  30. 1.
    the most essential attribute of God. In Latin
    there is a word, fanum, for what is divine, pure, and set apart from profane,
    everyday things. God is the totally Other, the Holy One of Israel; Jesus comes
    into the world as the Holy One of God. In him we can see what holiness is: to
    love unconditionally and mercifully, in a helping and healing way, up to
    perfection in the Cross and Resurrection.
  31. 1.
    the right of every man to follow his conscience
    in choosing and practicing his religion. Acknowledgement of religious freedom
    is not saying that all religions are equal or equally true.
    religious freedom
  32. 1.
    (Greek apostolos= someone sent, messenger) the
    names of the twelve apostles are these: first Simon, who is called peter, and Andrew
    his brother; James the son of Zebedee, and john his brother; Philip and
    Bartholomew; Thomas and Matthew the tax collector; James the son of Alpheus,
    and Thaddeus; Simon the Cananaean, and Judas Iscariot who betrayed him.
    twelve apostles
  33. 1.
    (Latin successio= sequence, appointment of a
    replacement) the unbroken series of bishops since the apostles, their
    successors in the episcopal ministry. As Jesus conferred his authority on his
    apostles, so it is passed on since e from bishop to bishop through the imposition
    of hands and prayer, until the Lord comes again
    appostolic succession
  34. 1.
    (from Greek laos= people) the common state of
    life in the Church: baptized non-ordained Christians who belong to the People of
  35. (from
    Greek kleroi= share or inheritance) the state of ordained men in the Church.
  36. 1.
    (from Greek hieros and arche= holy origin) the
    graduated structure of the Church under Christ, from whom all power and authority
  37. 1.
    (from Greek pappas= father) successor of the
    apostle Peter, Bishop of Rome. Because peter was first among the apostles, the
    Pope, as his successor, presides over the college of bishops. As Christ’s Vicar
    of representative, he is the supreme pastor, priest and teacher of the Church.
  38. 1.
    (from Greek episkopein= to supervise) successor
    of the apostles; leader of a diocese (local church); as a member of the college
    of bishops, under the leadership of the Pope, the bishop has a share in the responsibility
    for the universal Church.
  39. 1.
    (from Greek presbyteros= elder) co-worker with
    the bishop in proclaiming the gospel and administering the sacraments. He
    carries out his ministry in communion with the other priests, under the leadership
    of the bishop.
  40. 1.
    (Greek diakonos= servant, helper) he is ordained
    for the ministry (diakonia) of the word, the liturgy, and charitable works. His
    ordination includes the authority to baptize, to preach at Mass, and to preside
    at the sacrament of Matrimony.
  41. 1.
    From the Very beginning, the Christian community
    in Rome was regarded as the greatest and most ancient church known to all,
    founded and organized at Rome by the two most glorious apostles, Peter and
    Paul. With this Church, because of her superior origin, all Churches must
    agree, that is, all the faithful in the whole world; and it is in her that the
    faithful everywhere have maintained the tradition of the apostles. The fact
    that both apostles suffered martyrdom in Rome lent additional significance to
    the Roman community
  42. 1.
    ( Greek oikumeme= the entire inhabited world)
    assembly of the Catholic bishops from all over the world; not to be confused
    with ecumenism in the sense of efforts to bring about unity among Christians
    ecumenical council
  43. 1.
    (Greek dogma= opinion, decision, doctrine) an article
    of faith proclaimed by a Council or the Pope as divine revelation contained in
    Scripture and Tradition.
  44. 1.
    (Latin= from the chair, symbol of teaching
    authority) this technical expression designates the special cade of an infallible
    magisterial decision of the Pope.
    ex cathedra
  45. 1.
    poverty, unmarried chastity and obedience are
    the counsels given in the Gospel for imitating Jesus.
    evangelical counsels
  46. 1.
    the so-called particular or personal judgment
    occurs at the death of the individual. The last or general judgment occurs on
    the last day, at the end of the world, when the lord comes again.
  47. 1.
    The word amen (From Hebrew aman= to be
    steadfast, trustworthy) is used in the Old Testament most often in the sense of
    so be it to reaffirm one’s desire for God to act or to join in the praise of
    God. In the New Testament it is commonly the affirmative concluding word of a
    prayer. Most often, however, Jesus himself uses it as an otherwise unusual
    introduction to a speech. It underscores the authority of his words.
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youcat 47 words
youcat 47 words