- (-)RNA, Helical Capsid
- Rabies
- - infection by animal bites
- - invariably fatal without treatment
- encephalitis
- hydrophobia
- neural degeneration
- coma and death
- anti-rabies Ab
- The long incubation time allows immunization to generate antibody responses as a post-exposure treatment
- Filo = “threadlike”
- Ebola virus
- Marburg virus
- Deadly hemorrhagic fever(60-90% fatality)
- Contact with infected monkeys/humans or their tissues, secretions, or body fluids
- (-)RNA, envelope
- Envelope glycoproteins
- Fusion protein ->syncytia
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
- bronchiolitis/pneumonia
- (1st cause in infants)
- Paramyxo((-)RNA, envelope)
- (1-4)
- bronchiolitis/pneumonia
- (2nd cause in infants)
- Paramyxo((-)RNA, envelope)
- pneumonia Koplik’s spot (oral)
- encephalitis rash
- Vaccine : MMR
- Highly contagious
- Inhalation of respiratory droplet
- Enters via oropharynx
- systemic infection spread by viremia
- Koplik’s spot - Small (1-2 mm), red spots with white speck in the center
- Highly contagious, one major childhood disease
- Complications
- Pneumonia – very common (bacterial superinfection), 60% of deaths
- Encephalitis – 1/1000, can cause deafness and mental retardation
- Subacute sclerosing pan encephalitis (SSPE) – 1/3x105 , fatal
- Giant cell pneumonia – in immuno-deficient children, often fatal
- opt-out laws has lead to super-bowl outbreak
- Paramyxo((-)RNA, envelope)
- virus
- Parotitis
- (salivary gland)
- Vaccine : MMR
- Inhalation of droplets
- Enters via pharynx
- Systemic spread by viremia
- Inflammation for symptoms
- 30%-40% produce typical acute parotitis
- CNS involvement (50%) meningitis
- may be associated with onset of juvenile diabetes
- Orchitis (testicular inflammation, 50%)
- severe in adolescent and adult males, rarely cause sterility
- Deafness, death
- 2006 outbreak, 6k in 45 states Midwestern college
- 2009 outbreak 3500 in NY/NJ
Arenavirus (2)
- segmented (-)RNA
- Rodents
- Lass Fever hemorrhagic
- LCMV (Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus)-rodent breeding/pet owners
Bunyavirus (3)
- segmented (-)RNA
- Arbovirus
- mosquitos, rodents
- Hantavirus rodents, hemorrhagic fevers, pulmonary syndrome
Orthomyxovirus (8)
- segmented (-)RNA
- humans, birds, pigs
- influenza A(mammals and birds), B and C (mammals)
- HA-hemagglutinin
- NA-neuraminidase
- 8 RNA segments
Mixing RNA genomes of 2 similar viruses which infect same cell
- Enveloped
- (-) RNA but produce DNA (reverse transcription)
- Not segmented, but 2 copies of single-stranded RNA (same coding information)
Lentivirinae Family
- Retro
- AIDS (immunosuppression)
- Human Immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
- Retro
- CD4+ T cells
- Adult T-cell leukemia (cancers)
- Human T-cell leukemia virus (HTLV)
- Retro
- no disease
- Human foamy virus
- Rotavirus
- segmented dsRNA
- non-enveloped
- double-layered capsid
- major cause of GE in infants/children
- dehydration (600,000 deaths worldwide)
- Malabsorbtion
- Viral toxin NSP4-induce secretion