BCA Chapter 1

  1. Access
    The Office database application.
  2. Alt Key
    Used with an access key to display a menu.
  3. Click
    Pressing the left mouse button and releasing it quickly.
  4. Contextual Tab
    A tab added to the Ribbon for certain activities.
  5. Excel
    The Office spreadsheet application.
  6. File Name
    A unique name for a file.
  7. Keyboard
    Used to enter text and numeric data.
  8. Menu
    A list of commands.
  9. Menu Bar
    A row of menu names.
  10. Publisher
    The Office desktop publishing application.
  11. PowerPoint
    The Office presentation application
  12. PDF
    File format which preserves all document formatting
  13. Outlook
    The Office e-mail client
  14. Navigation Pane
    The mail window pane that lists folders to the computer's memory, which displays it in a window.
  15. Message Header
    The portion of an e-mail mesage containing teh subject, recipients, and sender of the message.
  16. Identity Theft
    A crime that seeks to obtain confidential information in order to rob and unsuspecting individual of his or her indentity.
  17. Extension
    Indicates the file type and is used by the application to recognize files.
  18. Command Button
    An element in a dialog box that intiates an action when clicked. More commonly called button.
  19. Access Key
    A key that is indicated by the underlined character in a command.
  20. Quick Access Toolbar
    A group of buttons for executing commands.
  21. POP3 server
    An e-mail server used for incoming mail.
  22. Pointing stick
    A pointing device that is sometimes found on a notebook computer.
  23. Point
    Sliding the mouse until the pointer is positioned on an object.
  24. Phising
    An e-mail security threat involving online fraud and identity theft.
  25. Pharming
    An e-mail security threat involving online fraud and identity theft.
  26. Overwrite
    The process of replacing an existing file with one that contains changes.
  27. Option button
    An element in a dialog box that allows the user to choose from a set of options.
  28. Opening a file
    Transferring a copy of the file contents to the computer/s memory, which displays it in a window.
  29. Native format
    The format that an application normally uses for saving a file.
  30. Mouse
    An input device that is used to select commands and respond to application prompts.
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BCA Chapter 1
Office Basics