Exam I Review

  1. plaintiff
    the party who begins a lawsuit by filing a complaint in the appropriate form
  2. defendant
    the party against whom a lawsuit is brought and from whom recovery is sought
  3. ordinance
    a law that is passed by a losal govt., such as a city council
  4. jurisdiction
    the authority of a court, as granted by a constitution or legislative act, to hear and decide cases
  5. ethics
    the philosophical study of what is right and wrong, good or bad
  6. morals
    beliefs about behaviour as judged by society
  7. values
    beliefs or standards considered worthwhile, and from which a society derives its moral rules
  8. code of ethics
    a set of rules that a company or other group adopts to express principles of ethical behavior that are expected of its personnel
  9. whistleblower
    an employee who disclosures to the govt, media, or upper management that the company is involved in wrongful or illegal activities
  10. treason
    the levying of war against the U.S., or the giving of aid and comfort to the mations enemies
  11. felony
    a crime punishable by death or imprisonment in a federal or state prison for a term exceeding one year
  12. misdemeanor
    a less serious crimes that is generally punishable by a fine and or prison sentence of not more than one year
  13. tort
    a private wrong that injures another perso's physical well-being, property, or reputation
  14. defamation
    the harming of a persons reputation and good name by the communication of false statement
  15. negligence
    the failure to exercise necessary care to protect others from unreasonable risk of harm
  16. liable
    being judged legally responsible
  17. administrative hearing
    a trial-like judicial proceeding, without a jury, in which an administrative agency rules on matters of the law that the agency is charged with enforcing
  18. arson
    the willful or malicious act of causing the burning of another's property
  19. bribery
    the act of offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting something of calue to influence official action nor the discharge of a public duty
  20. identify the 3 major classifications of crimes
    treason, felony, misdemeanor
  21. ex of misdemeanor case
    traffic offense, PI, shoplifting
  22. ex of action that can be a tort and a crime
    car accident
  23. ex of felonies
    murder, arson, larceny
  24. example of forgery
    falsifying a check
  25. explain the 2 common defense charges of defamation
    truth and priviledge
  26. 3 branches of govt
    legislative, executive, judicial
Card Set
Exam I Review
Business Law