era 153

  1. Cohen’s D
    • Provides an effect size measure for the independent t-test.
    • It indicates the practical importance of a statistically significant t.
  2. Confidence Interval of the Difference
    • An interval that estimates the difference between the
    • populations means represented by two samples in an independent t-test.
  3. Correlational
    • The term used to define a research design in which there are
    • no treatment and control groups.

    Correlational studies are also called nonexperimental.
  4. Estimated Standard Error of the Mean
    • This estimates the standard deviation of the sample means in the distribution of sample means.
    • Determined by dividing the sample standard deviation by the square root of the number in the sample, it is a measure of data variability in the t-tests.
    • This is abbreviated SEm
  5. Experimental
    The term used to define a research design in which the subjects are randomly assigned to multiple groups.
  6. Independent T-test
    A test used to determine whether two independent samples are likely drawn from populations with the same mean.
  7. Nonexperimental
    • The term used to define a research design in which there are no treatment and control groups.
    • Nonexperimental studies are also called correlational.
  8. Omega-Squared
    This is an effect size measure for the t-test and for analysis of variance. It indicates how much of the variance in the dependent variable can be explained by manipulating the independent.
  9. One Sample T Test
    • A test that determines whether a sample is likely to have been drawn from a specified population.
    • Unlike the z-test, it requires no population standard deviation.
  10. One tailed
    • A test in which the direction of the significant difference is predicted.
    • for example, in t-test, one predicts that the mean of group 1 will be significantly greater, or lesser than the mean of group 2, rather than just significantly different from it.
  11. Quasi-Experimental
    The term used to define a research design in which there are multiple groups but no random assignment.
  12. Standard Error of the Difference
    • The statistic in which the within group's variability is pooled from both samples in an independent t-test.
    • It is abbreviated SEd
  13. Before/After T-Test
    Rather than separate groups that the independent-t test test employs, the same group is measured twice, once before the treatment and then after.
  14. Two tailed statistical test
    • A test in which the only important factor is whether the test statistic is extreme enough that it is not likely to have occured by chance.
    • Whether the test statistic is positive or negative does not matter.
Card Set
era 153
era fresno state 153 ch 6