History of Modern Movement II

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    • Guild House
    • Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown
    • Philly, PA
    • 1964
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    • Vanna Venturi House
    • Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown
    • Philly, PA
    • 1964
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    • Trubeck & Wislocki Houses
    • Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown
    • Nantucket, MA
    • 1971
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    • Learning From Las Vegas
    • Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown
    • book
    • 1972
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    • Franklin Court
    • Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown
    • Philly, PA
    • 1976
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    • Flint House
    • Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown
    • Delaware
    • 1978
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    • Gordon Wu Hall
    • Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown
    • Priceton University, Princeton, NJ
    • 1983
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    • Sainsbury Wing, National Gallery
    • Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown
    • London, England
    • 1991
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    • AT&T Building
    • Philip Johnson
    • New York, NY
    • 1979-84
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    • House VI - Frank Residence
    • Peter Eisenman
    • Cornwall, CT
    • 1972
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    • Wexner Center
    • Peter Eisenman
    • Columbus, OH
    • 1989
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    • Gwathmey House
    • Charles Gwathmey
    • Long Island, NY
    • 1965
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    • de Menil Residence
    • Charles Gwathmey
    • East Hampton, NY
    • 1983
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    • Guggenheim Museum Addition
    • Charles Gwathmey
    • New York, NY
    • 1992
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    • Princeton University Physics Building
    • Charles Gwathmey
    • Princeton, NJ
    • 1996
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    • Kreuzberg Tower
    • John Hejduk
    • Berlin, Germany
    • 1988
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    • Wall House II
    • John Hejduk
    • Groningen, Netherlands
    • 2001
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    • Smith House
    • Richard Meier
    • Darien, CT
    • 1965-67
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    • Douglas House
    • Richard Meier
    • Harbor Springs, MI
    • 1973
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    • Athanaeum
    • Richard Meier
    • New Harmony, Indiana
    • 1979
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    • High Museum of Art
    • Richard Meier
    • Atlanta, GA
    • 1983
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    • Kunsthandwerk Museum
    • Richard Meier
    • Frankfurt, Germany
    • 1985
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    • Jubilee Church
    • Richard Meier
    • Rome, Italy
    • 2003
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    • Benacerraf House
    • Michael Graves
    • Princeton, NJ
    • 1969
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    • Plocek House
    • Michael Graves
    • Warren, NJ
    • 1977
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    • Humana Building
    • Michael Graves
    • Louisville, Kentucy
    • 1982
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    • Portland Building
    • Michael Graves
    • Portland, Oregon
    • 1982
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    • Bryan Hall, Univerity of Virginia
    • Michael Graves
    • Charlottesville, VA
    • 1987
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    • Dolphin and Swan Hotels
    • Michael Graves
    • Disney World, Orlando, Florida
    • 1987
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    • Sea Ranch
    • Charles Moore
    • California
    • 1963
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    • Faculty Club, University of California
    • Charles Moore
    • Santa Barbara, CA
    • 1968
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History of Modern Movement II